This is for clarification
Hello all - please disregard this.

armanxpm: Hi. Are you there?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ya sorry
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: comp froze
armanxpm: Lol, thought so.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: haha
armanxpm: 2001 STO
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: whats whats your offer
armanxpm: ?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: make me the proposal
armanxpm: Oh.
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: I wanted to trade straight up.
armanxpm: Thought maybe you needed some variety.
armanxpm: 8-)
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well truthfully i couldn't do the straight
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: up trade
armanxpm: Really?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i cant see how your gun is worth that much no offense
armanxpm: None taken.
armanxpm: What if I included a nitro tank?
armanxpm: Brand new.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: specs on that
armanxpm: Pure Energy 48/3k 06/01
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hmmmmm
armanxpm: Computer froze?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: im here
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: im thinking
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Nothing wrong with that.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Anyways, where abouts do you live?
armanxpm: Texas.
armanxpm: You?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Washington Stae
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: State
armanxpm: Cool.
armanxpm: Snowing up there, eh?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no i wish
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: "Variety is a good thing"
armanxpm: Damn good apples.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: what?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: oh i c
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hahah lol
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: ;-)
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: why r u gettin rid of your gun
armanxpm: I am getting out of Paintball.
armanxpm: My brother does not shoot Cockers.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: so you want to trade for another gun?
armanxpm: So, I though I would get him an Angel.
armanxpm: though*
armanxpm: thought*
armanxpm: I am passing my stuff on to him.
armanxpm: I have only used the gun for 2 games of speedball - it is in excellent condition.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: nice nice nice
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well hmmm how would you want to trade the guns if you wanted to work this deal
armanxpm: Well, do you have feedback?
armanxpm: I have plenty of feedback.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: feedback from?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: (for you)
armanxpm: Yes.
armanxpm: I have done 4 trades.
armanxpm: Do you have any feedback?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i dont, but i have done like 15 trades for paintball stuff and wakeboard stuff....
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Where at?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well they have all been direct trades and if i trade paintball stuff i do it throuhg my pro shop
armanxpm: Oh, you own a Proshop?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: nope but good friends doe
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: does
armanxpm: Cool.
armanxpm: Do you do 3rd party?
armanxpm: Is there anything wrong with the Angel?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: okay...there is absolutely nothing wrong with the gujn
armanxpm: The board is in good condition?
armanxpm: It is LCD, right?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: but i did a lil nice mod on it
armanxpm: What kind of mod?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: you konw the key in the back you can get a switch for it
armanxpm: Yes.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well i put a kinda flat plate in the back of the gun for it, then put a LED switch on the side
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: although there is 1 countem 1 scratch on the gun
armanxpm: Is it big?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: about as big as this o
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: that lil o on the front reg
armanxpm: Where is it located?
armanxpm: Oh.
armanxpm: Does it affect performance?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: it just cut into the ano paintb job
armanxpm: Not into the Aluminum?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no
armanxpm: "ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well i put a kinda flat plate in the back of the gun for it, then put a LED switch on the side"
What does this exactly do?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: its a light one....
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: dumb friend put his cocker on it and drove his car without padding my angel or putting it back in the case
armanxpm: Ok, but the gun works, right?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea it does
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: shoot....its a machine gun man
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: its great
armanxpm: Ok, what does that whole LED thing do?
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Why are you getting rid of it?
armanxpm: "ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: well i put a kinda flat plate in the back of the gun for it, then put a LED switch on the side"
What does this do?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: okay its the LCD essentially....but the on switch is a LED slide switch on the side of the gun on the right side, above the grip
armanxpm: Is that the On/Off switch?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: But, it is still a LCD?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: its cool everyone who has seen it has wanted it on there gun
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: in the pic you can see the screen
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ya
armanxpm: All the electronics work?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yup yuppp
armanxpm: Ok - sounds good.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: umm another thing that can be fixed
armanxpm: Yes?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: but its annoying as **** the o ring in the breech keeps poppin out cause its a smaller one....
