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Thread: OFFICIAL Fantasy Emag Contest Q&A!!!!!

  1. #91
    shartley Guest
    That is a hard question to answer. I do not know how different they are. Of course you can put 5 totally different Markers on the same entry if you like, but it will still be ONE entry. If the Markers are substantially different, it is best to make them separate entries.

    But I don't know how different they actually are. That is a determination that YOU the designer must make. Here is the actual rule as is stands in the Official Rules:
    11) Individuals may enter as many concept graphics as they want as long as there are substantial differences between each of their entries. This means that color changes are not enough for an additional entry. If you have different color schemes feel free to add small thumbnail pictures TO your submitted graphic showing various color/paint schemes of the same Marker design, but do NOT send as separate entries.
    So, as you can see Tom wanted only ADDITIONAL entries if the changes were greater than minor changes (such as a different tank, color scheme, etc.). For a new entry they should be a totally different Marker, not variants of the same one.

    I hope this helps, but I think this one can only really be answered by you, since you know how large or small the actual changes are... not me.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sandy, Utah
    Is it possible to replace an entry with another one? I was just wondering, because I fiddled around a bit with my entry, and was able to make it much sharper than the one I entered. So, would you guys take an entry and replace one I already sent in (I will have it under the same file name)?
    Converge Kills

  3. #93
    shartley Guest
    I knew a HARD question would come up, and you presented it. I took a hard look at all the issues this question presents, and how it would effect the contest, and everyone involved in the contest.. to include the contestants.

    The answer is no, you can not resubmit your entry. One of the reasons people were given such a long time before the e-mail address was announced was to prevent this type of thing. Another reason is that no other contest would allow entry swapping for any reason, it just opens up too many doors that are way too hard to close. There are other issues as well, but I am sure you get the idea.

    I understand your problem. But I can not allow one person to resubmit, or I will have to let everyone do so.

    I am sorry.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sandy, Utah
    I understand. Just out of curiosity, how many other people here have already submitted theirs?

  5. #95
    shartley Guest
    Thank you for understanding.

    As for how many entries have been submitted to this point, I do not know. I do not personally receive them. I am sure a good many will be coming in over the next week, so we will all just have to wait and see.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Zephyrhills, FL
    How long will it take to get the "Gallery" of voting images up? By this I mean after the contest is over on November 30, when will we know who the winners are?
    "The world you live in is just a sugar coated topping, there is another world, beneath it, the real world, and if you want to survive it, you better learn to pull the trigger!"

    "Sorry Bart, I traded your soul for pogs, Alf pogs! Remember Alf? He’s back, in pog form."

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St. Louis, Missouri
    i know how i can give u my situation w/o telling everyone it

    say i have 2 e-mags, one w/ a flatline tank and halo and its polka dotted, the other has a crossfire tank w/ a revvy and is striped, can the be on the same entry?
    Tough Times Wont Last Forever...
    Tough People Will ~ Darryl Kile R.I.P. 2002

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    St. Louis, Missouri

    just thought u would like to know

    That Is NOT my situatuin, just an example to give him an idea of my problem

  9. #99
    shartley Guest
    Yes, what you described would be one entry, not two.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Zephyrhills, FL
    Don't forget about my question.

  11. #101
    shartley Guest
    The Mag Man
    How long will it take to get the "Gallery" of voting images up? By this I mean after the contest is over on November 30, when will we know who the winners are?
    As with the last contest, it all depends on how much time Tom and the AGD Crew have. If they are very busy, there will be a slight delay in setting up the Gallery.

    Then there will be a full week for all votes to be sent in (one vote per member, any trying to "fool" us will be found out very quickly... as it was the last time.). This should allow every member to get their chance to vote.

    I hope his gives you a good indication of the timeframe we are looking at.

    (Sorry for not answering it before. You slipped it in between rapid posts. LOL)

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Hallo, I looked around and I don't think I saw this asked, sorry if it is.

    IS there a Size limit on the design, aka. 1024X768 tipical desktop size.

    I'm running 1280X1024, and I could fill that up with Idea's/art, but I'm not going too heh, that would be huge!

    So tipical size or Dimension limit? big is good tho

  13. #103
    shartley Guest
    You got me on my first cup of coffee. So I had to hold back with my answer.

    This is what the actual AO site says about its design:
    This site is optimized for Internet Explorer 5.0+, millions of colors, and 800x600 resolution.
    Yes, it WILL expand to allow larger resolutions, but is designed for 800X600. And that being the case, at 800X600 a good size to use for an entry graphic would be no more than about 600 to 700 wide (600 SHOULD be fine). As for height, again, does everyone ACTUALLY want me to start making limits? Sure, there WILL be a problem if someone sends in an image that is 700Wide and 5560000High.

    Remember, if the entries get sent way too large, they WILL be reduced to an acceptable size. And again, if that process reduces the quality of the entry.... you get the idea. This is a WEB BASED and DISPLAYED contest, there has never been any doubt about that. So you must keep your entries appropriate for that.

    I hope that clears up that issue.

  14. 11-26-2001, 08:47 PM

  15. #104
    shartley Guest
    More than likely. That is about the only logical way to do it. It would just take too long for a full scale gallery to load.

  16. #105
    samples anyone?

