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Thread: A High-End AGD Barrel Is Needed...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Esparto, CA

    A High-End AGD Barrel Is Needed...

    AS we ALL know, a barrel only has to be 8-11 inches long, no porting,light, and should only cost 10 bucks, because they only cost 5 bucks to make.
    I would like to see AGD put out a premium barrel, preferably in a set of small, medium and large bores, specifically tuned to the RT valve, in the appropriate length. I think the following considerations should be made, over and above the "minimum" requirements for efficiency.
    1: Some porting to quiet the barrel down.
    2: Stainless steel back for durability and wear characteristics, although I am no big fan of 2-piece barrels. I just feel I get a lot more wear-life out of my SS than Aluminum or brass. This applies only to 1/4 turn, not threaded type connections.
    3: Some study should be done to determine what type of porting, or none porting, cleans the best when shooting through a break. For instance, my Lapcos, both SS and Aluminum, clean almost instantly, followed closely by my old J&J chrome. The RT stock tube, Boomstick, and Freak clean after about 30 shots, and the stock Mini-mag and old-style AA never cleans out. Never.
    4: A truly unique look. Nothing goofy or too trendy, but something that when you look at it, you know it is good. Like a Ferrari see it, and you know it's special.
    5: Intelligent Marketing. I understand that the Gun manufactures have a tough time with stock barrels, but when sold as a "specially tuned" high performance part, like the Super-bolt, I believe the price point could be higher, and the public would not view it as a simple stock part.

    Now, I know what you are going to say: There is already a perfectly good barrel that comes with your RT. Well, I'm sitting here looking at one now, and it is not nearly as good a quality (finish) as most of my other tubes. There is a definate matte quality down the inside of the barrel, and the tip regularly cuts paint. The Mini-mag barrel is good and accurate, but way too load. Why draw attention to yourself on the field? Here is an old Crown-point that shot O.K., but I always have to put this friggin' o-ring on the tip so it won't ring like a bell.
    So far the perfect barrel has been my Freak, or better yet, my Lapco when the paint matches.
    I would much rather have a beautiful set of AGD barrels, maybe at 230 dollars for a set of 4 sizes, that I know has good, solid AGD research behind it.

    Just a thought,
    Brent Jackson, PFB.
    I don't practice anymore: I'm just good in a natural, vicious sort of way.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Miami, FL, United States of America
    I don't know if AGD will do that. It would probably be a dead loss for them. I remember Tom talking about how if he was in paintballing for the money AGD would strictly be a barrel company. He said something along those lines. I can't remember exactly what. I wish AGD would make a aftermarket barrel but I find the LAPCO's are a nice alternative.

    Taking mags apart is fun, its even more fun when you don't know what you're doing

  3. #3
    RaV3n_Pa1ntba|| Guest
    god do i love shiney...and nicely priced

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    rt pro and emag barrels are very nice tho... but yes a better barrel, out to compete with lapcos and j&js would be nice

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    2002 we will cook up a new barrel, probably through a contest.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Las Vegas, NV

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Detroit Area, Michigan
    YAY indeed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Tom, I say this again, YOU ARE COOL! make that AWESOME! Can't wait for them to come out. Contest would be great. That would be a perfect ad on for my mag

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    naples, florida USA
    mass, you mentioned a short barrel, so that it can have maximum efficiency, but you also mentioned porting. there would have to be like 8-9 inches of non-ported barrel. maybe 3 inches of porting. this puts it at 11-12 inches, which isn't that long, and still keeps the marker somewhat quiet.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by Cha0tic
    mass, you mentioned a short barrel, so that it can have maximum efficiency, but you also mentioned porting. there would have to be like 8-9 inches of non-ported barrel. maybe 3 inches of porting. this puts it at 11-12 inches, which isn't that long, and still keeps the marker somewhat quiet.
    yay ChaOtic! That's a great idea, and if you want it to be more quiet then just step it up a bore for that 3 inches...

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