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Thread: old school barrell detents (double metal detents)

  1. #1

    old school barrell detents (double metal detents)

    Im slowly resurecting this marker, I was wondering if anyone thinks the old metal detents should stay or go, I think plastic would be better on paint, but Ive never shot this gun yet. . . so any comments are welcome here please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    waiting for winter
    which detent? there were 2 different metal ones, the early one had a bend in it that protruded into the barrel the later ones just had a hook on the end. i always liked the older ones better. it really depends on the paint more than the detent these days i believe as i have had paint break on both plastic and metal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    The wire nubbins. If you can, use the AGD plastic ones. I have had a detent fail, where on my L7 valve decided that the detent needed to be forced into the breech. Very ugly, mind you.

    Now IF you insist on using the old detents, AKA/Destructive Customs still list them on their website.

  4. #4
    I know i rarely post here. Im far more active on MCB. Second the plastic detents. I had a metal detent break on my level 10 smart mag. It took the gun out for the day until I figured it out at home. It marred the heck out of the bolt tip because it jammed and was chuffing. Had to smooth out the bolt tip. I only use plastic detents now.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the input, I took the old o-rings and the metal detents off, I will use the plastic ones, hope they work out fine.

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