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Thread: Connecticut School Shooting

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    IN -- USA

    Connecticut School Shooting

    I know we have members across the US and realize that people out there may have other things on their minds, but I figure I'd ask-

    Everybody ok?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    well I had to go look this up and I can tell you that I live in WI and I have a 6 year old... and I am NOT OK!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Yeah - it's pretty effed up right now...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i cant even fathom how messed up in the head one has to be in order to do this....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    West Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by dahoeb
    i cant even fathom how messed up in the head one has to be in order to do this....
    Not a lot of things leave me at a loss for words and this is where I stand. I cannot imagine the disconnect that results in someone executing children.
    "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not" - Dr Suess

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Its a sad day, and its sparking people to talk about how they need to revamp gun laws. I dont get why people think its the guns fault. Last I checked guns can't pull their own triggers, not trying to deflect from the children in todays tradgedy... But its getting out of hand people thoughts on gun control and de-arming America. Sad day.

    E-Mag, RT Pro, Dye Reflex Autococker AO Feedback

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobius V
    Its a sad day, and its sparking people to talk about how they need to revamp gun laws. I dont get why people think its the guns fault. Last I checked guns can't pull their own triggers, not trying to deflect from the children in todays tradgedy... But its getting out of hand people thoughts on gun control and de-arming America. Sad day.

    Israel had a problem with terrorists going in and attacking schools. They armed their teachers and it stopped real quickly. Here is how the typical school outing looks:

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    has anyone caught the discussion on PBN about this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I think the US is going about this issue the wrong way with gun control. Why is it that you need a background check to purchase a firearm but a felon just released from prison on parole can go into any Walmart and buy ammunition? Why not just have a ammo id card? Without the card, you can't buy ammo. I'm sure after today, people wouldn't mind paying like $10 to $20 per year for it. Guns are useless without ammo.

    It's not a perfect solution but its way better than the idea of taking guns away from responsible citizens.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOTShadowCompany
    I think the US is going about this issue the wrong way with gun control. Why is it that you need a background check to purchase a firearm but a felon just released from prison on parole can go into any Walmart and buy ammunition? Why not just have a ammo id card? Without the card, you can't buy ammo. I'm sure after today, people wouldn't mind paying like $10 to $20 per year for it. Guns are useless without ammo.

    It's not a perfect solution but its way better than the idea of taking guns away from responsible citizens.
    Because the criminals will get the ammo the same way they get their guns. They go find some girl who is looking for a man to take care of her and get her to buy it for them. This is the most common way they get weapons outside of just stealing them. That and they typically steal ammo with the weapons.

  11. #11
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    West Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by TOTShadowCompany
    I think the US is going about this issue the wrong way with gun control. Why is it that you need a background check to purchase a firearm but a felon just released from prison on parole can go into any Walmart and buy ammunition? Why not just have a ammo id card? Without the card, you can't buy ammo. I'm sure after today, people wouldn't mind paying like $10 to $20 per year for it. Guns are useless without ammo.

    It's not a perfect solution but its way better than the idea of taking guns away from responsible citizens.
    "Permanent crisis permits permanent control of everything and everybody by the central government" - Aldous Huxley A Brave New World Revisited

    Huxley taught Orwell (yeh, I'm not making this up) and his writings of a future world were critical of what a world of abundance would become given totalitarian rule. The desire for knowledge and enlightenment would be placated by the abundance of cheap entertainment, free sex, drugs, and a world in which the central government provided and controlled everything.

  12. #12
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Lets start by saying I am not a conspiracy theorist type. I do remember reading predictions from those that do regarding something like this happening just after reelection.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by wetwrks
    Israel had a problem with terrorists going in and attacking schools. They armed their teachers and it stopped real quickly. Here is how the typical school outing looks:

    F-n A. Israel doesn't play.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Interceptor
    F-n A. Israel doesn't play.
    Is it wrong that i look at that picture and think "Yes, that is a good idea"

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    There is no Spoon
    Quote Originally Posted by sQuidvision
    Is it wrong that i look at that picture and think "Yes, that is a good idea"
    They stopped going in and attacking churches when he shooter was stopped by an armed patron here in Colorado. Shooters like this are cowards. They don't want a fight they want defenseless victims

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Not trying to sound shovenistic here just curious... Were there any men working at that school or just women and children in there? Also do schools have a panic button in the office like banks do? I would think our kids are more important than our savings.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    that would certainly make sense... but to play devils advocate here...

    there are alot more bank robberies then school shootings.

    about 5 school shooting happen per year WORLDWIDE compared to about 450,000 bank robberies per year in the USA ALONE.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    a little off topic.. but are there seriously that many bank robberies a year? holy crap.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by sQuidvision
    Is it wrong that i look at that picture and think "Yes, that is a good idea"
    Not in my book. I bet they don't have a problem with children playing with guns over their either.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    ^^ very true but just as this shows bank robberies don't make the news like school shootings do and this is becoming a disturbing trend. So now not only does this look bad against gun owners but people who are preparing for end of days type stuff by legally owning multiple weapons.

  21. #21
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Not sure about about that school but our local school has panic buttons at all of the secretary and administrators desks. It has also been built within the past 6 years. Rumour is that there is going to be a discussion this week about changing some procedures and locking down all exterior doors during the day. Currently the front doors remain open during the day. All other doors are locked during the day.
    Last edited by OPBN; 12-17-2012 at 02:46 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    West Michigan

    This is a story written by a mother of a son who "fits the profile" of a school shooter. It details some of her struggles to get help. If we are going to have a discussion, as a nation, on how to "fix" this we need to start at the cause.

