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Thread: New E-Mag/X-Mag board!!!!!!

  1. #451
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Houston, TX
    I'd just like to know what I have to do to get my board ASAP. How much $$$ do I need to drop?

    Or will this turn into another order that never was...

  2. #452
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by rukh013
    I'd just like to know what I have to do to get my board ASAP. How much $$$ do I need to drop?

    Or will this turn into another order that never was...
    i know i was hoping to get my two boards soon, at least by x-mas, so i could show off my full collection to the family when they come to visit.

    P8nt, you think you could comment on how far or close you are to the end goal of getting these out to everyone?

  3. #453
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by BTAutoMag
    do it KNM style and just buy em all and sit on them till you sell them later
    I needed to repeat this cause we are all thinking it

  4. #454
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Near Frankfurt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me

    Anyone whom has invested into this project or anyone whom is thinking of investing, this update is for you.

    With all the issues surrounding the pre-orders in the past and present, I want to ensure the buyers committed already at this point that your funds have gone to the product and production of this product ..........

    I want everyone here to see and understand that we are committed to these boards and will see the entire production to the end.

    Trust is a commodity that we can not put a price on.
    We need to keep you guys in the loop and ensure that the trust you have shown us stays with us as we proceed.

    Please keep communication with us as it remains our priority to keep you the customer informed as much as possible

    ** If you have any questions, PLEASE ask! We are a business and we value you, the customer/investor **

    This was asked 3 1/2 months ago:

    Quote Originally Posted by RST
    Any News?
    How many people need to pay before the boards are getting shipped out after the extra payments sent by you and the BEO guys?
    And what are you doing to get those people on the list to place the payment?
    Would you please be so kind and give us an answer to our asked questions?

  5. #455
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by rukh013
    I'd just like to know what I have to do to get my board ASAP. How much $$$ do I need to drop?

    Or will this turn into another order that never was...

    i didn't mean to sound rude i'm just looking forward to this.

    Can the boards that are paid for be sent, then after a time limit sell the extras that go unclaimed?

  6. #456
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Morgan Hill, CA
    I believe that I paid for my board about a year ago. The impression is that we are waiting on some "pre-orders" to pony up before the boards go into production and/or are sent out.

    At this point, those people on the pre-order list aren't going to be coughing up anything anytime soon. What are the chances of cutting the losses, getting out the boards for those who have paid, and selling the remainder once word gets out that these things actually work by those who have purchased them?

    Just because I've seen these things go south a few too many times, I would suggest that anyone who thinks about doing a project like this, or one with pre-orders in the future get firm deposits of 50% upfront. Close pre-order after a set 30, 60, 90 day period, and collect the remainder of funds.
    If there was a stipulation that xxx number of orders needs to be placed and that number wasn't reached, you then make the decision to either go forward or refund all money sent at that point.

  7. #457
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Near Frankfurt, Germany
    I'm pretty sure that no one of the "preorder" guys will pay (today, tomorrow, in a year or in decade) and this is a preorder like the bad ones before.
    I want my board or my money back!

    Thanx for communication.

  8. #458
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by RST
    I'm pretty sure that no one of the "preorder" guys will pay (today, tomorrow, in a year or in decade) and this is a preorder like the bad ones before.
    I want my board or my money back!

    Thanx for communication.

    what will the preorder guys get and when?the rest of the payment is just before delivery, that is how the preorder was laid out

    i'm just glad i didn't gift the PP money
    Last edited by rukh013; 12-18-2012 at 05:18 PM.

  9. #459
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Morgan Hill, CA
    I just want to put an end to my 3 year MM2k9 Emag project...the board is the last piece of the puzzle.

  10. #460
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    i would say that the prorder people that have not yet paid, wont be paying after the holidays.

    most adults, with families and such, have less money after the holidays not more.

    so i would say be patient.

    **i would say as side note there most likely will be no refunds. the money paid has gone straight to the development of the boards.
    Jay/Jai has even put much of his own pocket money to get these started, this order is not just funded by preorders.

    just an update is always good.
    once every two weeks is a nice time frame, but the key is to get the other guys to pay their orders in full.

  11. #461
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Look on the bright side guys, I've been waiting for my Predator board for almost 8 years now. Be patient, it will totally be worth it...

    Btw, I'll say it again. I'm interested in a few boards, but I need to see what the preorder folks think of them... Maybe you can release a few to spark interest in this project again.... I'm obsessed with AGD products and have an extensive E-mag collection, but I will not fall into another trap waiting for something that may never come to light. You have around $3500 (rough estimate) that people sent to you via GIFT in paypal and you haven't really given them clear updates lately. I understand you are waiting for all 50 slots to fill up, but honestly do you think they will all be paid. $189 X 30 = $5670. That is alot of money to sit around and wait for. I love seeing all the updates with the boards sitting around, but don't you think that would be frustrating for all of your loyal preorder folks to sit and wait for people that will never fulfill their order.

