Well im here to stir up some controversy or a freindly debate, whatever u wanna call it. In the firestorm autococker thread people were talking about closed bolt markers and how its just pointless, because every gun FIRES from a the bolt being closed. Im on the side of the people that say closed bolt does squat, they say that closed bolts also give u a flat ball trajectory, from what ive experienced cockers(closed bolt) do not give me any more flatness in the ball flight then an angel( people also say that angels lob paintballs at an arc, this is soo not true) and all these people with biased opinions on guns that do this and guns that do that, like cockers being the most accurate, angels lobbing balls, mags breaking paint.... where the heck do people come up with these things??? ive had first hand experience with all of them and with the same barrel they all perform equally good with own unique featues as long as they are set at the same fps. Now i just want to hear what all u people think about closed bolts and more accuracy(even on the marker reviews on pballgear.com they showed that the mag was more accurate than the cocker, even with aftermarket barrels) or even other rumors about how guns shoot. Also, on another thread they said matrixes and cockers can pinch balls, is this just becaues they are closed bolt and becasue of the closed bolt the ball does shoot when the bolt is coming forward so u can adjust how hard u want the bolt to return and thus allowing it to pinch a ball and not break it.