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Thread: Ever get to that point

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!

    Ever get to that point

    where you have 3-4 markers sitting around in pieces and no money to finish them without selling the others to fund it? It sucks having more vision than cash.... LOL.

    To make it relevant. Post up pics of the projects you have in the works that may or may not ever see completion.

    A few of mine that I keep staring at:

    Essentially spare pieces that I acquired and decided would make a great pistol mag. After eyeballing it for a couple of months, I realized I want a lighter barbones rail. Also need to decide exactly how I want to feed it and most options (that I like) are looking to be in the $30-50 range. Considering the chances that I will ever actually play pistol are so freaking remote, I am having a tough time rationalizing the parts to complete it.... Also, as a pistol this thing is like holding a brick with one hand and waving it around.

    Retro Valve project. Somewhere in here are bits and pieces of my first ever Automag. I think the sear might be original, and maybe the rail before I milled it down, but nothing else. Finally got the body that I have always wanted for it, but having a hard time bringing myself to milling down the pim and cutting the feedneck down. Also, getting the black coating off the "teflon" coated bodies is a female dog. This is what it looks like after sanding and polishing for about an hour. Still has a dark hue about it. About the only things besides modding the body that needs to be done is getting a small drop and a clamping feedneck. Kind of one of those projects though that isnt urgent as I have so many others in front of this that I actually use that I know it will most likely be forever a wall hanger.

    Another one that started life as leftovers. Got the Chimera a few years back and used to use it on a fairly modded MiniMag that I ended up disassembling and using various parts for other projects and/or sold some off. The frame has some issues. Someone burned through the back of the frame when I am guessing they were modding for a pneu conversion. They also over milled the pocket they were making for the ram and took out the safety spring and ball hole making them unuseable. So essentlally the frame has become project fodder. Body has been shortened, valve capped and the rail is custom milled by Luke. I just got around to mounting the MSV mount and cutting the trigger pin. Big steps! Still have to figure out the sleeper mod and not 100% sure it will work, so I don't have a lot of motivation to complete it. Ideally, I would also like to get another rail made as I didnt think ahead and gave the wrong width dimensions, so the frame is actually wider than the rail which looks wonky to me. Jackups like this are frustrating, so here it sits.....

    Last up boys and girls is the pump project that I just bought. After getting it, and acquiring a valve after I just sold a valve... , realized that I am not happy with the rail (seller forgot to mention that whoever pump milled it did it partially by hand and originally started at the wrong end of the rail), and I promised myself that if I built another pump I would use an X valve so that it could be anodized. I actually have a valve that I can "borrow" from another marker that I am considering getting rid of anyways, but still leaves me with buying a pump kit, new rail ($110 for the custom one I want) feedneck and other bits and peices, so it aint happening anytime soon. That and I really still don't play pump very often.

    These are just my Mag projects. Doesnt include the M98 that I have waiting for me to complete the Ebolt intall on or the Spyder project that has taken a nastyish turn and I am having problems getting it to reach proper FPS. I also have some parts that I have been reluctantly selling because I know that I will most likely never get around to buying the parts I need to finish such as an Ego frame.

    I think the kicker of the issue is that even if I were to sell all this stuff off, a lot of it doesnt have much value other than to me. I.E. the Chimera, frame on the pistol, most of the parts on the Retro etc. So I am looking at taking losses or selling bits and pieces of various projects and getting hung with what is left over. Sigh.
    Last edited by OPBN; 12-13-2012 at 01:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    I have so many in pieces I dont even know how many I have

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Live Free or Die
    Oh yea, My problem is I dont want to sell anymore of what I have either.

    Still have

    - a "New" classic RT to finish, needs valve internals & a sear
    NO Pictures

    - Then of course Ive got tons of parts when I got I didnt have a use for. Like a New VER frame.
    NO Pictures

    - Phoenix, Ripper, Shockwave (no picture) bodies sitting, as well as a SBM Spyder body (1 of 6).

