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Thread: Suggestions on Speedball/electronic markers?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Gatineau, Qc. Canada

    Suggestions on Speedball/electronic markers?

    Hey everybody,

    First of all, I must admit that I am asking something that I usually say cannot be asked What Marker should I get haha
    But, since I have no knowledge about speedball markers at all, I would like some general info and some directions.

    I have been reading in this forum about speedball markers and I think I would like to purchase one. I don’t mind used markers and to be honest I think I will be going that way. I usually play woodsball, but I might want to try speedball this winter or next summer. But, I am not into tournaments or anything. So no need for all the bells and whistles
    Although I do have the tendency to go out and buy one of the best out there (yes it is hard on the wallet).
    Which comes to the budget question. I do not have a fix budget on this and that is why I was thinking about a used marker. I was looking at 200-500$ markers and that made sense to me. But, like I said before, I have a tendency to go out and get something more expensive than I initially was aiming for J Or maybe I will go with a more cheaper one to start with … just to try out an electronic marker.

    So any suggestion or any info would be greatly appreciated

    Here is what I was looking at:
    I was looking at a Bob Long Protege as I heard they were really excellent markers (very close to the Vice). I was also looking at Intimidators (older ones) but was wondering if they were similar to Protege’s.
    I was also looking at Etek’s as they seemed to be pretty good and I was reading Hedshotz Thread on them
    Was looking at the Mini, but it is a newer marker and I was not sure about them.

    But I am open to anything really

    P.S. I have a Tac-One, but I am keeping it basic for woodsball.. I am still an AGD at heart.. i just wan to try out one of those speedball ones

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If you are looking used, you can pick up a couple year old Egos for like 300-350. I have shot both spool valve and poppit markers and I prefer poppit style. I just feel like they are more reliable (and almost always more efficient).

  3. #3
    Dangerous Power G3's fit the bill. No bells and whistles, very simple and reliable design, and they're only $399.

  4. #4
    I would recommend picking up a iused angel a4 fly or angel g7 fly.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by warbeak2099
    Dangerous Power G3's fit the bill. No bells and whistles, very simple and reliable design, and they're only $399.
    yeah I did hear that DP has pretty reliable markers and they have excellent client services.

    Did you ever try out a Bob Long? if so, how would you compare the both?

    Also wondering what makes a G3 400$ and an Ego like 1200$
    I heard Egos have a really big markup for the new version and that the older version dropps down like halfprice new.

  6. how about a dm4? i know someone who has one for sale. Smooth smooth shooting gun

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Schenectady NY
    If your looking for new, I suggest giving the Bob Long Vice a look. It is one of the few markers out there that meets with the expectations of their advertising. The price for a premium marker isn't horrible either.

  8. #8
    The only electronic gun worth getting is an emag.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Gainesville, FL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I have seen two mini's blow the noids in them so I am not sure on their reliability. I really like my Droid which you can buy for $800... (love it but can't afford it) I also have a FEP Quest which you can get for relatively cheap prices now around $300. It has to be one of my favorite markers and I have never broke a ball in it. Only problem is FEP seems to have disappeared
    Last edited by phizz; 09-18-2008 at 02:06 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Get a pump gun

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Any ICD gun is relatively decent for non-tourney players, especially the FS series. Heck, even a promaster/bushmaster isn't bad. I kind of like their grip style, very comfortable to me.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Zone Drifter
    Any ICD gun is relatively decent for non-tourney players, especially the FS series. Heck, even a promaster/bushmaster isn't bad. I kind of like their grip style, very comfortable to me.
    ICD isn't doing paintball anymore, so I'd be hard pressed to understand why you would recommend one of their markers... other than the fact that you can get them dirt cheap now for that very reason.
    "Accuracy by aiming."

    Definitely not on the A-Team.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by snoopay700
    The only electronic gun worth getting is an emag.
    but what about a hypermag

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by paintball72
    but what about a hypermag
    I fart in your general direction.

    A hypermag is just a lowly mag that wishes it could be an emag. Granted, it is second to the emag, but it's still a far way off, and the x-mag, that's the paintball marker god uses.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by snoopay700
    I fart in your general direction.

    A hypermag is just a lowly mag that wishes it could be an emag. Granted, it is second to the emag, but it's still a far way off, and the x-mag, that's the paintball marker god uses.

    Word from the gospel right there...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by snoopay700
    and the x-mag, that's the paintball marker god uses.
    yeah for sure I would LOVE to have an X-mag, but I don't have the moula$$ haha
    I'll probably save up for one some day

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The Abyss
    Quote Originally Posted by snoopay700
    I fart in your general direction.

