There are thousands of threads all over the interwebs and probably a few hundred here on AO talking about how to get more accuracy out of our friend the paintball. I'm as big an offender as most. I have dozens of barrels, two insert kits, and an APEX tip. A thread here about under boring (which was fascinating but above my pay grade) got me to thinking:

Would dead on balls accurate paintball be any fun?
My answer, no. But that is a matter of personal preference. I happen to like the pulse pounding game of movement, communication, and angle hunting that is paintball. I know allot of folks who started out expecting it to be a game of hiding, creeping, and sniping. Those people spent allot of time alone in the woods way out of range before either getting the hang of real paintball, or quitting.

For me, if that sniper style worked, if you could consistently long ball somebody with a single shot from the edge of paint break range, well that would stink. Every once and awhile I get hit by a long ball from deepest darkest somewhere. It is by far the least satisfying way to get out. I would rather be lit up point blank making a desperate dash for the flag. No matter how "milsim" your marker is, paintball will never effectively "simmil".

What is more exiting?:
Two Hellcats thatch weaving against a Zero. One pilot putting it all on the line so his wing man has a chance to put the Zero in his cross hairs.
An F-22 getting a first look, first shot, first kill from over the horizon on some hapless Mig 29.

Sure the later may be cooler. But I would rather watch the former. What say you AO?