Interesting images...although there are a number of broken links/removed files. Here's my question:

What gun was used for the ball in flight test photos? More importantly, what caliber was the barrel, and what type of paint was that?

Can you explain how you created the photo setup? I have no experience at analyzing photographs, but it looks like it's a single image created by exposing the film at millisecond intervals. However, at was distance was the camera from the path of the ball, and the barrel? What was the positioning of the mirror in relation to the path of the ball, and at what inclination? I see the markings remaining the same for the ball in the top image seen by the camera, but, the reflected images appear to show rotation. I'm not sure whether I'm seeing a rotation of the ball or the result of different camera angles as it flies past. It looks like the image is showing the ball rotating slowly clockwise along the barrel's lengthwise axis. Is there any chance of more photos from the same test? I wish I had found AO sooner, as all of this is ancient history, but it is quite an incredible read. Thank you for doing these tests and posting your results to us here.