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Thread: Project Update

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbotts77 View Post
    I received some springs to test in my ticklers, but I haven't gotten a chance to test them, yet. If they are in fact heavier springs that the stock ones, this may make ticklers more usable for pneumags. Hopefully, I'll get to test them soon. I'll let you know how they work out once I get to test them.
    Ive got a tickler on my other one and it works like a champ.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    IIRC $25. Its really simple. Seems like something Renie could pop out in about 10 minutes. He was also making them for X valves, but took him too long to get them going. By the time he did I sold the X valve that I was going to use.
    Ok thanks for the info - I'll look into it

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    True. I might have to just try screwing the micro rock into the side of the ASA and running and exterior line to the MSV to do some testing. I'll just turn the tickler off. Unfortunately, if I have to end up trying to use the microrock it will all but kill this project as i have no interest in using an LPR outside the frame. Negates a lot of the point of the build.

    Aaaaand of course I'm out of air.
    use the Micro Rock inside the frame...i have a micro rock in one of my m90 frames w/the g-10 grips

    if the micro rock works then the good news is that you set the the frame up correct and that your LPR either needs a good cleaning, maybe a different spring, a new seal, or worst case scenario a new LPR...but the Micro can fit in your frame so its all good!!!

  4. #34
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    Nope. You forget the M90 was milled specifically for more room. I would have to tear the entire thing apart, hog out the bottom of the frame a essentially start from scratch to even maybe get the Rock to work.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post

    Nope. You forget the M90 was milled specifically for more room. I would have to tear the entire thing apart, hog out the bottom of the frame a essentially start from scratch to even maybe get the Rock to work.
    haha...nah man i didnt forget...i just know the micro rock will fit...yeah the frame would need a lil more work, but it will still fit.

    i would recommend taking the LPR out of your other frame to test on this frame, but you probably dont want to take the LPR out of your other frame? just throwing options out there for ya big Dawg so you can get your Mag shooting the way you want it to! one way or another you are gonna have to swap LPRs so you can see if you set everything up properly as well as to see if you have a faulty LPR?

    you can also shim the LPR or use a stiffer valve spring or both?
    Last edited by need4reebs; 02-14-2013 at 01:19 PM.

  6. #36
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    Too much work. I'll use the rock to test but its not an option for actual use right now.

    I guess I'm not grasping why the LPR would be bad? It is regulating the pressure. If I turn it down there isn't enough pressure to push the ram. I open it slowly until it is letting enough pressure through to allow the ram to trip the sear. It just seems as if the pressure needed to trip the sear is high. What am I missing?

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    Too much work. I'll use the rock to test but its not an option for actual use right now.

    I guess I'm not grasping why the LPR would be bad? It is regulating the pressure. If I turn it down there isn't enough pressure to push the ram. I open it slowly until it is letting enough pressure through to allow the ram to trip the sear. It just seems as if the pressure needed to trip the sear is high. What am I missing?
    a LPR pressure tester...haha

    dont really know if your LPR is bad either, but its possible? some ticklers work for a pneumag set up while others don't...being hit or miss is a very true statement

    just swap the LPR in this frame with the LPR in the frame you say works and see what happens or buy/make a LPR pressure tester? i have a extra Reg tester i could sell just need your own gauge, and i have a extra CCM LPR as well

  8. #38
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    if you have another tank you can zero the lpr in the frame and mount the other one to an asa and run the lp hose to it just to test it.

  9. #39
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    Finally got air and did some tinkering again. I am seriously thinking that the MPA 3 is part of the problem. There is a C clip that holds it together and I think I bent it when I was trying to take it apart once. The C clip seems to be kind of rubbing the ram as it comes out. When I was dry firing it with the grips off it would do fine slow, but when I tried going faster I would see the ram get stuck slightly in the out position causing it to chuff. Of course now I am out of air again.

  10. #40
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    Heres a little trick to try: increase the gap between the ram and the sear. It mechanically increases the dwell to the valve allowing a couple extra ms's for recharge. 1/8" is a good place to start.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirge View Post
    Heres a little trick to try: increase the gap between the ram and the sear. It mechanically increases the dwell to the valve allowing a couple extra ms's for recharge. 1/8" is a good place to start.
    Actually, I kind of already did this. I was using a rounded head bolt for the ram. It was sitting really tight onto the sear so I took it out and ground it flat. I ended up with about 1/16 of an inch ATM. I can try to increase the distance a little Working on getting a new MPA3 right now. I really think its sticking and part of the issue.
    Last edited by OPBN; 03-04-2013 at 06:55 PM.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    Actually, I kind of already did this. I was using a rounded head bolt for the ram. It was sitting really tight onto the sear so I took it out and ground it flat. I ended up with about 1/16 of an inch ATM. I can try to increase the distance a little Working on getting a new MPA3 right now. I really think its sticking and part of the issue.
    how does the ram work when the frame is off the marker? have you tested it off the marker to see how the ram is moving? did you by chance test or swap the LPR's yet to make sure that wasnt the issue? dont know if you tried the Micro Rock like you mentioned a few posts back...did you?

  13. #43
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    I didn't. Ran through both of my tanks again after grinding down the bolt head and realizing the ram was sticking. I also sent the Micro Rock off to someone for measurements so it will be awhile until it's back

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    I didn't. Ran through both of my tanks again after grinding down the bolt head and realizing the ram was sticking. I also sent the Micro Rock off to someone for measurements so it will be awhile until it's back you didnt swap LPR's or you didnt test the frame off the marker to see how the ram moves, or both?

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by need4reebs View Post you didnt swap LPR's or you didnt test the frame off the marker to see how the ram moves, or both?
    Neither. Didnt think to try the ram outside the frame. Once I get the new MPA3 I'll do some more testing.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    Neither. Didnt think to try the ram outside the frame. Once I get the new MPA3 I'll do some more testing.

    oh kool. hope it all works out for ya dood...test that LPR tho.

  17. #47
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    Sooo. After getting a new MPA, still having issues. Decided to switch back to the spring lever since it worked, just not super walkable. Got it back together last night and used up the rest of my air, every thing worked well, good enough. This afternoon, I run out to get air, take the valve off to polish it up all pretty since I planned on trying to use this this weekend. Put it back together and nope! In order to get it to fire I am having to turn the lpr up so much that its leaking.. IT JUST WORKED LAST NIGHT!. Finally I pull the MSV out and try it by hand same results. Starting to think maybe the LPR is the culprit, yes I am that stubborn. Take the top off and see some crud in there. Clean it out, pull the piston and spring out, clean every thing up and put it back together. Takes me 10 minutes to get the LPR back into the frame and still no joy. Really starting to get irked now. I finaly take the cap back off, pull the piston back out and look at the o-ring. Start to check it for dirt and it crumbles in my hands... Hmm. This might be a problem.

    FTR, the large on/off O-ring that fits on the top of the on/off seems to be the correct size. Aired it up and ran half a tank of air with no issues besides having to fine tune the trigger stop and adjustment on the MSV so it isnt to far forward or back and so far, so good. Might actually get adventurous tomorrow and throw the magnet modded MSV back in to see if it will work now.


    BTW, yeah you were right Reebs, the LPR was the culprit. Dood

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