After taking 24hrs to think about it....

To, me... paintball has just took a turn for the worse. AO and AGD seem to have a dark cloud over them right now... and it is a feeling that I just dont like.

With all of the B.S. and underhanded characters that permiate our sport... I always took great comfort in knowing Tom and AGD where there.

Not only the last of, but the FIRST good guy of paintball. It is not difficult to understand why he is calling it quits.

The paintball market right now is flooded with cheaply made, FAD products. Out of all of the dozens of markers out right now, I can count on one hand the number of them that I would buy or use other than an AGD product. (and still have fingers left over)

It must be tough to have to fight an uphill battle every day against:
-the market
-and Lawyers

A lesser man would have moved on long ago.

I also wanted to let Tom know that my X-mag is the possesion I cherrish the most.

AGD is obviously at a crossroad right now. The only good thing I try to keep in mind is that things might actually get better.

A new direction, new products... a new spark of enthusiasm. (A quality marketing team would help too)

So I am tipping my Yankees hat, and wishing Tom and his family the very best in the new year.

Now I am going to go home, give my X-mag a good cleaning, get some new paint, fresh batteries for my Halo.. and get ready to kick some butt this weekend on the field.
