Originally posted by shartley

And why was the bomb DROPPED? Oh, you want to IGNORE that little part. I didn’t say people would not hate us, but just because they DO does not mean they are right to DO so. But they ARE according to you. Forget that the reason the bomb was dropped was directly caused by the actions of the terrorists, and then by the country they are in not doing anything about it, and the bomb was the final step, not the first.

But you always want to start the chain of hate AT the bomb, when the bomb was actually the last step in a series of actions that could have been stopped anywhere along the way. I am not shifting blame, I am assigning the correct blame.

Here is another example of wrongful blame assessment using the same criteria as the terrorist argument. A criminal gets put in jail and he is angry because of it. He gets out and commits more crimes. Thus the reason he committed the crimes is because of the system that put him in prison… not the fact that he committed a crime FIRST that put him there.

Sorry, but that is wrong, as is the blame assessment you place on bombing terrorists.

But you will just come back with… No I am not, you are wrong. So let’s just agree to disagree on this.. as with almost everything.
I don't even think you get what I am saying.

We are talking about how dropping a bomb creates more hatred and more terrorist. Do you think the civilians on the ground could care less that we wed attacked first. All they know is that they are now being attacked, and now their innocents are being killed. I am not blaming the innocent lives lost on us, I know that happens in war, but the civilians are. And if we are going to combat future terrorism, that is all that matters.