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Thread: Tom Kaye Retires from Paintball, AGD Under New Management

  1. #361
    Interesting link but I would say that AGD did not make the first compressed air guns for paintball but they did develop them for widespread use.
    I used a compressed air paintball gun back in 1989.

  2. #362
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by jincay
    Interesting link but I would say that AGD did not make the first compressed air guns for paintball but they did develop them for widespread use.
    I used a compressed air paintball gun back in 1989.

    If you whatch the original video that came with the automag, Tom talks about "inventing" compressed air for the guns, however air america I believe was the company that was making the tanks and regulators. It was Tom's idea but it was considered to dangerous at the time so they let others do the heavy lifting of getting HPA accepted.

  3. #363
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    good to see Tom still frequenting the forums after all these years eh?

    btw who knew his real name was Tom Kotsiopoulos? I'm probably the last person to have found this out...

  4. #364
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    New Hampshire
    TK is officially back into the paintball world... not directly for AGD, but check out his new compressor!

  5. #365
    Quote Originally Posted by ProblemKinder
    good to see Tom still frequenting the forums after all these years eh?

    btw who knew his real name was Tom Kotsiopoulos? I'm probably the last person to have found this out...
    I found that out by going to his site. I can see why he uses Kaye as a business name, much easier. I've actually thought about doing the same thing if i ever have a business since my last name is polish.

    But yeah, i'm glad to see tom is still kicking it as far as paintball, i'm hoping to see him delve a bit deeper, but if he doesn't i'm just as happy with the compressor.

  6. #366
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by snoopay700
    I found that out by going to his site. I can see why he uses Kaye as a business name, much easier. I've actually thought about doing the same thing if i ever have a business since my last name is polish.

    But yeah, i'm glad to see tom is still kicking it as far as paintball, i'm hoping to see him delve a bit deeper, but if he doesn't i'm just as happy with the compressor.
    that compressor's pretty ballin'. also proof that TK just cant stay away from the game.

  7. #367
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Southeast VA
    Okay so technically Tom is back in the game now right. He is almost ready to start selling the mini compressor so that right there is proof that he is back. So he's back !!
    Now if he will just scoop up the electro patent and AGD starts turning out Xmags again all will be well in the world of paintball !

  8. #368
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ct usa
    a lighter better xmag you mean them old ones were great years ago but lighter smaller faster .... if he builds it we will buy it thats for sure

  9. #369
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Southeast VA
    I would be happy to see them start selling the old Xmags again.

  10. #370
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    West By God Virginia
    An X Mag ??? Whats a X Mag

  11. #371
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Southeast VA
    Not sure, I haven't had the opportunity to see one. I think your hording them all

  12. #372
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Houston Area
    Mini compressor? Link please!!!!

    I've been in the game since '98 and I honestly don't like the path paintball has been forced into by corporate greed. It's impossible to find a field where things are played "like the good ol' days" unless you are playing with just friends. Shoot, around where I play mech markers are non-existent and 99% of everyone has an ION. The game isn't about teamwork or strategy anymore, it's all about kills by volume and what's the cheapest fastest gun.

    Tom you have changed the game in ways you may never know. You have inspired so many people as well, just look at this forum! Thank you for staying as long as you have. You and your products will always represent quality. I know it's late, but the feeling in my gut after reading these posts is undescribeable. I'll keep reppin' AGD for as long I physically can! Thank you for all of your contributions and hard work, please don't feel like it was in vain. I'd really like to shake your hand one day.

  13. #373
    Wow, I have not been on this forum for many years, so pardon me for replying to this thread so late. I am sad to see Tom move on, but hope that AGD will continue on strong.

    Tom, if you are reading this, I wish you and your family all the very best! Your contribution to the sport and AGD has been tremendous, and won't be forgotten (how can it be with those great VHS maintenance videos you made - now immortalized on youtube!)

    I still own the two minimags and RT-Pro that I bought so many years ago. They are as solid as the company that was always there for us to stand behind their products.

    Thank you.

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