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Thread: ATTN: Tom Kaye! No more Xmags?!?!

  1. #151

    Boycott SP gear

    Ok guys...just sent an email to AKA...I'm going to give 50% of the proceeds of anything I sell to them to fight Smart Parts.

    I've been reading more about this whole patent thing and the more I read the more I think the paintball community should not only raise their voice collectively and boycott Smart Parts, but I also think Adam Gardners history with patent and licensing scams should be made known more publicly.

    To all those who say why bother boycotting or that this issue is stale I say...that attitude is EXACTLY what's wrong with this country. The notion that just because Smart Parts is a big company with a lot of cash we should all just accept the inevitable is a cop out. It's that herd mentallity they are counting on to run over the paintball industry and emerge on the other side as a monopoly. This will stifle innovation, raise the price of the most popular guns, and grant them even more leverage to do things like change the barrel threads on every new gun they sell just so we all have to keep buying new barrels. The gloves are off...paintball is not a niche sport's a cash cow and the war for market share is on.

    Take note of AGDs recent decision to stop making e-Mags and to hold off marketing any new electric guns until the dust settles. How long before the already high cost of an eBlade or Worrblade goes up even further. I haven't upgraded my cocker yet because I don't have the money. I'm hoping that the price will drop over time...if the Gardners get their way it'll either go up or they'll be taken off the market all together.

    My 2 cents.

  2. #152
    they should make a new AGD gun thats illegal, and call it the XXX-mag. I dont know how it could be illegal, maybe have pornstars pictures on it. And put them there without permission. I'd buy one. My emag used to say "PORNSTAR" when it booted up.
    Official Member # 10,261 and so is George

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Some folks may have missed AGD's edit to AGDE's post. So for those who missed it.....

    “AGD edit: I agree with John here, the biggest factor driving this decision was weather or not to spend the money restocking inventory on an old product.”

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Houston, Texas AKA Hades
    Originally posted by SprayingMango

    I will roll my eyes at you all I want, it makes me feel good to do so. Also, most of us knew this was going to happen anyway. It surely does not spell the end of AGD. The thing is, many of us on here believe in AGD and feel proud to own AGD Markers. A few of us have gone to many meets and done many things with the people who work there. So I know a lot of us feel some sort of connection to the company that goes deeper than just owning a product. I know I personally have many GREAT friendships that I cherrish just because of it. So when something like this happens, it effects some of us differently. You wouldnt know anything about this and can't relate, which is understandable and its a shame.

    In a way I guess some of us didn't want to accept it. At the same time we are loyal to something that is much more than just a company that sells Paintball markers to the masses. Again you can't relate. Because to some of us AGD and AO are something far greater than what they seem to be on the surface. We will ride it out along with Tom and everyone at AGD and are confident that everything will pan out in the end. If you call the frienships I've built and the great people I've met here a "Cult" then so be it. Oh and for good measure:

    Hear hear! AO&AGD = Friends and family for some people.
    Quote of the year: "Reading blwos"

    As little as 10 cents a day and you can buy my family out of slavery... Hurry before its too late!

  5. #155
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Something worries me here. I am hoping that AGD will be keeping a sufficient reservce of emag spare parts, and not just trying to sell everything they have. If I had an X, and something happened to the board, I would hope there would be a supply of spares.

    Now that the X is on its way out, I realize even more how much I like the body, and the gun itself.

    A site for gay and alternative lifestyles:

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Yes we are planning for a continued supply of spares.


  7. #157
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.

    Me too

    Originally posted by Kaiser Bob

    Hear hear! AO&AGD = Friends and family for some people.
    I wonder what it is for DB and Warped

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Originally posted by AGD
    Yes we are planning for a continued supply of spares.

    Good to hear, and I expected as much.

  9. #159
    Hrm, neato!

    So if AGD designs this new gun, are they going to design a big dead weight that the big-battery-pack lovers can bolt onto the front of the guns? You know, for a grip... or distinctive recognition from 100' away?
    "Accuracy by aiming."

    Definitely not on the A-Team.

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    San Jose, CA
    I just recently starting really reading into this smart parts crap. and it really pisses me off.... Smart parts is full of crap. Putting patents on any paintball gun that has a damn trigger....Thats like ford putting patents on tires or wheels......Sorry guys for being so late on this. i just had to let it out on something.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ****ERS

    From today on no more smart parts **** is gonna be touched by me...
    AGD MiniMag
    -Emag Valve
    -NitroDuck 68/3000

    AIM Name: SpdElemts
    My Feedback

  11. #161
    Join Date
    May 2003
    somebody in another thread(that got closed) said that they wouldn't be suprise if AGD got boughten out.

    Well, if i were to be bought out by anybody. I'd get a joint parternship with AKA. AGD and AKA are both smaller companies and they both beleive in the same relative philosophy. Why not?
    I knew not what I did but am now edumacated

  12. #162
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I sure home AGD is going to be around for a while, as I am preparing to make a rather large investment in their products.