  23. #23
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    SW Michigan
    I started doing some research on school budgets after this happened because I was curious about the amount of $$ districts spend on student, staff, and facility security. Districts range from $0 to over $10 Million, depending on the size and location of the schools, and I suppose also on the perceived threats in the area. As is expected, large and inner-city districts spend a heck of a lot more and normally have metal detectors and permanently staffed armed guards. All of this got me to thinking.

    I had thought of this years ago, but just like our schools and media, forgot about it when we went a couple of years without a major incident. Anyway, why not start a private security firm that caters directly to school districts? I know a lot of schools are strapped for funding, but it could be brought before communities as a bond proposal - pay a few extra $$ a year in local taxes to have the trained watchful eye of former military and police standing guard in the community's schools. For example, a school district of 5 schools may require 10 guards. The contract would include a full-scale threat and emergency preparedness assessment and plan, metal detector installment, and two full-time armed guards during school days and school functions like football games. It would be their responsibility to ensure the school was locked down, to screen all visitors through one entrance, and then ensure they report to the office. Seems like money well spent to me. Obviously each one of the guards would have an entire packet of their security clearances, background check, military service record, etc. presented to school administration for review, and there would be a lot of contract negotiation needed to ensure the district clearly outlines the scope of duties for the guards (such as what situations within the school to intervene on, if any, etc.). I just find it hard to believe any community would reject paying a few extra $$ a year to ensure their children are protected.

    And Sheperds we shall be / For thee, my Lord, for thee / Power hath descended forth from Thy hand / Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. / So we shall flow a river forth to Thee / And teeming with souls shall it ever be. / In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sa

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Like I said before in other places. We've had legislation on Drugs for longer then any of us have been alive...and still have a major problem with it. In fact, the US is #1 in usage of most illegal narcotics.

    No mater what law...legislation...etc. the president and/or congress put on the books. It's not going to change a damn thing. Bad people will find a way. Weather it's buying from other shady individuals or coming into someones castle and taking it.

    All it's going to do is put law biding citizens in harms way. They would need to triple the police force in every city to subdue the craziness that going to come forth from this and I for one will not relinquish my arms.
    Last edited by Ando; 12-18-2012 at 08:08 PM.

  25. #25
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Schools in some areas can't afford books and are packing 35-40 students into classrooms built to accomodate 25. Where in the world do you think they are going to get funding for an additional $60-100k+ per year per school for two full time armed guards? We have school districts in our area that are having problems getting renewal levys passed let alone new ones.

    We do pretty well with our local school district in getting renewal and even additional levies passed, but I think a lot of people would balk at hiring full time armed guards for our K-12 school. What people just don't get is that things do happen. While it is horrible and devastating to that community, it is in fact still a very rare occurrence.

  26. #26
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    There is no Spoon
    School Shooters Crimes in the last week of his life:

    1. Using Brother's ID. (1)
    2. PUTTING FALSE INFO on a 4473 (1)
    3. Felony domestic assault (4)
    4. Murder of his mother (1)
    5 Stealing her firearms (4)
    6. Unlawful possession of a handgun (3)
    7. Unlawful possession of an "Assault Weapon" (1)
    8. Grand theft auto (1)
    9. Possession of firearm within 1000 ft of a school without a valid CCW (4)
    10 Possession of a firearm within a school without a state issued CCW (3)
    11. Discharging a firearm within an occupied building (200)
    12 Battery (26)
    13 First degree capital murder (26)
    14 Attempted first degree felony murder (170)
    15 Use of a firearm in the commission of a felony (250+)
    16 Aggravated Trespassing (1)

    I am sure I have left a few out but I think it is safe to say he committed at least 600 felonies the last week of his life.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN
    Schools in some areas can't afford books and are packing 35-40 students into classrooms built to accomodate 25. Where in the world do you think they are going to get funding for an additional $60-100k+ per year per school for two full time armed guards? We have school districts in our area that are having problems getting renewal levys passed let alone new ones.

    We do pretty well with our local school district in getting renewal and even additional levies passed, but I think a lot of people would balk at hiring full time armed guards for our K-12 school. What people just don't get is that things do happen. While it is horrible and devastating to that community, it is in fact still a very rare occurrence.

    Thats a good question. Locally the town i work for ,said they didnt have the money for us to get extra officers or even a raise for the last 4 years, but they can afford to build a huge new town hall. Charlotte cant afford to out extra officers in the schools but they can afford to build new light rail and trolley projects.

    Simply put they would rather have their shiney new toys than secure schools.

  28. #28
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    New Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by Interceptor
    Thats a good question. Locally the town i work for ,said they didnt have the money for us to get extra officers or even a raise for the last 4 years, but they can afford to build a huge new town hall. Charlotte cant afford to out extra officers in the schools but they can afford to build new light rail and trolley projects.

    Simply put they would rather have their shiney new toys than secure schools.
    One thing to consider is the source of the money, many times federal government money has stipulations attached to it i.e. this money can only be used for public transportation etc. Not saying it is the case with your town but it is something to consider.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    There is no Spoon
    Here is Samuel L Jackson's view on the shooting and gun restrictions and the source of these type of shootings:

    I think he is 100% correct.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by emcl29
    One thing to consider is the source of the money, many times federal government money has stipulations attached to it i.e. this money can only be used for public transportation etc. Not saying it is the case with your town but it is something to consider.
    Truth. You can't take federal money designated for roads projects to pay teachers or security guards. Federal funding of schools has shrunk over the past few years and even our system was affected. We lost grant money for a couple of programs that had to be cut because there simply wasnt the money. Yes, you can try and ask the community for more money, but good luck with that. Than again, if we didnt have some teachers making $45/hour maybe we could afford to bring those programs back.

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