    A hypermag is just a lowly mag that wishes it could be an emag. Granted, it is second to the emag, but it's still a far way off, and the x-mag, that's the paintball marker god uses.

    Actually an Xmag is what God hangs on his wall. He plays with a Viking.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    There are some good deals on egos right now.

    I've rebuilt a 2k5 dragon timmy and an alias (2k5), both started at around $250 and added about $150 in parts, drops, etc. They both shoot much faster than you can pull the trigger (ramping). Those parts and services are thinning out, but there are still a lot of used available. Timmys are delicate. They are light and easy to dress up, but mine stay in the box until I need the efficiency and rate of fire for a short time.

    That said the older egos that my team mates have been getting appear to be "less" in the right spots from a timmy and I would definitely consider a good used one if it came along.

    I would not touch a used mini unless you can send it back to the factory. Mini's had their growing pains and that seems to be over, so I would get a new one to be sure I got the latest. They haven't been very rugged in the front grip area in the past, but I have heard that they have good factory support. No offense intended to all the mini guys.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW
    There are some good deals on egos right now.

    I've rebuilt a 2k5 dragon timmy and an alias (2k5), both started at around $250 and added about $150 in parts, drops, etc. They both shoot much faster than you can pull the trigger (ramping). Those parts and services are thinning out, but there are still a lot of used available. Timmys are delicate. They are light and easy to dress up, but mine stay in the box until I need the efficiency and rate of fire for a short time.

    That said the older egos that my team mates have been getting appear to be "less" in the right spots from a timmy and I would definitely consider a good used one if it came along.

    I would not touch a used mini unless you can send it back to the factory. Mini's had their growing pains and that seems to be over, so I would get a new one to be sure I got the latest. They haven't been very rugged in the front grip area in the past, but I have heard that they have good factory support. No offense intended to all the mini guys.
    Thanks a lot man

    I actually ''dropped'' the idea of a Mini.
    Right now I am looking at a Bob Long.. probably a Timmy or if I go all out a Protege.
    But probably going with a used Timmy. Although I have a lot to read about because I am really new to BL markers and I don't know what to look at when buying a used one
    Some people told me to get an Alias.. other people said stay away from Gen4 ones as they are for more experienced BL players (more twicking)
    Si I will probably look at a 2k5 timmy or some sort.

    But like I said, I need to read a lot before, because I really don't know a lot

    Also the fact I an really considering a project to pneumag an intelliframe to put on my tac-One

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Chicago Area
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundown
    Thanks a lot man

    I actually ''dropped'' the idea of a Mini.
    Right now I am looking at a Bob Long.. probably a Timmy or if I go all out a Protege.
    But probably going with a used Timmy. Although I have a lot to read about because I am really new to BL markers and I don't know what to look at when buying a used one
    Some people told me to get an Alias.. other people said stay away from Gen4 ones as they are for more experienced BL players (more twicking)
    Si I will probably look at a 2k5 timmy or some sort.

    But like I said, I need to read a lot before, because I really don't know a lot

    Also the fact I an really considering a project to pneumag an intelliframe to put on my tac-One
    I'm a fan of Bob Long, good price, good preformance, and mine have never given me problems

    Just FYI the protoge is an intimidator. it's a gen5 intimidator. The Vice is basically a more upgraded protoge with diffrent milling. If you want an intimidator I would suggest a Alias style gen 3, a gen 4, or the new gen 5's. As for parts and service, BLAST (Bob Long's tech support head office) is nice and quick. There are also forums with people more than willing to offer advice and get much older parts like:

    It's good stuff.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by B-Pow
    I'm a fan of Bob Long, good price, good preformance, and mine have never given me problems

    Just FYI the protoge is an intimidator. it's a gen5 intimidator. The Vice is basically a more upgraded protoge with diffrent milling. If you want an intimidator I would suggest a Alias style gen 3, a gen 4, or the new gen 5's. As for parts and service, BLAST (Bob Long's tech support head office) is nice and quick. There are also forums with people more than willing to offer advice and get much older parts like:

    It's good stuff.
    Thank you very much

    I will look into that.
    I have been looking at deals in the forums. I just need to know what is a good deal, haha
    Some guy told me that a 2k5 dark (which he said is pretty much the same as a Alias) would be around 300-350 with good ups.
    So I a looking around for something like that

    Oh and yeah thanks for correcting me that a Protoge is a Gen5 Intimidator

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundown
    yeah I did hear that DP has pretty reliable markers and they have excellent client services.

    Did you ever try out a Bob Long? if so, how would you compare the both?

