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Thread: time to redecorate AO

  1. #1

    time to redecorate AO

    I have been here and gone a few times but i feel it is time to update the forum, we have old threads and sub fourms that dont work. Why not get some new wall paper up? The Angel thread is no more y not put something else in to get some more foot traffic and when a outsider see's what we r doing here they will be infect with passion for a Automag... with the only treatment is to customize your mag and to horde parts lol, lets mix it up and update this bad boy get some young blood in here and grow even more!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI


    People willing to donate:
    Last edited by BTAutoMag; 08-25-2012 at 07:37 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Gothenburg, Sweden
    Good bump, made me see the thread. I would greatly appreciate if the old threads with valuable info could be resurrected. There are a lot of stickies and other how-to threads where all the links and pictures are dead, and where referrals to air smiths and anno shops are outdated. That would be the single greatest improvement in my mind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    it makes me sad to see this place fall into dissrepair. this was my teenage years

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Your lucky its here at all. We are one server crash away from oblivion. If anyone wants to get a fund going for a revamp let me know. There is no money being made any more in paintball so this is what you get.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AGD
    Your lucky its here at all. We are one server crash away from oblivion. If anyone wants to get a fund going for a revamp let me know. There is no money being made any more in paintball so this is what you get.

    wish i would have meet you near 2001 when i started shooting your awsome marker.

    but im down to push some $$$, the way of this fund,

    i would hate to see this forum go to the wayside,
    please anyone who is able to keep this afloat please post up.

    i am personally not set up to manage a fund like this.

    TK... if you could PM the details of what it takes to keep the servers alive per year... i may be able to fund/ help fund us from going down.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    lets get a paypal donation button

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    se, missouri
    I would be willing to donate a spot on my dedicated server.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Here is a post from Tom describing what it takes to run

    AGD: 09-18-2006, 11:00 PM
    Well the problem is we own our own server at and it hosts all our sites. Its not so easy to just dump AO off to another provider becasue I still have the expense of the server etc. As you all point out, and I certainly understand, paying money and forums don't mix.

    It costs about 5-600 a month for the whole package and we get about 150 from Google. That means we would need about 450x12 months=5400.00 to cover everything. Roughly thats 540 subscribers for 10 bucks a year. If you watch the "who's online" numbers you will see that a huge majority of people are not members but "guests" and in effect lurkers.

    So I am wrestling with this and might just sell the forum off to someone who can fund it and keep it free.



    Btw, anyone want to make a Kickstarter for

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    If e could turn automags online into the powerhouse it used to be we could do that easily.

  11. #11
    Im thinking if we update it with pics of some of the markers that have be personalized, we can pull in new younger people! I would be down to donating to the automag cause! so lets get this moving and get us back on top!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Not to be a naysayer, but I think it's going to take more than a fancy new forum to breath life back into AGD. I think it's obvious from TK's statement that AGD has essentially given up.

    With that said, I would be willing to donate $10-20/year to keep the forum going more as a resource than a means to bring more people to the fold.

    I know I'm not going to be popular for my statements above, but it is what it is.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    se, missouri
    I wonder how many/what other sites they are hosting other then AGD and AO? at $500 a month, thats a heck of a server for a few websites.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    McHenry, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Arstron
    I wonder how many/what other sites they are hosting other then AGD and AO? at $500 a month, thats a heck of a server for a few websites.
    I'm guessing they're doing a co-location and their server is just old.

    I would also be happy to let AO (and possibly the other sites) live on one of my servers.

    Tom, if you want to PM me some stats (disk space used, bandwidth, clock cycle(if recorded)) for each of the sites on that server, I can look into where I can put them for you and the community.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    This site can run on a new server for under $300 a year. A new vbulletin license would be under $200 (last time I checked).

    I know the person who can make this happen, lease the server space and handle the migration.

    Things like graphics could be handled by the members.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sao Paulo - Brazil
    Well, I've been visiting AO on a daily basis for the past 7 years and I post almost at the same rate.

    MCB charges $10 a year for members and they have several members over there. I wouldn't say 500 but they have some and I believe this helps. I pay there and I'd pay here as well. Just by having a BST only for members on which members offer discounts on their sales to other members already pays of to contribute.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    I'm so happy I bumped this

  18. #18
    here is what TK ended up telling me about the site.

