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Thread: Modus Operandi for the Revolution

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Denver, CO
    I have been watching the development of this for a while...I was tempted to join in on the club early on...but I'm particular about this stuff, and don't just join cause its cool and get all caught up in it. Then I saw Tom advocating it and took more of an interest.

    Thing is, I've been a mag user for a few years now, have 3 mags, and all the people I paintball w/ know what my story is, and know me as kind of the 'tech' guy of our team since owning a mag has taught me to be mechanically inclined...and people asking me to work on their markers, etc. I've also taken a LOT of heat for owning a mag, so I know what thats like. This club is a good idea, since I know the priciples Tom outlined for the club match up w/ my philosophy regarding mags...that I was one of the few from the small slice of the pie (so to speak) that actually did research and had my purchasing decisions based on my own observations and findings (back in the level 7 days)...and what is keeping my from this club is people who think its a joke with going around spouting off of 'chuff chuff' every chance they get, and wanting to make t-shirts and stickers and stuff....??? It's supposed to be an underground club right? 'Chuff Chuff' shouldn't be some loosely tossed around phrase for you to let everyone know that your in some secret club. It should actually be something that is hardly ever heard, but widely understood and acknowledged throughout the group. I mean its cool to have a logo, maybe put it on your hopper, or maybe a secretive red start in a black circle w/ no description on a t-shirt...but come guys! Lets not just be like...we now have a club, lets make a bunch of merch. and announce it to the world.

    I think the club is a good idea...but it is a magnet just for those who are looking to jump on some kind of bandwagon so they can say they belong to a secretive club and whatnot.(not talking about all the members here) Again, I believe the club is a good idea, actually an excellent idea, but I'm not going to just 'jump on the bandwagon' just to do it...I'm going to give it a little time...if I can see all the members doing what Tom posted as guidlines, and taking it seriously, you'll see me signing up fairly soon

    Just my opinions on the matter.


  2. #32
    Riotz Guest
    That's it. I'm shooting a cocker.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ
    Originally posted by Riotz
    That's it. I'm shooting a cocker.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Waterford, MI
    Originally posted by Riotz
    That's it. I'm shooting a cocker.
    I'm with you
    just bought one
    Last edited by wyn1370; 07-23-2003 at 01:26 PM.
    You are the Wormtongue of AO.~bofh

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Grand Junction, Colorado
    Like Dave, I have been watching this since the beginning. I feel that I play and interact with other players in a way that represents the spirit of the revolution, and always have. But do not look for my name on a list or a logo in my sig, as you will not find it.

    Oh yea, and I do shoot a cocker, for the very reasons Tom talked about in the first post of this thread.

  6. #36
    Originally posted by boggerman
    I feel that I play and interact with other players in a way that represents the spirit of the revolution, and always have. But do not look for my name on a list or a logo in my sig, as you will not find it.

    That's the whole point,you don't sign up or join it you LIVE it.If you feel the need to JOIN then you missed the whole point.Subtle and Sweet.


    You can't find the Revolution,it must find you.......
    Logic Paintball Forums
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  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Glen Ellyn IL
    Ao is now officially a cult, but what the hell i'm in
    Love Will Tear Us Apart

  8. #38
    Being a tribesmen also puts me outside the norm of pball so i can relate to the D.U.R. movement albeit i do not own a mag(but i'm working on that ). I have a favorite expression for the ideas you all are talking about here " give a penny, take a penny"(thank you 7-11 and your oh-so sweet go-go taquitos) meaning u give a little help, and u get a little help or maybe even alot of help, but the point is, you GAVE, not just recieved. So i feel i've lived the creed without knowing it and that is why I placed the logo in my sig.


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    South Florida
    Just buy a level ten and Kick the butts of other paintball players with no chops and unmistakable accuracy. now THAT my friends is a revolution.

    I want to be a cowboy.

    Good Sellers/Nice people so far:CYPRES0099, hawpunch

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    40 feet closer to hell...
    Das Untermags, Chuff Chuff.
    Hmm, how do we define it? Is it another stupid little clan on AO? Is it something else? Is it what we make it?

    I'll tell you what it is to me.

