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Thread: My first mag build

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Roscoe, IL

    My first mag build

    Well... I finally pulled the trigger and ordered up an new Xvalve and ule body from agd.. Been looking around to pick up a nice used set but they are going for way too much right now on the used market to not justify purchasing them new. So upon their arrival I will have all the peices to complete my first mag build. I'm focused on a light weight mech build for open woodsball play. I think it will be a very fun gun to complete and shoot and completly different from my normal vintage matrix obsession that I have. Here's what the build consists of:


    1.84 LBS Complete

    AGD ULE vert feed body
    CCM Feedneck
    Hogged out UL agd frame
    Lukes UL rail
    Deadly Winds Foregrip
    Shocktech asa and mini rail
    Last edited by RAPER; 02-20-2014 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Cyco-Dude Guest
    post pics when you get it all together!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Medford MA
    Sounds like it should be pretty light. Definitely post pics

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Deft would like to see this "lightweight" mag put together!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Roscoe, IL
    i'll get pics up in the next few days... I'm still on the fence on putting money down on the XULE carbon body. They are sexy as hell but I don't know if i could justify the money right now on that when the agd ule body will probally due just fine. but then again the body would match my deadly winds barrel and foregrip..hmmmmmm.. atleast I still have time to think about that one

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    And so it begins

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    I noticed the "I have no mags" gun collection post you did.... that will change FAST

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Inception Designs HQ
    the one great thing with Mags are, is the modular design which you can, with dropping 2 screws go from what you have to what you want. just save up, and get what you want. the worst thing thing is that there are always new designs and parts that are being made that just beg you to take that loan out, sell a kidney and use that tax return for nefarious reasons.

  9. #9
    BST, misc parts, dealers threads are all good places to start

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Roscoe, IL
    I acutally ordered just about everything but the valve and body from this site. Nice and new parts. Shockingly enough what some of these mags are worth. I just put together a complete Shocktech matrix from a body kit I bought off line and have a lot less in that than I will have in this mag.. But I really love how simple the valve design is on these once you understand them.

  11. #11
    I think you'll love your mag. It's a good idea to buy some parts new. Buy once, cry once.
    I'm sure that I've already got more money into my mag than any electro I've owned, or close to it anyways.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Medford MA
    They do get expensive quick when you use certain parts, don't they?

    For pure performance, a brand new ULE custom for $500 or so might be the best deal in the mechanical semi auto arena. You can build/buy a mag for >$1000 out of specialized parts and it will perform EXACTLY the same.

    Not counting pneumags, of course....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Roscoe, IL
    got her together and put pics up in the first post.. I'm really happy with how the build turned out. Full weight of the complete gun, asa, and barrel was 1.84 LBS and it came in under my 2lb goal easily.. I'm excited to put paint through it. I air'd it up and there where no leaks but I cant get the damn thing to fire yet. I started slowly turning in the velocity adjustment untill the valve got air and i slowly took it to full adjustment and still it didn't cycle nor make noise or leak. The on/off pin did pressurize and the trigger did have resistance the whole time I was doing this. I know there is some tuning involved with the new xvalve with it's level 10 but it may be also because my take output pressure is too low for the gun to operate being at under 500psi. Can you get the gun to cycle properly at that pressure or is there something else wrong and I should start using the smaller spring and try different shims out????

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Gold spring. No shims in lvl 10. Start with 2 shims in ult. What's ur location?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Oh. And at least 800 psi minimum

  16. #16

    You need pressure. As BT noted, 800 and up. You will be a sad panda trying to feed a mag through an LP straw.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL
    My experience with my RT is that the marker will NOT cycle at all under 700 or so psi. And I wouldn't even consider an set constant output under 850psi due to a lack of reliable working.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Grand Rapids, MI
    Raper, I clicked on your thread for the first time and went wow. I'm currently building an Automag as well and mine looks exactly like yours, Same exact parts. Great minds think alike I suppose.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Roscoe, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag View Post
    Gold spring. No shims in lvl 10. Start with 2 shims in ult. What's ur location?

    I'm in Roscoe, IL.. which is basically on the WI/IL boarder just north of Rockford..

    I will re shim my ninja reg and get the output level up to 900psi and then go from there. I know they require more input presure than a standard gun but I was hoping to get it set up with what air I did have here at the house in the mean time... I will re-shim my tank reg this weekend and get it filled when I'm at team practice and get the output pressure to 900psi hopefully and then see what's going on then.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Roscoe, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by steve_81 View Post
    Raper, I clicked on your thread for the first time and went wow. I'm currently building an Automag as well and mine looks exactly like yours, Same exact parts. Great minds think alike I suppose.
    Nice!.. I'm still waiting on my CCM feedneck to show up and it will be pretty much complete. I will have to see if I am going to order up the XULE carbonfiber body or not. Once I get it going and put paint though it, then I'll have a better idea of if I want to spend more money on this gun, or if I'm happy with it and want to leave it how it is..

    On a side not.. I am not very happy with the finsh of my ULE body from agd.. It was ordered new and right from them but the finish is kinda crappy on the anno. It a really dull satin black and It was suppose to be gloss black from my understanding. It is in between a gloss and a dust finish and is really gray'd out.. Any ideas on that... The finish alone is going to make me order up that XULE

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by RAPER View Post
    I'm in Roscoe, IL..
    youre about 2 1/2 hours from me, if youre interested

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    McHenry, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by RAPER View Post
    ...but I cant get the damn thing to fire yet...
    ...and the trigger did have resistance the whole time I was doing this....
    When you have it aired up, is there any gap between the trigger and the trigger pin? If not, that's your problem. You want to adjust the trigger pin so there is a gap about the thickness of a credit card between the trigger and trigger pin.

    Quote Originally Posted by RAPER View Post
    I'm in Roscoe, IL
    I'm in McHenry, which is about an hour away from you. I have a friend who was from Roscoe.

  23. #23
    I was just thinking that the finish seemed quite matte. I have a stock ULE and mine is definitely gloss.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbotts77 View Post
    I'm in McHenry, which is about an hour away from you. I have a friend who was from Roscoe.
    bbotts is a great mag tech

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Looking at your pics, the trigger is awfully far back....

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    Looking at your pics, the trigger is awfully far back....
    Good catch. Maybe the upped adjustment screw in the trigger is screwed in too much?

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    McHenry, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag View Post
    bbotts is a great mag tech
    We don't want that to get out.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    southern IL
    He stated a 500psi input. Although there may be a set screw issue. Have any of you guys got your mag to cycle at 500 input? None of mine will.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Roscoe, IL
    in those pictures the marker wasn't gassed up yet.. once the marker has air there is a slight gap between the pin and the trigger.. I'm thinking its just the LP output pressure from my tank causing the issues (i knew going into it that the gun needed more input pressure to run at a "peak" performance, but was hoping lower would work for setup purposes). I'll i'm sure it will be quite fine once thats addressed.. If not I will for sure post up and let you all know.. Thanks for the willingess to have my stop by and help, I really appreciate it and you are all a bunch of stand up guys in my book

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