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Thread: !!snoitseuQ rekcohS toG I(Shocker QuestionS)

  1. #1
    personman Guest

    !!snoitseuQ rekcohS toG I(Shocker QuestionS)

    Got some shocker questions for all you Shocker people. Im thinking about buying a shocker.. most of you already know that. I have a problem with gas though. I was wondering if it was best to A. Buy a Max Flow Reg for my crossfire stub tank (assuming it fits) for 99 bucks (I have to double check the price, but thats what I think it is) B. get a DIRECT palmer stabilizer and but it in the horizontal ASA parrellel to the barrel (assuming it fits) C. buy the whole shabang and get a vert reg, witch is very expensive.. I could get the bottomline stabilizer also, but thats not the point.. what would work the best.. and buying a new tank is out of the question.
    If I get it, I will use co2.. Im assuming you dont have to use a reg with co2? Please answer my questions, I know noting about shockers..

    Edit: If you know any good regs that have 1/8" threads that can reg 800 psi down to however much a shocker needs to operate, LMK PLEASE!
    Last edited by personman; 02-24-2002 at 04:13 PM.

  2. #2
    personman Guest
    last pic link diddnt work. Pic

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Careful... says you are thinking about buying a Shocker. Shockers are GREAT markers BUT... DO NOT BUY A SHOCKER THAT DOESN'T HAVE A MAX-FLO ALREADY. The reg is made for the gun and is a good one. You NEED to have a good reg (MAX-FLO) with co2. You CANNOT run a Shocker at 800+psi input. Input needs to be below 200psi. Get the adapter for the vert reg mount and put the maxflo there. Then all you need is a bottom line for your tank. Hope this helps
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more.

  4. #4
    personman Guest
    Alright, everyone is saying that it eats up n2 and If I was gonna use n2 I would need an 88 45 or higher. I have decided I will use a 20 oz. The max flow is 150 plus vert mount, and thats 35 or so, and I cant spend that much.
    I was thinking more of an Anti-Siphon + Female Palmer Stabilizer.. Stabilizers are supposed to be excellent with co2, and they are supposed to act like a mini expantion chamber. But really, Tunaman, Im getting the gun for $120, and the reg costs more than Im gonna spend On the gun.
    And no, Im not gonna get jipped. They guy is going to send it to someone here in atlanta and meet me at a pro shop to get it checked out before I buy it. (That is If I decide I want it.)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    West Lafayette, IN
    Work for a little bit and get the Max-flo, you wont regret it
    "I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you." - Taking Back Sunday
    "Cheating gets it faster." - Jimmy Eat World.

    Paintball outfitters
    Boostie Bomb

  6. #6
    personman Guest
    I could earn 200 bucks and still want the stab. I want to spend the least about of money I can.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    newfane ny usa
    There is no need for a palmer stabilizer. I would not run that on a shocker. Find a shocker max-flo, impulse and shocker max-flow's are different i hear b/c impulse is lower pressure. DO NOT DOUBLE REG THIS GUN. The max-flow is the best LP reg our there.

    Rhythm milled freeflow cocker with's so nice having your own gun!!!

    Planet Eclipse
    Detroit Thunder/Draxxus

  8. #8
    personman Guest
    are max flows mounted on the bottom of the gun, and you screw the tank in? or is it vertical?

  9. #9
    personman Guest
    err.. bump?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2001
    newfane ny usa
    The max-flo can be either screw in or vertical. Depends on how you buy them.

  11. #11
    personman Guest
    Is that the screw in reg, or the tank reg?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2001
    newfane ny usa
    That is a screw in reg. It looks like 2 stages but near the top is the ASA threads. Buy that!!!

  13. #13
    personman Guest
    Ok, there is one of those at my Pro Shop for 100$. THANKS EVERYONE!

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