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: so im gonna throw a new one in there
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: soon
armanxpm: The right sized Oring?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: heh
armanxpm: But, you are going to get it fixed?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: currently doing it
armanxpm: As in right now?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yes
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hahah
armanxpm: Ok, cool.
armanxpm: Lol.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ya
armanxpm: What all is included?
armanxpm: Does it do full auto?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea 26 diff shooting modes
armanxpm: Cool.
armanxpm: What all is included?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: then gun and 3 barrels
armanxpm: No ASA adapter?
armanxpm: What kind of Barrels?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea asa comes with ti
armanxpm: Drop forward?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: So, will it be ready for play?
armanxpm: I mean, right out of the box.
armanxpm: Do you have a pic of everything included?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: umm hold on
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA wants to directly connect.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA is now directly connected.
armanxpm: Did you upload a .zip file?
armanxpm: What kind of barrels?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: dye boomy 14 in and 2 infinity barrels chrome and black ones
armanxpm: Ok, can you do this for me?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ya
armanxpm: Can you make me a very detailed list.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: whatcha need
armanxpm: Of exactly what comes with it.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: okay....
armanxpm: In this format.
armanxpm: - Item 1
- Item 2
armanxpm: Like that, and so on.
armanxpm: Hold shift and hit Enter to skip lines.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: -2k Angel
-14in Boomstick
-14in Infinity Black
-14in Chrome Infinity
-Lapco Drop Forward
- ASA Adap.
-new KAPP Volumizer
armanxpm: Angel LCD, correct?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: Do you have a pic of everything?
armanxpm: With the Lapco Drop forward and ASA adapter?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: that gun1 pic has everything
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: brb
armanxpm: The Drop forward was not pictured.
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: rrr
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: its not
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: crap
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Do you have a digital camera?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: friends do
armanxpm: No problem.
armanxpm: What color is the drop forward?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: chrome
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: Can I trust you to do a direct trade?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i dont see why not
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: Do you have any feedback?
armanxpm: Over the internet
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: maybe some on ebay hold on
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: how old are ya
armanxpm: 18.
armanxpm: You?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: cool im 23
armanxpm: Cool.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ya
armanxpm: Do you have Ebay feedback?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: still checking
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: cable is being slow
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: Any luck?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no its being dumb
armanxpm: Ok, no problem.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i cant remember my mom password for it though
armanxpm: Donot worry about it.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: crap crap crap
armanxpm: Is she around?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: no grrrr
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: this is pissin me off
armanxpm: Ok, dont worry about it.
armanxpm: Is the gun all ready?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: its golden
armanxpm: I mean is the Drop forward and adapter all on there?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
armanxpm: Please be honest with me, is there anything wrong with it at all?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: im sending some xtra colored macro line for your choosing if i can find it
armanxpm: Ok, cool.
armanxpm: Please be honest with me, is there anything wrong with it at all?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: im being honest
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ummm where u live
armanxpm: Texas.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: okay
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hold on
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: **** i dont have any air
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: other wise i would call you and fire the gun
armanxpm: Lol.
armanxpm: No problem.
armanxpm: Can you answer my question?
armanxpm: Please be honest with me, is there anything wrong with it at all?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: Nothing
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: it rips
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: there isn't anything wrong with it
armanxpm: How do you want to do this?
armanxpm: Direct, 3rd party?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: umm how late are you going to be on tonight....
armanxpm: Till 12 am.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: what time is it now where u are
armanxpm: 11:05
armanxpm: pm
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: hmm okay gimme your e-mail
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: time difference sucks
armanxpm: What is yours?
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: thats my younger brothers
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i am computer illiterate
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: ;-)
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: he is helping me send you the photos
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i gtg eat something
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: ill e-mail you okay?
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: Please donot leave me hanging.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: I me
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: I will be waiting.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: got ur e-mial
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: and sent a confirmation back
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: Got it.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: yea
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: alright ill try and get back online before your 12am
armanxpm: Ok.
armanxpm: If not, Email me.
armanxpm: Please, donot leave me hanging.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i wont man
armanxpm: Ok.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: i want the want mine
armanxpm: Lol.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: im not gonna mess around
armanxpm: Ok, sounds good.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA: lata
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA direct connection is closed.
ThEMeTaLMiLiTiA signed off at 11:11:10 PM.