    Also wondering what makes a G3 400$ and an Ego like 1200$
    I heard Egos have a really big markup for the new version and that the older version dropps down like halfprice new.
    Well sundown again i will come to your rescue...I have all the connections you need My friend has a DP g3, and the other one has a bob long 07 dragon. so you can see and feel those 2 for yourself this weekend.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Warwitch
    Actually an Xmag is what God hangs on his wall. He plays with a Viking.
    Psh, you wish, i was referring to Tom when i said that, duh.

    Seriously though, the real God hangs an x-mag and viking on his wall. What does he play with you ask? Is it an ion?

    YOU FOOL, only Lucifer would play with that. God plays with an Excal, and only an Excal, so it is written.


    That's still one of my dream guns that i WILL own one day.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jade_monkey07
    Well sundown again i will come to your rescue...I have all the connections you need My friend has a DP g3, and the other one has a bob long 07 dragon. so you can see and feel those 2 for yourself this weekend.
    Alrigth, now that is excellent
    I'm looking forward to Sunday... I really wanted to hold a BL in my hands and see how it feels and I have been reading a bit on the G3's and they seem awesome
    And it's actually a 3 for 1 deal.. because I really want to see the power of your Gmag also... that might bump me torwards having a pneugmag faster than expected

    Thanks man
    Last edited by Sundown; 09-19-2008 at 12:19 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    Pay attention to the trigger stroke on the pneumags versus a well tuned electro. When you're standing around they can feel about the same, but when you're walking or running the electro is still more forgiving. If your fingers stubble around on a pneu you will still chuff, whereas an electro will clean it all up and shoot for you.

    That difference may not be a big deal to you, but I still have trouble running and walking my pneumag at the same time.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW
    Pay attention to the trigger stroke on the pneumags versus a well tuned electro. When you're standing around they can feel about the same, but when you're walking or running the electro is still more forgiving. If your fingers stubble around on a pneu you will still chuff, whereas an electro will clean it all up and shoot for you.

    That difference may not be a big deal to you, but I still have trouble running and walking my pneumag at the same time.
    Yeah good point, I should have that in mind..
    I chuff with the ''stock'' tac-One without ULT. And of course I do not walk the trigger
    But I should get the ULT and then think about a pneumag systems

    I will see thing weekend when I see a BL live
    and seing the Gmag shooting also

    But, I still want to check out the BL, still looking for a good deal on a Alias If ever you pass one by.. lt me know

    Thanks again

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Chicago Area
    Quote Originally Posted by Sundown
    Alrigth, now that is excellent
    I'm looking forward to Sunday... I really wanted to hold a BL in my hands and see how it feels and I have been reading a bit on the G3's and they seem awesome
    And it's actually a 3 for 1 deal.. because I really want to see the power of your Gmag also... that might bumb me torwards having a pneugmag faster than expected

    Thanks man
    The gen3 and gen4 intimidators have a completely diffrent feel than the gen5's. The frame got a total revamp between the gen 4 and gen 5. Gen 3's can be upgraded to have the low kick of Gen 4's, but the Gen 3's are longer...they're all good. Just find what fits you.

    That intimidator owner forum I linked to also has some B/S/T's and those guys have fair prices and are willing to deal usually.

    But when it comes to preformance...and electro is an electro anything from 04 and up (with some exceptions) are all going to have preformance numbers that are above and behond what you are allowed to use on a field. Just find what feels good in your hands and won't make you over work to keep it up and running...some markers are more matiance and parts than others do.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Gatineau, Qc. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by B-Pow
    The gen3 and gen4 intimidators have a completely diffrent feel than the gen5's. The frame got a total revamp between the gen 4 and gen 5. Gen 3's can be upgraded to have the low kick of Gen 4's, but the Gen 3's are longer...they're all good. Just find what fits you.

    That intimidator owner forum I linked to also has some B/S/T's and those guys have fair prices and are willing to deal usually.

    But when it comes to preformance...and electro is an electro anything from 04 and up (with some exceptions) are all going to have preformance numbers that are above and behond what you are allowed to use on a field. Just find what feels good in your hands and won't make you over work to keep it up and running...some markers are more matiance and parts than others do.
    Thanks, that's good to know
    I have been looking around in the BST section of that forum.
    Once I find which kind of BL I like most I will check it out a little more.
    But I think I will be aiming for an Alias.. I'll see

    Thanks for the info

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by B-Pow
    Gen 3's can be upgraded to have the low kick of Gen 4's, but the Gen 3's are longer...they're all good. Just find what fits you.
    I have eigenrams in mine and the kick is pretty darn light. Is a gen 4 lighter than a 3 with a light ram?

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