    "The forum needs someone with programing experience to work on it. It also needs a software update which costs money. We own the sever and once it dies, that's it. The service provider is telling me its so old, its not worth doing anything with. To transfer the data to new hardware would again cost money and require software upgrades. So unless you can figure out a way around the money problem just labor is not the problem. I appreciate the offer to help, if someone wants to step up with funding I will let you know.



  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?


    Jeesh a PBN membership is $30 a year, and for what ?

    Scott see if you can get it set up for some sort of premium membership.

    I'd do whatever amount is decided.

  20. #20
    i for one would be willing to donate/ contribute to keep this site alive,
    ive got CA$H on it as we speak, just need to know where to send it once there is a fund set-up.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags
    here is what TK ended up telling me about the site.

    "The forum needs someone with programing experience to work on it. It also needs a software update which costs money. We own the sever and once it dies, that's it. The service provider is telling me its so old, its not worth doing anything with. To transfer the data to new hardware would again cost money and require software upgrades. So unless you can figure out a way around the money problem just labor is not the problem. I appreciate the offer to help, if someone wants to step up with funding I will let you know.


    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil
    This site can run on a new server for under $300 a year. A new vbulletin license would be under $200 (last time I checked).

    I know the person who can make this happen, lease the server space and handle the migration.

    Things like graphics could be handled by the members.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Lets figure out a goal we need to meet to keep the site alive. transfer the data to another server and yadda and go from there.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I for one would contribute to the fund as well. I cant image not having this site avail. If its new hardware/ cpu box i bet we as a community could come up with that.

    I know for a fact that players are going back to automags. In my area of Oklahoma automags are comming back (slow but sure.) I think having a section dedicated to the new styles of the automag and contacts to those who do it would be great!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    yes, automags are making a comeback!!!! I got so many people around here in awe of them

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I would love to help donate/invest in It would be a shame to lose all of the valuable data we have in the archives just because we didn't have enough $$$ to keep it running.

    Within the past few years it has filtered out the type of AOer in the community and seems like the people that are left are some of the most die hard fans out there. You should poll the forum and see how much of an investment we have in AGD products, I bet you would be surprised how many thousands of dollars we have sunk into our paintball guns.

    I think would actually help and give us an idea on what we could accomplish. Sure, some folks wouldn't want to pay anything, but there are still a few people around AO that have the time/money to help keep this community going.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by going_home

    Scott see if you can get it set up for some sort of premium membership.

    I'd do whatever amount is decided.

    That is easy. It is built right into the software out of the box. I am not up to date on all of the bells and whistles that come with the latest version of vBulletin. Most everything you would need is included. There are other add-ons such as the Gallery package and VBADVANCED that MCB uses. That would be an additional $500-1000 (depending on current pricing) just to purchase those plug in modules.

    No one seemed to mention anything about the Google Ads at the top. IIRC, someone said they can (or used to) generate $100-$150 a month. Is that still the case? If so, there is your funding source.

    Once the database is backed up, optimized, and migrated to a new server, the old one can be 'retired'. I propose an "Office Space" style send off with baseball bats, while the Ghetto Boys plays in the background.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Gothenburg, Sweden
    i would gladly pay to be a member on AO, and I would gladly contribute to any kind of fund to keep AO online. If we manage to get a larger crowd to AO while we're at it, it would be a nice bonus. Bottom line, a fee wouldn't scare me away, rather the other way around - ensure that I most definitely try to keep AO online.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Im not sure if it has been addressed, but IIRC some people have said in the past that they had issues getting registered here. I think its possibly was spurred the growth of the AGD sections on peanut butter and MCB. Would migrating to a new server/software make it easier for new registrants, or has this issue been solved? BE has a point, if Google adds are generating $1200/year it sounds like the funding is easily there.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Just thinking off the top of my head...... instead of using Vbulletin we could transfer over to PHPBB or any other type of open source web forum.

    I also worked with Joomla in the past and it would be perfect to blend content pages with a community forum as well. They have bridges that can be used to go from Vbulletin to Joomla and can transfer user data over. (All of which would be free!)

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    PHPBB isn't REALLY designed for major communities. VBulletin is.

    I would be happy to help with this - I've been running a smaller VB site, but can certainly help with all of this.

    The real issue is server costs - you can't run a site this large on a shared service. You'd need a dedicated server or a Virtual Private Server.

    Here's an example of the fees around this:

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