    - AKA VLM spyder, Waiting on ano, or more precisly me to decide on ano. 2K was spent into by the original owner. I did the 3d modeling on it. First gun I did the design work in. When he decided to get out I got the gun.

    - BPS Reflex. A friend will be getting this when its done.

    Ive probably got more project Im forgetting. Those above are the major ones.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Mt. Pleasant, SC
    wish i had some projects left. im almost done with my ul mag. couple of minor things to do here and there and it will be done.

    that reflex cocker will be a fun project for sure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Still have my MM2K9 that I've lost intrest in... Emag lowers and an Airwalk V2 frame.

    Debating what to do with it...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    St Paul
    beware of bag-o-gun

  7. #7
    i guess i have never had this problem

    i just cant find the parts i need.

    i have all the money, no parts.

    it sucks, i guess im the inverted of your case OPBN

    good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags
    i guess i have never had this problem

    i just cant find the parts i need.

    i have all the money, no parts.

    it sucks, i guess im the inverted of your case OPBN

    good luck
    True, I don't have 110 parts waiting to be anodized like you big baller! Some of us have to actually support our families and have been hurt by the poor economy. Thanks for the input.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    PHX, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN
    True, I don't have 110 parts waiting to be anodized like you big baller! Some of us have to actually support our families and have been hurt by the poor economy. Thanks for the input.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    PHX, AZ
    that Chimera would look great on the Retro valved mag...with that feed neck i told ya about...can a new safety be put back in the chimera?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by need4reebs
    that Chimera would look great on the Retro valved mag...with that feed neck i told ya about...can a new safety be put back in the chimera?
    I sure it could be done, but not by me.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN
    True, I don't have 110 parts waiting to be anodized like you big baller! Some of us have to actually support our families and have been hurt by the poor economy. Thanks for the input.
    sorry if i came off as a total ****.

    you are right i was never hurt by this poor economy.
    ive been very fortunate.
    still am providing for my family

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    PHX, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags
    sorry if i came off as a total ****.

    you are right i was never hurt by this poor economy.
    ive been very fortunate.
    still am providing for my family

    are you drinking again...haha

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by need4reebs
    are you drinking again...haha
    lol yeah just started,

    but back to the thread,

    i totaly understand how it is to have tons of stuff, and not having the money ready to designate to the builds.

    OPBN if you want to sell that stove pipe body im up to buy it if you are wanting to get some money together to finish other projects.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    It's not a for sale thread.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN
    It's not a for sale thread.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    he's working on finishing his projects... that is what this threads discussion is about

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag
    he's working on finishing his projects... that is what this threads discussion is about
    yeah i went off topic a bit.

    hope you get all your projects finished.

    since everyone has been very supportive of my projects.

    let me know if there is anything i can help with i have some parts.
    very few but i do have some.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    well... most of it is going to be hand made...

    the chain foregrip I want anoed and since you cant ano steel, it needs to be aluminum... they dont make 3/4 aluminum chain, so I will be making it out of aluminum round bar, a welder and patience.

    the rail was machined by luke

    the body, CF sleeved in back and then sleeved in front as well so I could reshape the front. it will MOSTLY look like a ULE body but alot more sleek.

    the grip will be luke's when ever he gets one done.

    the barrel will be a WWA freak with a 2 inch tip... if I can ever find one when I have money to buy it with.

    gonna do a CP on/off with an angled up wedge, will be machining that one when I have time.

    ano will be a gloss black with lime green splash

    I know luke is going to be including grips but I kinda want to get an SPD grip for it... dunno yet.

    will be tits when its done

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    central coast cali 805
    my problem is, i keep finding ways to get my hands on electro's and dont even like playing with them...ive got builds in my head with 90% the parts for my emag and xmag and once i finish them, they are going to sit unused...its just hard to get rid of them i guess...

