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Thread: Christopher Dorners Manifesto

  1. #1

    Christopher Dorners Manifesto

    Has anybody else read this? WOW this is in my backyard thought this was note worthy

  2. #2
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    its like straight out of rambo.

    dunno who to believe. i don't doubt there is plenty of shady **** happening in the LAPD, at the same time, going rambo is not a good solution to such problems. and then the way the LAPD has handled this is further crazy.
    "because every vengeful cop with a lesbian daughter, is having a bad day, and looking for someone to blame"

  3. #3


    I'm sure there is plenty of truth to his story about LAPD practices growing up in L.A. I've seen it first hand but he's def going about it the wrong way and the LAPD basically shoot first ask questions later policy those two newspaper lady's got lucky I work in Torrance early early mornings and glad I didn't run into trigger happy LAPD officers

  4. #4
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    Thumbs down Hypocracy Abounds

    What is so funny about this..... he agrees with obama and far left ideology,

    but the so called "main stream" media is strangely silent on this point.

    If he agreed with one of the other side of the isle every headline would be "right wing cop killer".

  5. #5
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    Strikes me as odd that the police are so determined to kill him and not bring him in to face justice. Makes me think they may be trying to cover something up. Haven't read his manifesto but I am sure it probably rambles.

    Seems to me the media has been pretty silent as the the political leanings of the last number of shooters. Most of them didn't own the guns they were using.

  6. #6
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    Like CP said, this is about as Rambo as it gets.

    But wait.....California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, how's this guy able to wage a war???? This should be impossible, right?

    The guy clearly thought this thing out.

    Having been an officer deployed to Iraq, he's certainly sat through plenty of intel briefs covering insurgent tactics. With that, he at least has 2nd hand experience in what works and what doesn't when engaging a superior force. And then he has experience with the LA Police as well.

    I read some of the manifesto. It is sorta strange that the media left out the fact that they're receiving props from a guy who's waging war against LAPD. And the fact that this guy is a big Obama fan, Clinton fan, wants Hillary to be PoTUS in 2016, hates the NRA, and is a big fan of pretty much every talking head on MSNBC.

    I guessing the media is just trying to avoid any guilt by association. Ofcourse it's not the media's fault that Dorner is doing this, but it's wreaks of hypocrisy given how quickly they've jumped on the "IT'S SARAH PALIN'S FAULT" message in the past.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    What is so funny about this..... he agrees with obama and far left ideology,

    but the so called "main stream" media is strangely silent on this point.

    If he agreed with one of the other side of the isle every headline would be "right wing cop killer".

    i have read his entire manifesto, and i would describe none of it as far left ideology.

    its really a push to even call any of it ideology at all. mostly its a guy who is sick of getting called the n word to his face by fellow officers, and for what he claims is systemic prejudice because he reported fellow officers for wrong doing. there isn't any political ideology there ....
    Last edited by cockerpunk; 02-11-2013 at 08:17 AM.

  8. #8
    Just think. If there was a proper gun registry, and a limit to number of guns and ammo a person can own, he would have been done at this point.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    Just think. If there was a proper gun registry, and a limit to number of guns and ammo a person can own, he would have been done at this point.
    You better worry that someone like that doesn't have a stash of Law Enforcement Only weapons, well beyond law and regulation.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    Just think. If there was a proper gun registry, and a limit to number of guns and ammo a person can own, he would have been done at this point.
    No...he would just be doing what other criminals normally do...they steal weapons and ammo. He would most likely target police officers homes for their weapons and ammo. That or break into stores. Restrictions have never stopped the criminals from getting what they want.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW View Post
    You better worry that someone like that doesn't have a stash of Law Enforcement Only weapons, well beyond law and regulation.
    A lot of officers purchase their own patrol rifle and are allowed to keep it after they are thru. This often includes fully automatic weapons and weapons with 3 round burst. I know more than 1 officer who has done this.
    Last edited by wetwrks; 02-11-2013 at 08:48 PM.

  11. 02-11-2013, 01:49 PM

  12. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    i have read his entire manifesto, and i would describe none of it as far left ideology.

    its really a push to even call any of it ideology at all. mostly its a guy who is sick of getting called the n word to his face by fellow officers, and for what he claims is systemic prejudice because he reported fellow officers for wrong doing. there isn't any political ideology there ....
    Of course you wouldn't call Obama far left.
    I doubt you see yourself as far left.

    But both of you are.


  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Of course you wouldn't call Obama far left.
    I doubt you see yourself as far left.

