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Thread: ULE Bodies and Detents Notice

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Guys lay off Skoad right now. Skoad send me the body back and I will refund your money. Once we get everything straightened out you can get another one.

    Sorry for the problems.


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    There is no problem with the detents. ANY gun that has the ball detent in to far will have problems. Thats why your supposed to adjust it BEFORE you shoot or use it. I just added a fatter Oring.
    Last edited by DjGruv; 04-11-2003 at 01:13 AM.
    Damage Inc.
    Certified AGD Tech

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Rocky Top, TN
    I had an $1800 Cobra Mamba IR3 whose ball detent went in too far, what did TheAngelGuy do? Put another oring on it and told me not to keep it any tighter than hand tight. So it's not just the ULE body; nothing is perfect.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In Uranus
    Skoad, dont worry man. I freaked out too. It made me a little upset, but after coming on here, and discovering its a rather common problem, with an easy fix, I cooled off too. As a rep of AGD, I think Rob went a little over board, but we all get excited. I think your best option is to hang on to your ULE and try the mod. You'll be happy when it ends up working. Good luck. Lets all play nice.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Waterford, MI
    I love the way everyone jumps all over anyone who talks ill of AGD. It's like a religious cult or something. He had a legitimit gripe (maybe didn't come across very well), but some of you zealots need to calm down.

    *wow what happened there, the whole thing just dissappeared*
    You are the Wormtongue of AO.~bofh

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Alexandria, VA
    well, i'm not flaming anyone, but my personal opinion is that everyone needds to be a little self sufficient. paintguns are mechanical things and mechanical things often need adjustments- a loose feedneck needs some duct tape, a loose twistlock barrel needs some tape under the orings, a detent needs an extra oring. Who cares? is it the ned of the world? no. if I have somethign that doesn't work, I go to the box of parts and come up with a way to make it work. I don't just throw up my hands and cry.
    think back to working on guns in like '90 and I needed a lot of homemade fixes. it's all good.
    sigs are overrated.

  7. #37
    so agd does this mean you will correct the cnc software so that future bodies will not require an o-ring or will these bodies always need somekind of detent shim?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Skoad and Jaymz, your orings are on the way. And a couple o AGD stickers too!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    House Springs, MO (for now)
    cphillip, thanks a lot man.

    i deleted my posts because it seems people like to overreact to my overreactions.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Its no biggie Skoad. Let me know if you need anything else once it gets there. I taped it to the back of my Business card in there so be carefull with it.

    Anyone else out there need one?

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Alexandria, VA
    oh, and not all the ULEs are like this.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    We will be making the appropriate changes to the blueprint for the next run. Anyone who is unhappy with their current body can send it back for a refund. DO NOT call me in two months and say you decided you dont like it or want to trade for a new one. I am offering you your money back today so you can wait for the "debugged" ones like everyone else is waiting for Xmags.

    There should be no reason to complain just send it back if its not what you expected. I'm sorry for the problems, I am more upset about this than all of you put together.


  13. #43

    What is wrong with you people?

    Don't appologize, Skoad. The guy drops $150 on a product and has the audacity to expect it to work? Give him a break. As for RobAGD, you work for AGD, right? Is that how you regularly respond to your customers?

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree with JAM and DB... but it seems like this issue is over and done with.... I could repeat what's already has been said, but i won't

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    lbi, NJ
    Originally posted by cphilip
    Its no biggie Skoad. Let me know if you need anything else once it gets there. I taped it to the back of my Business card in there so be carefull with it.

    Anyone else out there need one?
    I think I need one, but Im going to hold off on buying one until I get my body next week. I have a level X bolt but my spare parts got thrown out when I was moving from my old apartment to my new one in virginia.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Sure! just PM me your address and I send you one just in case. If your body has not shipped it may be one of the hold backs that will be adjusted. But just in case I send one out to you.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    So ... The current Batch of ULE's will be sold with the so called O-ring Mod right, you aren't going to scrap them? (I know AGD always has those attic sales for tiny little anno flaws)

    I personally don't care about a little O-ring on there. As long as it works with it

    EM01698 2/3rd's ULE-EMAG, PipeKit, SystemX drop and 88/3k PE.