  21. #21
    OPBN, on your retro project, would it be easier for you to mill in the round PIM hole on the rail rather than mod the body, like the late model factory AM/MM rails? I had a modded body or two pass through my parts box a while back. . . just didn't like the fit between them and the rail after mod. The round PIM bodies on the factory round/square hole PIM rails - all good. This would keep you from being as nervous about grinding on a rare body?

    . . . and staying on topic. . . yep, in spite of my best efforts, I still probably have more or less two guns worth of parts and maybe a little extra (most of an emag, and maybe a pair of classic mechs if I stretch the parts pile). I just need to purge the totally "extra" parts again, finish fixing up and sell an electro that has been sitting on the bench for months, and get to actually finishing something.

    . . . and maybe, just maybe, actually playing again one of these days. . .

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag
    the chain foregrip I want anoed and since you cant ano steel, it needs to be aluminum... they dont make 3/4 aluminum chain, so I will be making it out of aluminum round bar, a welder and patience.
    Since you have time, I have a selfish suggestion. You could use some split aluminum round rings,

    and instead of a single link chain, you could do a "rope" chain, which seems like it would make a more comfortable grip. I would like to see that.

    Time is the nice part of not having the money for projects. It keeps me from buying too many parts I won't use and lets you use files and scraps to make parts. No money and no time is truly sad.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Mt. Pleasant, SC
    had enough mag parts laying around to give my uncle a classic mag so i wouldnt have to tech his guns at the field lol

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrome
    OPBN, on your retro project, would it be easier for you to mill in the round PIM hole on the rail rather than mod the body, like the late model factory AM/MM rails? I had a modded body or two pass through my parts box a while back. . . just didn't like the fit between them and the rail after mod. The round PIM bodies on the factory round/square hole PIM rails - all good. This would keep you from being as nervous about grinding on a rare body?

    . . . and staying on topic. . . yep, in spite of my best efforts, I still probably have more or less two guns worth of parts and maybe a little extra (most of an emag, and maybe a pair of classic mechs if I stretch the parts pile). I just need to purge the totally "extra" parts again, finish fixing up and sell an electro that has been sitting on the bench for months, and get to actually finishing something.

    . . . and maybe, just maybe, actually playing again one of these days. . .
    Would take me about 3 minutes to sand down the pim using my bench sander. I've done it on a couple of other bodies and not had an issue. I know these bodies are getting seen less often, but they really don't seem to be that rare.

  25. #25
    keiko: guilty as charged on both counts. The electro I've got on the bench. . . I think I've owned (and sold) three of them now in the last year or two. . . same gun every time. . . this one is the last time, though, I swear. . . ditto on the emag bits (on set of lowers that have passed through the parts box #2 yet to become a gun). . .

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW
    Since you have time,
    you are sorely mistaken sir

    I have 2 jobs and only use my house to sleep at for 5 hours a day during to week. on the weekend I take care of everything i needed to during the week to support my family

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag
    you are sorely mistaken sir

    I have 2 jobs and only use my house to sleep at for 5 hours a day during to week. on the weekend I take care of everything i needed to during the week to support my family

    +1,000,000,000,000 for being a responsible adult. Too few of us around these days.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    i also love both my jobs and dont wanna quit either of them

  29. #29

    Here are my stalled projects

    this one is the pumpmag I built a couple of years ago. I had to part most of it earlier this year, but I plan on restoring it to its previous glory.

    Next up is my spring-fed pistol-mag project. The barrel will probably get cut down along with the rail and the body. Add a spring-feed set up, and bam! there it is.

    Next is my never-ending Tac-1 project. got the Brand-new benchmark frame mated to a Tac-1 ULE rail. Still needs a lot of work and parts.

    I also have my classic Sl-68 project. Doesn't need much in the way of parts. It is actually stripped now and waiting for a black Cerakote job. This thing is bad, it still shoots straight as an arrow, and gets like +/- 5 fps on the chrono from CO2. It is from the very first run of these that Tippmann did, and still works as well as it did when I got it

    I've also got an ACI F4 Illustrator project which is in too many pieces to bother photographing it. It needs several parts and a new barrel, as well.

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