    To me it's about playing and living. Playing you arse off and playing intelligently. By this I mean that playing with an abscence of hype, an abscence of herd mentality, an abscence of oerjudgice toward any player regarless of expierence or marker they are shooting. It's about bettering the sport through example. In my eyes, bettering the sport should be the ultimate goal of any player.
    It's about making the playing expierence better for all players, espically the new players. Like it or not they are the future of our soprt.
    It's about seeing the truth behind a marker and making a decision based on what you want from a gun not what you have heard.
    It's about not listening to the things that you know are not true.
    Take these things and aplly them to everything in life.
    Giant flying dogs are gonna give you a flame-thrower enema!!!


    Chuff!!! Chuff!!!


  11. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ok, AGD has finally lost all respect with this revolution crap(pie revolution is just a fun gag, whoever takes it seriously needs a good slap), glad I left when I did. I said I'd come back to see if there was any intelligent posts, there were none. Grow up mag users.
    [Something Cool is Here]

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orange County, CA
    Whoah Jim...clam down some! Yes, it's been a long time since I saw a post by you. I didn't realize you left the forum for a while. Anyway, when things at work slows down some, I'll log onto AIM and you and I can catch up with each other.

    I think just like your pie thing, TK is having a little fun that's all.
    "I just came for your mayonaise." ~ TooDamnSweet
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  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Humm... there must be intelligent life out there somewhere....


  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Buffalo NY
    ...intelligent fun

    the whole concept of a revolution is really exciting and fun... except of course for the bloodshed that's usually associated with it
    TheDuelist "The problem is that Tom has developed the VW Beetle of the paintball industry. It's almost too good to change and far too reliable."

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    NCC 1701 Command Bridge
    Originally posted by AGD
    Humm... there must be intelligent life out there somewhere....

    Life form scans no inteligent life on the surface below Captain Tom.
    All your farm animals are belong to us.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI

    someone who knows latin please put that into idiots terms for me

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Phoenix, AZ
    So, let me get this straight: Das Untermags Revolution is about playing pball your way for your own reasons, not simply because it's what everyone else is doing? As in, promoting the revolution of intelligent thought in the sport? If so, then I am a part of DUR, and have been since the beginning, I just never knew it before.

    FYI, I shoot a PPS Blazer because it's made by a company with a solid reputation and my research turned up nothing bad about it. I bought it because I felt it was the marker for me. I was right, and I continue to improve with it. It's not all that popular, but I don't care. It works for me, and it works for my style of play. My sniper is the same way: I got it due to performance and preference, not because I was following the crowd.

    Proud to be part of DUR!
    ~Sir Brass, now a knight of DUR
    POG Member #919
    CPPA Member #1334
    Proud Member: Team Tactical Markers
    "SP - All your electro belong to us make your time" ~darwin
    "Most Paintball players go through the transition from Novice to Pro before they get a clue and move back down to amateur." ~ Glenn Palmer

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Shelbyville, Indiana

    DUR = Jeet Kune Do

    The Revy seems to me alot like Bruce Lee`s, Jeet Kune Do. Its like having No Way as Way but Your Own Way.
    Hey Whos That guy with the Machine Gun!

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Am I the only one who sees the irony in pulling away from the group..... then joining the "revolution" which is JUST ANOTHER GROUP.....

    find your own path(s)...geez...

    "Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time." -GLS

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    im with the guy above me. just play paintball for the love eof the game. when i play a game or sport for the first time i will know imediatly if the game is for me. this hapened 8 yeaars ago when i started skateboarding(when it wasnt cool) a few years later there was a big boom with skateboards. every one bougt one. i still skate today. the first time i played paintball i felt the same exilarating feeling as when i started skateboarding. i will continue them both because i love them and i dont care what other people think about them. i wouldnt ever join a group because the way the group thinks affect the way you think which i think deafeats the purpose of having a group in the first place.

    just do it because you want to not becuase someone else wants you to

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina
    ummm yeah

  22. #52
    LittlePaintballBoy Guest
    This thread was like a year old from the last post, why did you feel the need to bring it baxk with something that had already been mentioned?

  23. #53
    lmao so how'd that revolution go?

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Still going strong

  25. 06-18-2011, 12:31 AM

  26. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Oh Canada *PL*
    Stronger every day.

    If only it was world wide...

  27. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by my automag
    Stronger every day.

    If only it was world wide...
    There's a few across northern and eastern europe, as well as the UK.

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