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Thread: New E-Mag/X-Mag board!!!!!!

  1. #301
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mostpeople
    Wow, that is looking really good, and a lot simpler than the original boards as well.

    Might have to order 2 of these from ya! LOL

    *also, do you intend to make a new housing for the eye? I'm talking about the black plastic part that fits over the eye and mates to the bottom of the xmag body.
    I was looking at one last night actually.

    I don't know where to begin making it so id haveto consult with someone prior to committing to doing a run.

    I'm sure we can make them if there was a demand for them.

    We have received pricing for lenses.
    Jai "P8ntbal4me" Menard

  2. #302
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    I was looking at one last night actually.

    I don't know where to begin making it so id haveto consult with someone prior to committing to doing a run.

    I'm sure we can make them if there was a demand for them.

    We have received pricing for lenses.

    Well, without that critical part unfortunately it will be hard to seat the eyes into an x-mag. Its a part you don't easily lose, yet at the same time if you did lose it, it would suck a lot.

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mostpeople
    Wow, that is looking really good, and a lot simpler than the original boards as well.
    They look more simple because the parts needed for the old main board to receive a signal no longer are needed with an upgraded circuit and new software.

    The eye input now runs directly to the board and the main board requires no more extra circuitry.

    I am toying with the new power lead idea.
    Rather than have a wire with a POS lead on it, were going to test a longer bolt and shim/clamp to secure the voltage in to the main board through the ACE.

  4. #304
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GRAYGHOST
    do you have a time frame for assembly and testing?

    For what?

    The ACE. Or the main board?

  5. #305
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    We started making some small changes to the foot print.

    The v1.0 board will work just fine for testing purposes. Now we are looking at wire management before putting the board into production.

    This is the v1.0 circuit with 2 small changes to make it v1.2

    Once testing is done, we will send the proof out for manufacturing.

  6. #306
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Parts came in today for the ACE.

    We will start assembly Monday.
    Last edited by p8ntbal4me; 02-24-2012 at 03:35 PM.

  7. #307
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    We will start assembly Monday.

  8. #308
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    is ace better then break beam?
    in a technical aspect not a preferencial aspect.

  9. #309
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Near Frankfurt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags
    is ace better then break beam?
    in a technical aspect not a preferencial aspect.

    ACE = Anti Chop Eye

    An ACE could be a breakbeam like on nearly every gun today or a reflective eye like on the EBlade Cockers or the XMag.

    Breakbeams are better cause they did not have issues with dark or two colored paintballs.
    If you know how to set the reflective eye and did not play with paint that has a dark shell you have no problems with it.

  10. #310
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The best eye system out there is a break beam infrared where the beam i.s not visible.
    You get the best results with a paired IR emitter and detector.

    Reflective eyes when properly mounted will produce a similar result. But like anything, you need to make/building it right

  11. #311
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Awsome will have to get an ace along with my two or three boards

  12. #312
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ando
    I started on the boards last night.
    Without the prototype I wasn't able to test.
    But we will have the new ACE ready for testing.

    We decided to work on some new advancements in the eye sensing software and pair it up with optical components that work best with our software.

    We will have more on this in a few weeks!

  13. #313
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Pre Order Price Reduction Closes In A Few Days Guys!!!

    Get In On The Order Now Before The Price Increase!

  14. #314
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Went to send a payment, but I noticed you demanded payment as a gift..

    I'm not really comfortable with that, seeing as how that provides no legal recourse to recoup money should anything happen (not that I think it will, but 160 dollars is not something to just throw around either).

  15. #315
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mostpeople
    Went to send a payment, but I noticed you demanded payment as a gift..

    I'm not really comfortable with that, seeing as how that provides no legal recourse to recoup money should anything happen (not that I think it will, but 160 dollars is not something to just throw around either).
    You can make a standard payment, but the fees will be added to the balance upon shipping the product.