    But both of you are.

    well my position and obama is not the topic of the thread. neither of us are far left, nor should my political thoughts even be categorized with his, but that is neither here nor there.

    but the point is, his manifesto has almost no political ideology at all in it. the man sure, has political thoughts, like we all do, but they are hardly the motive for the actions he has taken here. he lays out VERY specific reasons for his actions. none are political. he welcomes the media and anyone really, to investigate his claims and cites exact dates and documents in the public records to do so.

    but of course some right wing blog can easily label that as "far left wing ideology and a love of the mainstream media" and just trust that none of there readers will actually examine the document in question, and just take there headline as yet another confirmation of there bizarre-o world view. oh and then of course anyone to claims otherwise is a far left loony or loves the media or hate America or whatever is the favorite rationalization of the day.
    Last edited by cockerpunk; 02-11-2013 at 02:50 PM.

  14. #13
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    It really sounds like the LAPD good ol' boy network pushed a few too many buttons on Dorner. Reminds me of Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket, just a lot more focused.

  15. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW View Post
    It really sounds like the LAPD good ol' boy network pushed a few too many buttons on Dorner. Reminds me of Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket, just a lot more focused.

  16. #15
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    Does a " normal " person wait 4 years to get payback & then on the offender's child ? this guy should be hunted down like a rabid dog & shot
    I'm personally sick & tired of all these MURDERS gettin the kid gloves , these KILLERS should go before a J & J within a month & if they are found guilty by a jury of their piers ( 12 murders ? ) execute them

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by maniacmechanic View Post
    Does a " normal " person wait 4 years to get payback & then on the offender's child ? this guy should be hunted down like a rabid dog & shot
    I'm personally sick & tired of all these MURDERS gettin the kid gloves , these KILLERS should go before a J & J within a month & if they are found guilty by a jury of their piers ( 12 murders ? ) execute them
    I doubt LAPD will be kid gloving him.

  18. #17

    It's on!

    Got to my carpool spot in San Bernardino,ca just south of Big Bear and what do I see in my rear view mirror?! ABOUT 30 black and whites and unmarked patrol cars flying up towards big bear lights and sirens he's in a cabin ****s fired

  19. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    Just think. If there was a proper gun registry, and a limit to number of guns and ammo a person can own, he would have been done at this point.
    I can't imagine where a former police officer who's in the navy would get a gun other than from a gun shop...

    I mean, it's not like he lives in a state with a large border to Mexico, the country where our own government has been selling piles of automatic weapons to drug cartels so that we could take notes when they come back over the border and kill our citizens. And the border isn't so poorly secured that 7% of the population of that state is illegal, and 90% of all cocaine in our country and 70% of drugs in general come over it.

    Oh, and the Barrett M99 he's lugging around? Bolt action, single shot, weighs 25lb and ammunition will run you about $45 for a 10rd box.

  20. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW View Post
    I doubt LAPD will be kid gloving him.
    Judging by how many civilians they've shot (including the 71 year old latina woman delivering newspapers), never mind the number they've shot at while "attempting to apprehend" him, my guess is that he will not get a trial even if he walks into a police station to surrender buck naked with handcuffs already on.

    I know in the states I hunt in, you can't shoot a deer without visual confirmation. You need to confirm that it's a deer and, unless you have a doe permit, you need to confirm that it is a buck and see at least 4" of rack before you can even consider shooting. Shooting a pickup truck that's the wrong color and has two people inside until it looks like swiss cheese is not OK, and I think it speaks volumes about the orders these officers have been given, or at least what they intend to do.

    I don't condone his actions by any means, but something tells me there's a hell of a lot more to this story that's going to come out... More than the ramblings he wrote in his message, and more than what the LAPD has lied about in their statements. All I know is he has a scope on his single shot weapon and has been taking care to shoot the people and things he said he was going to shoot, which is more than can be said for the officers dumping a few dozen rounds into anything that moves. It's a little scary that average citizens have nothing to fear from this guy, and everything to fear from the officers searching for him.

  21. 02-13-2013, 01:24 PM

  22. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spider-TW View Post
    I doubt LAPD will be kid gloving him.
    No kidding, looks like they burned his building to the ground. Not sure if that's SOP for a standoff situation.

  23. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dahoeb View Post
    No kidding, looks like they burned his building to the ground. Not sure if that's SOP for a standoff situation.
    radio traffic at the time indicated "burners have been lit" followed by a couple of jokes about lighting cigarettes. pretty obvious the fire was started by authorities.

