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Thread: you should have to pass a test to be aloud to breed. or your pets.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL

    you should have to pass a test to be aloud to breed. or your pets.

    My wife called me at noon today to ask if I was OK with her bringing 4 newborn kittens home that someone stuck in a muddy bucket and dropped off in the grocery store parking lot. Like cats or not. That should be treated like torturing a animal. So now we have 4 kittens that are about 3 inches long with there eyes shut in our house that we are hand feeding. Wife bathed them. And we are looking for a safe place to take them since we really don't have the time for them.

    But all and all I think all people and there animals should be mandated sterile until they pass a test and show proof they can handle bringing a child in to the world. Weather its there child. Or there pets.

    Rant off.

  2. #2
    Not to hate.. but would -you- pass such a test?

    I believe the word you are looking for in your title is "allowed" not "aloud"

    But generally speaking, I agree wholeheartedly with what you mean.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    This pisses me off...

    That is all

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL
    Rehkal. My spelling sux. Always has. Typos on the phone and auto correct don't help it either. But that said. I'm pretty sure I'd pass any basic life competence test. If not it would be scary since my day job is designing and wiring high voltage control systems.

    BT. I agree. We did find a lady that is over a shelter that has a friend with an adult cat that had just given birth. So she came and got the kittens and was gonna slide them in on the nursing.

    My original rant also had to do with the guy that lives next door to me. He moved in a year and a half ago. Has 3 mean small dogs fenced in. Doesn't mow inside the fence. Uses a small swimming pool for there water. Never changes that. Never tends to them or plays with them. And they just breed and breed and when he gets fed up with the pups as they get older he takes them to the shelter to get rid of them. Come on man! Get them fixed. Problem solved. And then there would be at least 10 unwanted dogs that wouldn't have been born in to a family that cares nothing for them.

    Oh! And my wife works full time at a shelter that takes in kids that have been pulled from there guardians for all sorts of reasons. Some people just suck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    New Hampshire
    I have had a long standing belief that people are the worst.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?
    We have feral cats around here, lots of them.
    Florida law is if you feed strays, they belong to you.
    I dont dislike cats or dogs, but they will die waiting on help from me.
    But then again I dont feed stray people either.
    It is what it is.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL
    Going home. I understand that. And with strays that a different issue all together.I just feel people should have to have there pets fixed unless they want to be licensed to breed them. Or something along those lines. We can't do much about what roams the streets. But if you have a pet. And you don't want babies. Get it fixed. Really doesn't cost that much. And it will cut back on the unwanted animal population.

    Oh! And me. I prob would have left them. But when the wife called about it.... I just told her to do what she felt she needed to do. But that we were not keeping them. I've got 2 fixed cats. I don't want or need any more pets.

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