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Frankfort, KY
    I think it is funny how quick some people "jump ship " and panic when they hear that e-mag is no longer being built . Personally I am glad , I hope that TK can spend some more time in R&D and focus on making the next generation e-mag a force to be reckoned with. I think the best thing we can do as players is let TK know what we want realistically performance wise n the next generation marker.
    "Anyone can slap together a high-end electro , where as building a high-end mechanical is truely an art form" - nuclear zombie

  14. #164
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Living in Ramstein A.B, Germany
    Originally posted by toyotaboy12

    . I'd get a joint parternship with AKA. AGD and AKA are both smaller companies and they both beleive in the same relative philosophy. Why not?

    That would be awesome. I would love that.... Man Would I love that and it would help both companies out IMO.

    Germany's Most Wanted Balla is sponsored by:
    NXe Paintball
    Maxs Sport
    Tomahawk Paintballs

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I've been playing paintball since you were still peeing your pants so don't tell me you're the paintball equivalent of Peabody and Mr. Sherman all rolled into one.
    Since when did age equal wisdom?

    let’s just say it's not a bunch of walk-on's shooting Spyders
    Since when did gun of choice equal wisdom?

    And your little fortune cookie sayings may work on high school girls but most people over the age of 18 don't need to watch Kung Fu to learn to say something cool to amaze everybody.
    Who am I here to impress?

    Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
    AGD was going to die eventually.
    You are correct! Everything will pass in time. BTW if you missed my post, which you did in your infinite wisdom, you COULD have read that AGD will decide when THEY are done, less a catastrophic incident.

    Please DB,
    Bring something to the table of conversation besides the typical BS you, and others, spit out on a daily basis. Why you remain on this board full of "drones" is beyond me. Do yourself a favor and leave or refrain from posting. If you haven’t figured it out yet AO is much bigger than one gun, one company, or any one man.

  16. #166
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Cottonwood, Az.
    I think this whole situation with SP and Toms decision to stop production on the E-Mag are very exciting times indeed. Perhaps in the short run things will be tough for many in the business, but, if you think about it, you will see it's actually good for the sport.

    This situation will force a new level of innovation that we have yet to see. Working around someone else's patent may be a hassle, but I believe the sport will be better for it, as long as Tom stays in the business that is.
    Last edited by luke; 03-03-2004 at 02:13 PM.

  17. #167
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    It's amazing that a simiple decision like this one can have such a large affect on so many people. Tom you and your products have touched a lot of people in the paintball industry. A fair number of those people have been loyal users for many years, others are new to the AGD/AO family. No matter how long we have been here, we will still be here when the dust settles and you release the next generation of mag. It is always sad when a great product line must come to end, but what doesn't kill us can only make us stronger. We're here for you Tom. Some of might throw a tanturm or two (no finger pointing intented) but we'll always supporting members of the AGD/AO family.

  18. #168
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    At the bar, having a beer eh?
    My take on this whole situation is this...

    Tom and AGD has revolutionized the industry on MANY occations,

    the creation if the first Automag,

    first to use compressed air for paintball

    RT technology

    Magnetic triggers

    Ultra light triggers

    Warpfeed(in conjunction with PTP IIRC)

    With all of these advances and innovations, what makes you think Tom/AGD doesn't have anything else up his sleeve. Some of you may jump ship cause of fear for loss of sales/support and go buy that timmy, trix, or god forbid shocker.. I for one, will shoot my mags for as long as pantball is being played. I have owned my Minimag for 11-12yrs, and my Xmag for 8 months, barring electical malfuction or age on the xmag, I will shoot these for as long as is possible. WHY YOU ASK???? Because Quality Always Shoots Straight. The mag is the tank of the paintball community, while some close minded people may not like its look, and its "poor performance"(I use the term loosely) it is UNARGUABLY the best marker out there. All of today's current "top guns" will have fallen apart LONG before my mags will have. I am honored to own and play with mags for all of my paintball life, and I will continue to support AGD and Tom in whatever may come.

    To finish off... I'd like to Quote Tunaman from SCAO2 -

    "It's AGD, or nothing for me."

    My sentiments EXACTLY Tuna.

  19. #169
    As a disclaimer, I must say that I know next to nothing of the legal details of this situation. However, I'd like to throw out a wild idea just to ponder over. Why can't AGD turn over all patents, blueprints, rights, etc to the X-Mag/E-Mag to AGDE? SP's lawsuits can do nothing against foreign corporations. At the very least, why not allow someone else to continue producing them for the rest of the world to use (and maybe a few to sneak through to the US via eBay)?
    Audentes Fortuna Juvats-Fortune Favors The Bold

    Blue-Gold Minimag Boy

  20. #170
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Good luck to AGD and AGDE in their future development of a new electro, and hope smart parts doesnt affect any of it.

    Untill then, Ill continue shooting my very awsome and very new mech mag.

    As I have said for a long time in the Kingman Forums at PBN...