    Since you even put your own money down I'm shocked to see you not pushing to sell these at all. The people that you are ignoring are the ones who could sell your product. Take RST for example, he is a serious german AGD collector, I bet if he had his hands on your boards he could sell quite a few on the european forums, but no..... he is sitting here waiting for a refund.

    I really appreciate all the R&D that has gone into all of your projects, but you have to realized sooner or later people will lump you in the same category that the DevilMag, Tag Sportz, Logic PB, Venomous Designs, Pro-team Products, G-Force, and Chris Nearchos are in.

  12. #462
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Morgan Hill, CA
    Just to be clear, Im not asking for a refund here. I do want my board. I just would like to get beyond the impression that we are waiting for 'preorder' people to pay when we have been waiting for about a year on them already.

    They aren't going to be paying this christmas, or next christmas either.

  13. #463
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    im all for voluntering my time to test my boards, if they get sent out to me, ill definently let people know how i like them.

    i just need two boards now.

    who knows i may need more down the road as the colection hopefully grows.
    ship em out the buyers will do the rest.

  14. #464
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I currently have no horse in this race, but I bought a project with this board in mind. I've been watching this thread for awhile now, but I'm hesitant to jump in with my money just yet. The main question that I have been waiting for an answer is this one asked about 2 months ago:

    Quote Originally Posted by RST
    Any News?
    How many people need to pay before the boards are getting shipped out after the extra payments sent by you and the BEO guys?
    And what are you doing to get those people on the list to place the payment?

    As I said before I may be interested to get more than the one board that I paid full month ago, but I'm not willing to throw money into a black hole.
    There doesn't seem to be a clear answer to this, therefore the feeling of throwing money out there at something pretty and hoping it will come. The pictures of the boards and all is reassuring the product is there, but I'm concerned like the others who have paid on what date these boards would be potentially delivered on. As far as I understand, this is the last bit needed in order to get these boards out in people's hands. For me, a clearer understand on when the end will come would make me put my hat in the ring.

    I understand that it's holiday time/end of the year and at least with my business we're extremely busy with trying to tie up the loose ends to finish projects, avoid taxes, etc. Any answer would be greatly appreciated.


  15. #465
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Seems you guys are getting a bit restless.
    I don't blame you one bit, so lets clear up some of the cloud here:

    1) AO doesn't seem to give me email updates any more. Even though the option is clearly checked on my user options

    2) IF you are not vested in this project financially,.... Do not post.

    3) IF you are vested financially,.... Please feel free to ask, question, and communicate.

    4) if you meet criteria in #3, please feel free to PM me and you can communicate with me via phone, text, or whatever u feel like

    5) this project was a HUGE financial undertaking. Please understand that.
    Of the cost vested from you guys that have paid up, all your money went to parts and the board printing process.
    That means that the pieces of your boards are sitting in a box (well a few boxes), in my basement in an anti-static bag waiting for assembly.
    The cost to assemble the boards is: $2500
    More than happy to screen shot the invoice quote and post it up.
    Of that cost, $1900 is owed from the remainder of the pre-order guys.

    6) I understand you guys are not complaining. You just want your boards.
    I would like to be done with it as well and move on.

    7) I've said it a few times... And the truth has not changed: the balance owed must be paid to close this project and deliver your product.

    8) this was in no way shape or form a profit making project for me.
    Unless someone offers me a HUGE sum of cash (think $10,000+), I will never make my money back to cover my cost.
    And I'm perfectly okay with that guys! I did this for my own reasons.
    I'm not saying that "if you haven't vested as much as I have... You can't complain". Not saying that at all. My point is: your money didn't go to recoup my investment.... It's to go to YOUR product and nothing more.

    I get where you guys are coming from. Money in.... Product delivered.
    I've been where you are.... And in this project I will always be long after your boards are installed in your guns.

    Try to keep the faith and remain positive.

    My number one goal has been and still is to deliver the quality product you have been paciently waiting for. For those of you that live in NH or want to drive the distance.... Please stop on by any Wed., Thursday, or every other Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
    Everything is here for you to see if seeing is believing for your needs.

    Any other questions just post them up!
    Jai "P8ntbal4me" Menard

  16. #466
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    now i hope people start paying the rest of the balances owed.

    that would be great.

  17. #467
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Morgan Hill, CA
    Thanks for the update.

    Are you able to assemble the boards yourself?
    Is the cost to assemble the boards for parts, or the labor to have someone else do it?

  18. #468
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris
    Thanks for the update.

    Are you able to assemble the boards yourself?
    Is the cost to assemble the boards for parts, or the labor to have someone else do it?

    Can I assemble the boards myself?

    Will I?

    The boards are not very complex but require a bit more skill than what I have acquired thus far.
    I have tried to do some sample boards myself and have made a 60% success rate with the resistors. Keep in mind thats JUST the resistors! Some of the package sizes are 403-402,.. which is the smallest in hand tools you can dare to go.

    Without a machine,... the parts will fry from electro-static charge the second you look at them.

