Quote Originally Posted by hill160881
I will wait on the next phase until i got it smoged and have driven it a bit before I find a different shop to do the injectors, cams......This shop does great work but are almost doble there original estimate and told me they had some parts, and I paid for them, that were either not there or were not serviceable. Those parts cost me an additional $1700 last minut. That plus the 2 grand they are over from there original high estimate leaves me wanting the shops formans head on a platter. But they have me by the nuts until I get it back. Then I will look it all over and see if some legal action is needed, probally not worth the effort. I dont want something for nothing but the parts they sold me and did not have has me pissed as hell. I guess they think that 3700 bucks over budget when i have told them my budjet from the start is ok, it is actually piss poor communication and service.

i would YELP them. send a detailed review in.

then send a copy of the review to the BBB and see what they can do.

small claims court/civil court takes money that sounds like you might not have in the budget, since you are already over.

my .02.