    MECHS FOR LIFE!!!!!!
    • Black 'n Chrome 'Mag
    • Tunaman Built
    • X-Valve - Y-Grip
    • ULE Trigger - Level X
    • Chord v2 Body - Omega Rail
    • 12" SS Back Scepter - Old Style
    • DYE Foregrip - Doc Nickle 15° ASA
    • Datapimp Dropforward - Empire On/Off
    • Picture Here Thanks To

  21. #171
    i think all the comapnys that have been sued by sp should join together and make a gun that blows sp out of the water... the compactness of a mag and the lpr of a a excal that would be pimp

    also agd should get a patent on their bodies of their guns... they made those first so agd should get a patent and then sue sp's ***.

    btw if agd does make a newer version of an emag or x mag and it is a reasonablely cheap price id more than likely buy it to support agd
    Last edited by joebob09; 03-04-2004 at 07:35 PM.

  22. #172
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    basically you are saying if you can afford to purchase it, you will support agd, but if you can't afford it, you are just going to walk by?

  23. #173
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Originally posted by Creative Mayhem
    My take on this whole situation is this...

    Tom and AGD has revolutionized the industry on MANY occations,

    the creation if the first Automag,

    first to use compressed air for paintball

    RT technology

    Magnetic triggers

    Ultra light triggers

    Warpfeed(in conjunction with PTP IIRC)

    With all of these advances and innovations, what makes you think Tom/AGD doesn't have anything else up his sleeve. Some of you may jump ship cause of fear for loss of sales/support and go buy that timmy, trix, or god forbid shocker.. I for one, will shoot my mags for as long as pantball is being played. I have owned my Minimag for 11-12yrs, and my Xmag for 8 months, barring electical malfuction or age on the xmag, I will shoot these for as long as is possible. WHY YOU ASK???? Because Quality Always Shoots Straight. The mag is the tank of the paintball community, while some close minded people may not like its look, and its "poor performance"(I use the term loosely) it is UNARGUABLY the best marker out there. All of today's current "top guns" will have fallen apart LONG before my mags will have. I am honored to own and play with mags for all of my paintball life, and I will continue to support AGD and Tom in whatever may come.

    To finish off... I'd like to Quote Tunaman from SCAO2 -

    "It's AGD, or nothing for me."

    My sentiments EXACTLY Tuna.

    CM, stay out of my head .

  24. #174
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Cottonwood, Az.
    Originally posted by Creative Mayhem

    the creation if the first Automag,

    first to use compressed air for paintball

    RT technology

    Magnetic triggers

    Ultra light triggers

    Warpfeed(in conjunction with PTP IIRC)


    There is alot more to add to this list...

  25. #175
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    boy I leave on vacation for a week and all hell breaks loose...

    Well, I have to say I'd be sorry to see the X (or E) go, (especially before I've had the means to buy one, damn tuition... only 4 more months of it too...), but like its been said, inevitable...

    Guess my Retro will have to suffice.

    Warp Feed Evangelist
    My Feedback

  26. #176
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Tejas, American Union
    So if there will be no more production of X-mags, can we get a final count as to how many X-mags were produced?

    AGD X-Mag #XT00187
    AGD Tac-One
    WGP 2003
    Marker Pics

  27. #177
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Norwich Ct
    well this is my ideas here. I know sp is a patent monster trying to take over paintball...but think of it this way, smart parts is the schoolyard bully. We (all ppl with agd guns gear and or work for them) are being bullied. Even thought they have brute force (their stupid patents that are too vague and will never hold up in the supreme court)
    we have the teachers and the principal.....and if the principal doesnt do a good job....complaints to the board of think about this....THE SMART PARTS EYE AND ELECTRO PATENTS ARE USELESS. they are more of a joke to me. they will not hold up its too vbague covering up too much. i have had two ideas patented so far. one for special mods to the original mag *note these were the only tested ones* and one to my special custom spyder which i actually got the body frame custom made and no real spyder parts were used just unpatented ones.... i know the legal system. tom kaye has done things like this before. remember...its always happening...i also found out from many people that it is only a pause until a new one comes out....ules will be discontinued and the classic rt and the 68/mini stuff like this. now i play with a mag an angel 4, i just ordered a alias timmy *im on back order though but garenteed* nad my tricked out mag *my rec ball gun*. this problem will have no affect on me i already loove my mag *usually what i play with* my angel i already got a buyer for it and my timmy is gonna be my new tourney toy.....dont worry about it sit back relax turn up the music and dig the mag vibe you got new to forum anywho. Hopefully this helps some. think about all i said... and dont be suprised when the sp suit is taken to other places....the supreme court will handle it right.
    Clown Love

  28. #178
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Originally posted by 11_Mile_TMaster
    And, for that matter, some of my thoughts:

    250 E-Mags sounds like it's actually no number to sneeze at. Anyone with a recent E-Mag care to give a Serial number, so we have an idea how many exist?

    My Emag is a newer one and it has serial number EM01975

  29. #179
    Originally posted by Recon by Fire
    So if there will be no more production of X-mags, can we get a final count as to how many X-mags were produced?
    agreed i am actually curious about this tk

  30. #180
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Greece, Chios island
    We get an Xmag at the end of January with s/n 367 from AGDE.
    I will have one more in a few days. I will post the s/n here.
    Chios PBTeam

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