Quote Originally Posted by maverick13

I'm a total newbee in emag (and automags too !!!) and know nothing about technics

So my problem (and question) is :

Will this board very simple to install ? something like replacing the stock board by a virtue one on an invert mini (take off 3 screws, take off old board, put new board, re-place the 3 screws and ... go to the field !!!)

or will it be needed to make changes on the marker ?

I have a "stock" emag with v1.37 software.

Its more like 1 screw, the trigger switch (HES), the solenoid mount, solenoid coil, etc

There is some work involved. About 30 minutes.

If you are looking for modes of fire over the stock board, but your stock board functions, maybe this isn't the product for you.

If all you need is control of the modes and some dwell adjustment, the software flash called "XMOD" is what you need.

I may be losing a customer, but really this new board of mine is for when the stock one no longer functions at all.

If that ever happens, then my new boards are the replacement you will be looking for.