    You must understand that as soon as your payment is made is is sent in to have YOUR board made. Once the production was started everyone can not get their deposit back.

    I recommend you make the $100 minimum payment if you are worried about your money going to something other than what you paid for.

    Backing out of the pre-order is not possible. Keep that in mind when you decide to jump in.

    Everyone wants the new boards, ace boards, upgraded parts, etc.... that all cost money to build.

    We are at the point where the deposits paid for the materials (parts to be placed on the board), and the board house to order the printed circuit boards to be made.

    In the same boat, I have had to front $100 to make 2 proto-type ACE boards, buy all the wires for the wire harnesses to be made, and stock all that stuff here so when the boards are done and being shipped off to be flashed for code,.. everything else will be ready to ship.

    I understand that $160 is a lot of money to "GIFT", but trust me when I say that my investment on these boards wont break even until we hit the 100th board sold. To date, Im well over $10,000 into this project. That doesn't include the ACE boards, RF kits, software, parts, and labor yet.

    I think when you see the pile of black boards ready for parts sitting at the board house you will feel better about it. Only problem with that is you would have missed the price reduction for the new boards by then.

    I get what your saying about the risk, there defiantly is a risk here. Like all projects performed here, we either take the risk and get something or we dont and keep the cash for another project later on.

    Its all in what you want out of this,....
    Last edited by p8ntbal4me; 02-26-2012 at 03:15 PM.

  16. #316
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    If you're cool with it I will apply the fees to the 160 I send. I have been burned on gifting before, which is why I am cautious.

  17. #317
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    P8nt... do you need to know if we are raising our hands to take an ACE board as well?

  18. #318
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mostpeople
    If you're cool with it I will apply the fees to the 160 I send. I have been burned on gifting before, which is why I am cautious.

    We will keep it simple and add them in the end when we ship your board.
    just send the 160 as a normal payment

  19. #319
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zondo
    P8nt... do you need to know if we are raising our hands to take an ACE board as well?

    No you do not.
    I want to run some cases through the ACE and mainboard together prior to taking an order down.

    When I am satisfied with the ACE I will let everyone know.

    Just watch this thread to be sure you are up to date on the development.

  20. #320
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    I talked to the software engineer yesterday.
    He was sending the prototype back to me on Monday
    We will run our tests on the ace then

    As you all know, the price of the board has now had an increase.

    If any of you know someone that needs a new board and wants in on this, we could use the help guy!

    We have less than 30 buyers to go!

  21. #321
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    I am in

    I am good for one board...

    maybe two... If i can justify buying my unborn child one before he can use it..

  22. #322
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Houston, TX
    ill take one

  23. #323
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

  24. #324
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    We have all the parts on hand to make the minimum run of 100 boards.

    The last box we received had the correct invoice but wrongresistor ohm value for HALF of the on board components.

    So I ended up sending those back and we have received the correct parts.

    The prototype has not come back from the software engineer yet. He wanted to shipout a new flash for me to test, so I gave him the okay to add another week . He figured two days.

    What that means for you guys that are waiting for ACE boards is that right now I will not say they work, until we test them with paint on the new main board.
    Hooked up to a UTB it works great. And like I said before, if it works with the UTB, it will work for my new boards.

    Lastly, we are developing some new products for release after we ship the new main boards.

    Right now all we have is ideas on paper that electrically will be items we can developer once our current commitments are full filled.

    For now that's all I have to keep you guys in the loop.

    More to come!

  25. #325
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    thatnkyou for the communication update.
    good good good. getting the funds together for this. since i missed out on preeorder. i have found more of a need for many boards.

    yeah me.

    , KNM

  26. #326
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Anyone whom has invested into this project or anyone whom is thinking of investing, this update is for you.

    With all the issues surrounding the pre-orders in the past and present, I want to ensure the buyers committed already at this point that your funds have gone to the product and production of this product .

    Pictured below is my work bench at my home. What you see is all the parts to build the production run of the boards.