    Things I have done myself:
    Assemble the wire harnesses for the components like solenoids, HES, power cables,....

    I paid the board company the retainer to print the boards. With the money vested toward the assembly from you guys,.. they are going to warranty the boards as they are assembled.

    Hence,... not worth your money to have me TRY to assemble your board.....

    Keep in mind this is YOUR money we are talking about here,.... not mine.

    Not worth the gamble

  19. #469
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    For those of you whom have sent me PMs expressing that you were not meaning to compain,. or cause a stir,....

    Dont waist your time!!!!! :-)

    As I have said,... I did this project for my own reasons,... your input is valued as long as you are a paying customer.

    Those of you whom have paid have the right to post comments and be heard,.....

    Those of you whom have voiced your opinion,.... done deal,... no harm done!

    Open an new thread and discuss,.... this thread is reserved for those that have paid and require my attention.

    If you have PMed me expressing apology or "no offense",... none taken.

  20. #470
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    Can I assemble the boards myself?

    Will I?

    The boards are not very complex but require a bit more skill than what I have acquired thus far.
    I have tried to do some sample boards myself and have made a 60% success rate with the resistors. Keep in mind thats JUST the resistors! Some of the package sizes are 403-402,.. which is the smallest in hand tools you can dare to go.

    Without a machine,... the parts will fry from electro-static charge the second you look at them.

    Things I have done myself:
    Assemble the wire harnesses for the components like solenoids, HES, power cables,....

    I paid the board company the retainer to print the boards. With the money vested toward the assembly from you guys,.. they are going to warranty the boards as they are assembled.

    Hence,... not worth your money to have me TRY to assemble your board.....

    Keep in mind this is YOUR money we are talking about here,.... not mine.

    Not worth the gamble
    any recommendations on how to get people to finish paying.
    i would really like to get my boards.

    i hate waiting for 20-35.... yr old kids who dont know how to manage their money try to find the money to pay for stuff like this.


  21. #471
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags
    any recommendations on how to get people to finish paying.
    i would really like to get my boards.

    i hate waiting for 20-35.... yr old kids who dont know how to manage their money try to find the money to pay for stuff like this.

    My warranty (your warranty) is resting with the printer of the boards,.... hence,.. they need to assemble to CARRY OVER the warranty.

    Now,... with that said,.. we COULD have any one assemble the boards,..

    BUUUUUUUT,.... YOU VOID YOUR WARRANTY with me,.......

    See how that plays out??/

    In my opinion,.... not worth the cost of the wait,...... I would PREFER the warranty

  22. #472
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by p8ntbal4me
    My warranty (your warranty) is resting with the printer of the boards,.... hence,.. they need to assemble to CARRY OVER the warranty.

    Now,... with that said,.. we COULD have any one assemble the boards,..

    BUUUUUUUT,.... YOU VOID YOUR WARRANTY with me,.......

    See how that plays out??/

    In my opinion,.... not worth the cost of the wait,...... I would PREFER the warranty
    i have no problem waiting.

    do you for see at all the boards being done by TB7?

    it would be nice to tote the collection with me ready to rock.

    or is that kinda the thing you cannot forsee?

  23. #473
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rukh013
    I'd just like to know what I have to do to get my board ASAP. How much $$$ do I need to drop?

    Or will this turn into another order that never was...

    It will turn into a "when the pre-order guys finish up payment,.. we can finish up shiping"

    I am uploading some more current video to offer some re-assurance of where we are at,....

  24. #474
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by knownothingmags
    i have no problem waiting.

    do you for see at all the boards being done by TB7?

    it would be nice to tote the collection with me ready to rock.

    or is that kinda the thing you cannot forsee?

    I want nothing more than to get rid of these parts from my house!!!

    I want to move on to something new and different,....

    HOWEVER,... I am committed to finish this project in a manor that reflects greatly upon myself, my company, and the AO/BEO community.

    AGAIN... if you want to stop by my house and tour the shop,... please feel free to contact me!!!!!!

  25. #475
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    You PMed me about some stuff being made (beyond the topic in this thread)

    I PMed you back with an answer.

  26. #476
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    December 23rd 2012


    For those of you that have yet to see the house/shop a Reaperball,....

    Video tour of the parts you purchased is detailed as followed:

    Second video:

    Third Video:

    Last edited by p8ntbal4me; 12-23-2012 at 11:13 PM.

  27. #477
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    thats great Jai,

    if that doesnt get people to want to pay the rest of their balance.

    thankyou for taking the time to do the videos. i personally had not see that stuff.
    thats cool


  28. #478
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    alright people use some of the x-mas money and throw it down and pay what you owe, or throw down the cash to pay outright to get one of these great boards.

  29. #479
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    thanks for the video


  30. #480
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Almost as good as taking a tour through Manike's basement... Almost.

    What auto cocker body is that in video 2 at 1:50?
    Stay Classy, AO...
    BEO: RIP / Topgun Paintball: RIP / Old MCB: RIP

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