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Thread: Pump Mag Opinions needed...

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  1. #1

    Pump Mag Opinions needed...


    I'm in the middle of changing over to pump and would like a real honest opinion on the pump mag compared to other pump platforms. I have a sniper and I have a tendency of double feeding, but I know that should go away over time.

    What is your honest opinion on a pump mag.... Is it worth 150 for a pump kit, 50 for milling, and 150 to 200 for a automag? Or is the ccm t2 that much better.

    I was under the impression that pump mags have the smoothest pump pull and you don't need to hold the rod forward to fire consistently. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    anyone can buy a CCM pump, how many people build a pump mag?

    do something that will get you noticed, something that no one else has(or at least can't order).

    also, check the detent and check the bore that you are using on your sniper, or try not using a force feed loader. though if you are using a forcefeed loader, you might have to change the detent to something stronger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Sebring, Florida
    I've HAD a pgp and phantom, they'er ok. I HAVE 2 Sterlings{old Bronzes} and A PUMP MAG. I love all three. My mag is by far the shortest & smoothest stroke.

    Niether would ever be called small or camo'd but boy will they shoot!
    Build a Mag and then go crazy with the mod's.
    I took the road least where the hell am I ?

  4. #4
    I think on of the hardest transitions to pump is cocking the marker completely and returning the rod all the way out before your fire. Since you are not actually holding on to the bolt like an autococker, do you have to do a full cocking motion with an automag?

    Are there differences in the four pump kits out there?
    I know the cerbius and AGD are suppose to be identical.
    What about the x15 and Rainman's?
    Do these pump kits all use the same cocking concept or does one have a shorter cocking mechanism?

    I've done a lot of research,but still have a lot of questions... I've even seen a French air smith create an a auto trigger for his pump mag, I just need a bit more info before I pull the trigger.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This probably wont be the most well received answer, but its based on my experience.

    If you are serious about getting into pump play i would avoid pump mags. Dont get me wrong, i love mags, but there are a couple significant shortcomings with the mag platform when you convert it to pump:
    1. No Autotrigger - yea yea yea, you don't need an auto-trigger, but if you are going to play pump competitively you would be limiting yourself by not having it.
    2. Efficiency - this may be more of a personal prefference thing, but i run my pump with a 13ci tank. My T2 gets near 200 shots on a 13/3000, my pump mag was lucky to break 100. If you are going to run your marker with a 68/45 anyhow this will clearly not be a deciding factor.
    3. Reliability *flame suit on!* - I have been plagued with issues with both of the pump mags i have put together. the first one would occasionally/randomly spew air out of the bolt after being re-cocked and wouldn't stop until it was de-gassed then re-gassed. My second pump mag had a nasty habit of returning itself to being a semi-auto which kind of defeated the point of having a pump. Admittedly these were both issues of not having my pump mags tuned properly, but it was not for lack of effort. I cant even tell you how many times i tried shortening the return spring for the semi-auto issue, swapping wave springs, ect. the first mag with the leaking issue i never resolved.

    There are two things i really liked about the pump mag platform... super easy pump stroke and detents! but after the reliability issues i gave up on both of them. i now have a T2 and couldnt be happier. I still run a mag anytime i want to play mech/semi but for pump i am completely sold on CCM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Charleston, SC
    I've had 3 pump mags, and there great. But all of mine were agd pump mags, i didnt buy any of those homemade pumpmags. I've had the classic powerfeed, minimag powerfeed, and a converted classic powerfeed body into a stock class body using a phantom tube. The only problem i had was when i added the lvl 10 and it would hiss air every once in a while. But i did read somewhere that pumpmags were designed to work with the lvl 7 bolt. I kick myself every day for getting rid of it.

    Here's a pic of one of my old pumpmags.

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