The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre XVI
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Travel back in time to the 1930's, when the streets of Chicago rang out with
the sounds of speeding automobiles and Tommy Guns. The days when Alphonse Capone and John Dillinger
faced off against G-men the likes of Eliot Ness and Melvin Pervis.
Be anyone you want to be as the mobsters battle each other for control of Chicago's bootleg wiskey and gambling
operations, and the G-Men try to stop them.

This Wayne Dollack Scenario Game will have
Limited Role Cards. Limited Missions.
It's a Big Game Format that will be a whole lot of fun for everyone.
Guys - dress in old suits and hats to add more fun to the day,
Gals - dress in old-style outfits or men's suits.

The game begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m.

$ 20 Paintball Registration Fee (EVENT PAINT ONLY!)
$30 after February 8 Deadline

For more information call: Wayne Dollack
at the Field 352-401-1801,
or e-mail us at

Online Registration