    The only things you don't see are the printed boards.

    I want everyone here to see and understand that we are committed to these boards and will see the entire production to the end.

    Trust is a commodity that we can not put a price on.
    We need to keep you guys in the loop and ensure that the trust you have shown us stays with us as we proceed.

    Please keep communication with us as it remains our priority to keep you the customer informed as much as possible

    ** If you have any questions, PLEASE ask! We are a business and we value you, the customer/investor **
    Last edited by p8ntbal4me; 03-24-2012 at 11:04 AM.

  27. #327
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    I talked to the software engineer last night for about an hour on the phone.

    He has finished up the last changes to the software and this version we have now will be the version everyone will see at TUNABALL 6!!

    One of the major changes we made was the BPS value increments and menus that effect it.

    - One register will change the BPS by the value of 1 each time, another register will change the value of the BPS by 0.1 each time

    Personally, Im learning the software code as we go. I have seen a lot of great changes our engineer has made to the software, and as for the recent changes you will like them, no doubt.

    Another change that we have been making is the eye sensing technology.
    We will be releasing a version of it to test after the production run is shipped.

    What this means for you is that we are not going to stop engineering the product after the orders have shipped.

    We have left a lot of doors open for us in the design to add more value to the product you are investing in.

  28. #328
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Ive been working 2 jobs this past few months to get this project moving along.

    I would really like for it to not hit any more of a stall than we have seen in the past few weeks.

    The board house has been paid up front for their assembly labor, so we hope to have something to show for it in a few months.

    The remainder of the boards we have worked out a deal with them to hold in retainer until payment is made for a single unit.

    Those that are already paid up in either a deposit or in full are not included in this bunch.
    This is for new customers ONLY!

    On some other news: Lets talk RF shall we.....

    I have 3-4 Empire B2 hopper boards that I have been using since I cant remember when. Most likely since they came out.

    I was toying with one the other night and decided to get an RF loader board seeing how I already had the RF kit that mated with the loader I did not.

    What we are planning to do is design and release a universal RF kit that is simple and importable into any current loader out there.

    We will still be looking to keep our products plug and play compatible.

    Without looking at the entire loader line on the market, this is not a question I can answer to be 100% true and possible, however looking at those loaders we have here it seems it can be done without a lot of over engineering.

    That being said, we can have a production product ready sooner than we did with these E/X-Mag boards.


    We have begun testing the new ACE. So far we have not had any issues with the main board or software picking up the paint at 18bps (we will make videos)

    One thing that we did have an issue with is the power lead that supplies the new and and main board with power. Since I didn't really have specs on the ACE at the time I used calipers to measure the OEM design. The issue with that was the tolerances for a pad that you mount electronics to for through hole components isnt the kind of tolerances we use in the machining world. So by no fault of my own, the screw didnt fit without a fight. What I did remember to do was make a pad on the top for it to contact the screw with.

    Now the new power lead works 100%, and yes, we have made the change in the file to correct the issue already

    OTHER OTHER NEWS: ??????

    Ive been working on a different project that will interface with the new E/X-Mag board, in my spare time. Right now there is only 2 people whom know about it in detail and 1 person whom has seen it.

    If it tests successful at Tunaball 6, it will be the next best upgrade for an E/X-Mag.

    After we test at Tunaball 6, we are hoping to make an entire line of electronic upgrades at the low cost end for the AGD community. What that means for those of you that love to tinker, you will have the electronics you need to do whatever you want to your AGD marker no matter how old it may be, and take it as far as the technology right now will go.

    I know Im not giving a lot of details right now, but we have to wait. The testing will decide the future of the products come May 5th

    Thats all for now

  29. #329
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    I'll take a wild guess and say a new warpfeed board.

  30. #330
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheePsycho
    I'll take a wild guess and say a new warpfeed board.

    We have been working on this.
    but it won't be ready for tunaball 6

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