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Added the carrier o-ring to it and it worked flawlessly. Thanks AGD!

    Moderate with Equality & Consistency in 2005!
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  19. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Jersey
    So far I have been lucky and have no had any problems. I bought a puple ule, put it on my emag, no extra orings, no adjustments and it worked fine.

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    1 1/2 cases

    I was at TRev all weekend and shot 1 1/2 cases of paint. The ULE with the extra oring worked fine. I would note the paint was small, but worse case I would have needed another oring.

    I have a richocett with the newer neck and with its orings fit in the vertical feed great. The hopper was tight and no issues. It was a really nice feel and a lot of people thought the gun looked great. I know of a few more people that want one now.

    The only problem I had was once the gun did not recock on a ball it tried to reset on. I had to push the bolt the rest of the way back with my finger.

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Portland, OR
    God cphillip goes the extra mile for people...

    Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to do the fix once I get it. I'm not mechanically inclined but that is why I use the darn mag. I don't like sitting in the staging area coming up with ingenious adjustments to get the marker to work. If you love to tinker that is great but maybe some of us do not. I'll eventually get a flatline tank but I'm not looking forward to figuring out how to mount it etc.....

    When I preordered it I thought I was going to have to wait much longer (mine is being shipped). Everyone was clamoring that they needed the bodies yesterday and then are mad that we need to do some modifications on our own. Maybe we customers need to be a little patient on our preorders.
    ULE Body Level 10 Automag intelliframe + retrovalve

  22. #52
    Well, mine had no problems with it at all, didn't chop or anything when I played yesterday (like it would anyway with LX). I guess I'm one of the fortunates that don't need the extra o-ring.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Portland, OR
    Got my ULE today and was shocked to discover how easy it was to add the o-ring to the detent (never had a marker with a detent like this before). This really isn't a problem at all.

    Now I have to decide on a cocker threaded barrel and order it. Then the ULE will be in business.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    I say if we Rag on this guy Tom enough, he will scrap the whole project...and then we get NONE! I think Tom is thinking "VACATION". Lay off a little. Rob was correct on saying that all parts cant be made "idiot proof". This is an adjustable ball detent and therfore needs adjustment af some kind. Tom mentioned how to adjust it...not too tough.

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Portland, OR
    I am not mechanically inclined so I was worried I wouldn't be able to make the adjustment. Once got my ULE, however, I was surprised how easy it was. It really is a non issue.

  26. #56
    Originally posted by Tunaman
    I say if we Rag on this guy Tom enough, he will scrap the whole project...and then we get NONE! I think Tom is thinking "VACATION". Lay off a little. Rob was correct on saying that all parts cant be made "idiot proof". This is an adjustable ball detent and therfore needs adjustment af some kind. Tom mentioned how to adjust it...not too tough.
    Hear, hear!!!!
    From a poster at PB Nation:

    ""Jim, back to your cave. Bob Long is on the batphone..."


  27. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Re: What is wrong with you people?

    Originally posted by ddinwdc
    Don't appologize, Skoad. The guy drops $150 on a product and has the audacity to expect it to work? Give him a break. As for RobAGD, you work for AGD, right? Is that how you regularly respond to your customers?
    I agree with everything you said... I don't think I can find one post that Rob is actually kind to someone with a mag problem...I actually just looked.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Warren OH
    AGD, what did you do to the bodies that you guys took care of before you sent out? Did you use the LX o-rings like you suggested in this thread? How are the new batch of ULEs going to be fixed? I'm just curious. I was wondering whether or not it would be a big deal to try to find one right now or wait until I can get a new one straight from your online store. By the way... is there an ETA on the next batch? An approximate date would help alot...
    2k3 Equalized Nasty Impulse
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  29. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    south mil town, wi
    how do i get a new rail for my old RT so i can get a ule

  30. #60
    Join Date
    May 2003
    pennsylvania in philadelphia
    hey im new to the site here but ive been usin mags since the first ones ... i love these new ule bodies ... how do i get 2 of them 1 in red and the 2nd in green ... any help would be greatly appreciated ...
    owned mags since the begining of time . arguably the best gun in the world . 12 years with both mags and still not a stumble in either one . over a billion bunkered .coming to a feild neer you slinging streams of paint and taking names .

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