Quote Originally Posted by Lohman446
If it is human reasoning then that gives you the conclusion of what is right and wrong what keeps the evil label from being applied to it? We surely are not going to argue that human reasoning is infallible are we?

I'm not arguing that all religion is right. Nor would I argue that those lists of do's and don'ts are right. However there is a major difference in being inaccurate and being evil.
i didn't claim human reasoning is infallible. but i believe that given accurate information, human reasoning is the best we have.

and what a bunch of bronze age men though was right and wrong might have been the best they could come up with then, but we can do better. a lot better. and to repress this ability to reason, by adhering to bronze age morals? ridiculous.

so again, i'd like to ask, is the only reason you don't kill people god?