View Full Version : AO Typing Classes

08-22-2001, 12:42 PM
ok, i dont mean to put anybody down, and nor do i direct any of my comments at certain people. I see that some of the members here on AO are horrible typers or are purposely making themselves look like it. I'm not sure. In my mind i read some posts and by the looks of some it seems like some people have trouble typing a 2 sentence post, and misspell every other word, sometimes i have to guess the words. now i know people have typo's, and some have more typos then others. I occasionally do. But some of you people type like your fingers are glued together. Is there a secret "Ebonics" language i should know about? You people know, and you probably dont care. I think it gives a bad image, like we got a few 3rd. graders in the forums. If you have problems, take the Extra 2 minutes to Proof-read and give your post a descent appearance. Now im not telling people to go and spend time on a typing course, but how hard is typing? it may take a few minutes, but its not like cursive or handwriting. it is easy but time consuming.
Now, remember i am not pointing out individual's names, but all im saying is: if you type like you got webbed fingers, work on your typing. its not hard.
If you play with a 'mag, and you got a descent trigger finger, whats stopping you from typing correctly?

"It takes a man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at him."

micromag s/n 003554
need a pic?- http://www.geocities.com/unblood/Paintball.html

08-22-2001, 01:04 PM
I didn't even proofread your post, because right off the bat I saw 12 instances of the letter "I" being lowercase when it should have been capitilized. If you are going to complain about the typing skills of others, work on your own typing/grammar skills first.

But why let it bother you? I'm an English major, so trust me, I notice twice as many grammatical issues and such as you do, but I realize that people aren't writing a thesis here, so I let them slide. I'm sure I make a decent amount of typos myself. When I start pointing out the mistakes of others, then my own are inevitably going to be thrown back in my face, as you have just found out. Face it, no one speaks perfect English. I'd ridicule anyone who claimed he was capable of it. I could stump any member of AO in a spelling bee, or with a grammatical question, and I'm sure there are people around here who could stump me. My advice is not to be so picky.

To all those out there who need to learn how to type properly, remember, hukt on fonix wurkt four me!

CamoSplashed MiniMag
S/N MM12913
Clear AGD Warp Feed
14" SP AA

Lots of stuff coming...

08-22-2001, 01:14 PM
yeah, I know what you mean. for the last 2 years I have been the head student in my english class. I know there are grammer mistakes and punctuation mistakes, but spelling is much more important then punctuation. Face it. You have to be able to read the other person's typing. If you cant read it, what does punctuation count for?

im not sure where i saw it, but somebody spelled AutoMag "ottomag".

Get real. how hard is it to spell Automag? There are 10 and 11 Yr. olds in this forum and they can spell just as good as anybody, excuse occasional Typos and grammar/punctuation mistakes.

"It takes a man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at him."

micromag s/n 003554
need a pic?- http://www.geocities.com/unblood/Paintball.html

08-22-2001, 02:49 PM
pet peeve: IT'S THAN NOT THEN



Intricate are you among the masses.... PAX217

08-22-2001, 02:51 PM
It's also "Just as well as anyone" not "Just as good as anyone", but like I said, I'm not picky. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-22-2001, 02:59 PM
Hey micro mag if your gonna type a few paragraphs, why not learn to indent? It may help us. If your going to critique us, you may as well live up to your standards.

thank you,

you ever notice how elves do everyting???

08-22-2001, 03:06 PM
This poor guy could get eaten alive. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

I understand where you're coming from, but some of us are just lazy when it comes to typing correctly and grammar usage and speling korrectly and not making run-on sentences and just wanting to post casually not like we are in an English class.

08-22-2001, 07:38 PM
Ok, now. I posted this so maybe a few people could understand what I am trying to say. I think people should spell correctly when they're typing. I am not saying you have to have high standards, and I know we are not in English class. What I'm trying to say is type the words out so I, or anybody, can understand it. You dont have to indent, you dont need correct punctuation. I just think we should type so we can read without having to second guess words.
If you are going to post, dont rip on me. If you are against what I'm saying, post it.
I do not care if anybody is against my opinion, just don't start harping on me.

And MagMan, try indenting on these boards. I tried and it don't work, FYI.

"It takes a man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at him."

micromag s/n 003554
need a pic?- http://www.geocities.com/unblood/Paintball.html

[This message has been edited by Micromag5371 (edited 08-22-2001).]

08-22-2001, 08:55 PM
jah, wel i hat et tu wen peple typ lik dis end et boogs muh tu.

08-24-2001, 11:51 PM
i need to get some cuz i type really fast but not the professional way. I am to lazy to hit spell check so i end up with lots of typos.

08-24-2001, 11:55 PM
you know wut(yup mispelled) get over it! get a life and write sumthin interstin.