  17. #106
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Minneapolis, MN
    Can we submit our own thumbnails for out entries? If so, how big you want em? I figure a "-small" added on the end of the file name would be clear enough.

  18. #107
    shartley Guest
    No, do NOT send thumbnails for your entries. ONLY SEND THE ACTUAL ENTRIES. They have software that makes them for them. That way each thumbnail will be uniform.


  19. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Minneapolis, MN
    It was a question, no need for an all caps answer.

    That kinda sucks tho, cause a tumbnail can be so much more than just a shrunken down version of the whole picture.

  20. #109
    shartley Guest
    The reason I used CAPS is to accent the answer so noone would miss it.

    Please keep in mind that when I answer a question it is for ALL to see, not just you. And I often have to answer the same question time and again, or people claim that they did not see it answered.

    THAT IS WHY IT WAS ALL CAPS. (actually only a small part was all caps though )

    No offense was intended... you can trust me on that. So YES there WAS a need for an all caps answer.

    As for the thumbnail issue.... you are correct! But this is not a thumbnail contest, and the thumbnails serve only one purpose.. to allow the person to get to the enlarged version. Nothing more, nothing less.

  21. #110
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    West Lafayette


    WHOO HOO, my clip(s) went in to contest.airgun today! I got done before the deadline, and may everyone see my work for all its glory.

    Good Luck to all who entered, im gonna enjoy seeing what everyone with Photoshop was able to dream up...

    See you on the field

    Team Praetorian Guard, IL

  22. #111
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Daytona Beach, Fl.

    Talking Wahoowee!

    Hey all!

    I am glad to have partook in such a fun challenge.
    I hope that everyone had as much fun as I did!
    Thank you AGD for the opportunity to win such great prizes,
    I heard about the contest 3 day's before The deadline. So I figured, what the heck! I'll give it a go.

    I haven't played in 6 months, I have been Mountain Biking lately and lost interest in paintball for a while because it was hard to organize all my pal's for a weekly game or two. I hope that this will re-spark my interests in this great sport! I am sooo glad I did not sell my RT, because I knew that I would want to play again. My bud's sold all their stuff and now they regret it, but not me and a couple others! We knew that we could never give up paintball! I see many new things in the world of paintball already, this sport just keeps growing! Well if I win, I will donate my old gun to one of my broke pal's and then he can join me in some butt kicking fun!

    Long Live Paintball!!!


  23. #112
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i cant wait to see every ones entries!!

  24. #113
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Could I make My concept a bit longer, like say 800X800?

    or thiner but longer, much like the box contest was, I need more hight due to design?

    Would you resize that on me, becuase if you did it would make the Marker look funny stubby!

  25. #114
    shartley Guest
    One of your questions is as follows:
    Could I make My concept a bit longer, like say 800X800?

    or thiner but longer, much like the box contest was, I need more hight due to design?
    Noplace in the rules does it state it had to be a dimensionally square, in fact quite the opposite. Please review my actual comments on that issue...
    ... that being the case, at 800X600 a good size to use for an entry graphic would be no more than about 600 to 700 wide (600 SHOULD be fine). As for height, again, does everyone ACTUALLY want me to start making limits? Sure, there WILL be a problem if someone sends in an image that is 700Wide and 5560000High.
    This CLEARLY indicates that you CAN make it longer than it is wide, but to keep the width to roughly 700points or less. It also indicates that you should not make it TOO long, but that we expect some of the graphics to be longer than they are wide. 800 is a bit wider than I asked for so please reduce the width a bit.

    You also asked....
    Would you resize that on me, becuase if you did it would make the Marker look funny stubby!
    This is just not true. When a graphic is resized to a smaller width, the height is also reduced in direct proportions (unless the person doing the resizing does not have a clue). The WHOLE graphic is reduced, not just the width.

    I hope that puts your mind at ease. Noone's graphics will be warped in any way by any resizing the contest staff may have to do.

  26. #115
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Daytona Beach, Fl.


    I made mine at: 640x480 72dpi. If you make it bigger or smaller it seems like it gets pixilated. Will the grafx be altered to accommodate the forum boxes?


  27. #116
    shartley Guest
    Don't worry.... the Gallery is not a part of the Forums, it is a part of the main site... so forum boxes are not an issue. Also, your entry will not be made bigger, and it is already well within the guidelines I made (for size), so I see no need to make it smaller.

    So......... you are fine.

    Hope that makes you feel better.

  28. #117
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Daytona Beach, Fl.


    Thanks Bro!

  29. #118
    Will we be notified and given the option to change it if our entries are too large?
    Filesize too large- Tato
    Greatest "Sponsor" Ever.

  30. #119
    shartley Guest
    I do not handle the actual entries, but I would highly doubt it. I am sure they will just be resized down to those sizes discussed. This should not be a problem thought.... only ridiculously huge graphics would be negatively effected by this resizing... and I am sure people had more common sense than to make their entries THAT large.

    It is, after all, JUST a Web Based contest for viewing online. It almost sounds as if a bunch of people missed the whole spirit and idea behind it all........

  31. #120
    I don't think anyone really missed the point - it's just that we've spent a great deal of time and effort on these images, and we just want to be certain that people will be viewing them as we intended. Scaling some of them down, even just a little, may render small yet noteworthy details obscured.

    Just think of everyone competing as an eccentric artist :-)

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