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Thread: whats a good hopper

  1. #1

    whats a good hopper

    I dont want to drop 200 on a hopper what are good choices? going Rt classic with SHP.... but i dont think my revy is going to keep up lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Western Mass
    You can get used Rotors for about $100, sometimes sub $100.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    New Hampshire
    Seems obvious now, but I used an eggy for a long time and had a lot of chuffing. I thought it was the way I had my lvl 10 tuned but when I switched to a Rotor without changing anything all my problems went away. My ULT'ed Xvalve RTs like a dream with the SHP.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Yeah without a doubt go rotor.they are the top dog of loaders in my opinion. I know there are other good loaders but rotors are just hard to beat.:-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Rockland County
    The new pinokios are out, and they're only $130 brand new. Haven't tried one yet but my bro ordered one. Will find out soon, how it is. The older pinokios were awesome, so I hope the new ones are too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm with Soul Coffin.

    I've put aside my Halos, Revvys and Rotor... I just use my Pinokio now, and I intend to get the new one.

  7. #7
    i love my spire and my old pinokio. i'll let you know about the new pinokio.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Western Mass
    The only thing about the Pinokio I didn't like is how high it sits. Unfortunately they didn't lower the profile of the new ones.

  9. #9
    There's several players at my local field that use the new Pinokio. They're certainly odd looking, and I don't care much for the profile.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Jeet yet ?


    I like a large capacity loader so I use the Spire 260.

    Much lower profile than the Rotor high capacity.

    The Rotor is like a blimp on top of the marker, its now the backup loader.

    Never used a Pinocchio loader, but I do use Pinocchio pods, they are great, hold 185 and indestructible.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Chester nh

    All depends on what you want to spend 30-50 halo too, 60-80 z2, 90-100+ rotor, 120 and up Spire so alot of decent choices. I used halo too as a warp less setup with no problems, going to try a z2 setup now, but for vert feed if you can get a rotor v3 for under 100 then that's a great bang for your buck

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lancecst View Post
    The only thing about the Pinokio I didn't like is how high it sits. Unfortunately they didn't lower the profile of the new ones.
    i read they did lower the profile. so its still the tallest hopper? that's sucks.

    update: new pinokio is as tall as a z2. super duper light.
    Last edited by capt spank; 01-26-2014 at 03:53 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I've got a viewloader tripod with the 300 count hopper when I need capacity and not a high rate of fire. I have a halo b and a regular when I need a little more bps, but the revy is still my favorite.

  14. #14
    i still use a revy so lol. idk about the Pinokio lol....seems a little much. on the spires and rotors are there different versions or better upgrades to look for? one thing is for sure i want a locking lid lol!! thanks for the help

  15. #15
    Rotors are great I have one for sale sub $100

  16. #16
    Pmd you pics and video of rotor

  17. #17
    how fast can a Pinokio feed compared to a rotor? wondering if i should get a pinokio, hi rate of fire... high volume makes sense to have a large hopper
    Last edited by RT Lover; 05-04-2014 at 08:37 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    I've actually got BTs 240 prophesy I'd sell cheap if price is a concern. I've gone back to my revolution. But if I end up going to a force fed again I will go with a rotor. Them dye loaders are pretty simple. And just work.

  19. #19
    im going after high capacity.... thought about running a warp rev into my rotor lol

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    southern IL
    Gotta do what you think you will be happy with.

  21. #21
    not sure i dont want to buy it unless i hear it works well for the Rt, pissing in the wind if it cant keep up lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Western Mass
    When I had a Pinokio it feed great and never jammed. I'd say it feeds as fast as a Rotor. My only complaint about it was how high it sat on the marker. It sits quite a bit higher up than a Rotor.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by lancecst View Post
    When I had a Pinokio it feed great and never jammed. I'd say it feeds as fast as a Rotor. My only complaint about it was how high it sat on the marker. It sits quite a bit higher up than a Rotor.
    Yikes!!! It sits pretty high now!!! Can u cut it down?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Western Mass
    I think it is the way the hopper is designed. The feedneck is the same as a rotor but the motor and everything is just higher up. The extra capacity with the nose cone on is crazy, I was carrying over 400 balls when it was full. I would put the regular front in my pocket and after the cone was empty I'd switch fronts and just use it regularly.

  25. #25
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    Warp Feed w/ Any descendant of the Halo...

    You're welcome.
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  26. #26
    Join Date
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    The Swamp, FL
    i say go with the spire, i love mine and she keeps up with my xvalved mag in r/t mode

  27. #27
    I've never owned or used a Pinokio, but have heard excellent things about them. Really seems to be the next true evolution of the revvy. Blindly fast, never seems to jam, handles all manner of paint, etc. It will keep up with an RT. Only issues with the older ones was with feednecks and with the nosecones. Apparently a well-placed shot could knock the nose off. Also, they were impressively ugly and large. Of course with the long nose cone (included) you could rock 400 rounds in the loader.

    The new ones appear to be smaller than the older ones, and I believe their profile is lower than the older ones, but the way they are built makes them appear to sit high off the marker. It isn't likely they would mess with a proven feed system, so I suspect they feed at least as well as the older ones, which is by all accounts amazingly well.

    The rotor is perfectly fine for your purpose. Super fast, incredibly durable, robust, and reliable. There are all manner of torture tests available on youtube. Only issues I've seen involves really bad/oblong paint, and reballs. The rotor was built for good paint. But it handles fragile paint very well. A buddy uses a Halo Too and had a number of breaking issues with very fragile paint in his loader. I used the very same paint in the rotor and had zero issues. In fact, I've never had any breaks in the rotor, ever, and only one jam in use.

    Oh, and you can disassemble it down to the planetary gears with no tools in about ten seconds and put it back together in another ten.

    If you get one, be sure to get the v3, as it has a better arm.

    No experience with the Spire, but hear it is good. Really, any of the three should be a good bet. BNIB the Pinokio will be cheapest, then the Rotor, then the Spire.

  28. #28
    don't get the new pinokio (aka Speed) if you're rt'ing. it holds the least amount of balls. if you want cheap that has a good capacity get a prophecy z2 with the larger shell. i believe that should support any rt'ing into the low 20's bps.

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