  24. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    radio traffic at the time indicated "burners have been lit" followed by a couple of jokes about lighting cigarettes. pretty obvious the fire was started by authorities.
    Yeah, thats what Ive been reading. Ive also been seeing that they used some type of incendiary grenade.

  25. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    radio traffic at the time indicated "burners have been lit" followed by a couple of jokes about lighting cigarettes. pretty obvious the fire was started by authorities.
    rumor & innuendo , the media has been reporting anything & everything they have heard regardless of whether it is fact or fiction ,, these police agency's know that every thing they are doing is being watched , why would they welcome more criticism ?

  26. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by maniacmechanic View Post
    rumor & innuendo , the media has been reporting anything & everything they have heard regardless of whether it is fact or fiction ,, these police agency's know that every thing they are doing is being watched , why would they welcome more criticism ?
    idk, there incompetence has been demonstrated how many times over the last week?

  27. #25
    Who cares.
    He murdered at least 2 people on cold blood.
    The minute they knew he was in that cabin, they should have flown a drone in and blown it up. Or rolled a tank in.
    Instead of putting more people at risk.

    **** people like him.
    They surrender their rights the minute they decide to become a terrorist.

    Because let there be no doubt about it.
    That's what he was.

  28. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    Who cares.
    He murdered at least 2 people on cold blood.
    The minute they knew he was in that cabin, they should have flown a drone in and blown it up. Or rolled a tank in.
    Instead of putting more people at risk.

    **** people like him.
    They surrender their rights the minute they decide to become a terrorist.

    Because let there be no doubt about it.
    That's what he was
    By the definition of a terrorist, that's actually spot on. But it doesn't necessarily mean you forfeit your rights. You still have the right to a speedy trial, a lawyer, etc etc. You're rights aren't really forfeit until you're proven guilty in the courts. And that's how it should be. I don't think it would take long for lawyers to stretch the flimsy definition of "terrorist" to include who ever they want to justify killing them.

    Ofcourse the Obama administration would disagree with me.

    The only reason that I am not criticizing the police on their course of action is because Dorner was firing at them, killed some of them from the cabin and made arrest impossible.

  29. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    The minute they knew he was in that cabin, they should have flown a drone in and blown it up.
    The same Constitution that guarantees his right to bear arms also guarantees him the right to a fair trial. If he died in a shootout while police attempted to apprehend him, that's one thing, but sending a judge/jury/executioner in the form of an assassin drone against a US citizen is unconstitutional, and would be denying him a very basic right.

  30. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    Who cares.
    He murdered at least 2 people on cold blood.
    The minute they knew he was in that cabin, they should have flown a drone in and blown it up. Or rolled a tank in.
    Instead of putting more people at risk.

    **** people like him.
    They surrender their rights the minute they decide to become a terrorist.

    Because let there be no doubt about it.
    That's what he was.
    not defending his actions because without a doubt they are wrong.

    but he was correct in his manifesto, and his actions showed the complete incompetence of the LAPD and other law enforcement on so many occasions. they proved he was right about the corruption and above the law mentality countless times. and the fact that they literally burned him alive, when there was no immediate threat to innocent life, is further proof of that.

  31. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    not defending his actions because without a doubt they are wrong.

    but he was correct in his manifesto, and his actions showed the complete incompetence of the LAPD and other law enforcement on so many occasions. they proved he was right about the corruption and above the law mentality countless times. and the fact that they literally burned him alive, when there was no immediate threat to innocent life, is further proof of that.
    All terrorists have a reason behind their attacks.
    And had he surrendered, then how old have of course has the right to all of his rights.
    By not surrendering, as far as I'm concerned, he forfeited those rights.

    And there is of course no proof they burned him alive.
    He had numerous chances to surrender, and he decided not to.

    Why do some people always defend criminals.

  32. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Henchman View Post
    All terrorists have a reason behind their attacks.
    And had he surrendered, then how old have of course has the right to all of his rights.
    By not surrendering, as far as I'm concerned, he forfeited those rights.

    And there is of course no proof they burned him alive.
    He had numerous chances to surrender, and he decided not to.

    Why do some people always defend criminals.
    actually, we have the radio conversations showing they purposely lit the cabin on fire. and then they also talk about how if he runs out of the building, to be ready to shoot him. point being ... they burned him alive, on purpose.

    surrendering or not has no bearing, as the established legal definition of when police can use deadly force is immediate danger to innocent life. its not up to you, that's the law.

    i explicitly stated at the start of my post i was not defending him. kinda confused how you think i am defending dorner. just because i don't think the police at any point in this case acted appropriately (and above the law) means i think dorner is justified in committing murder. the world isn't a sports game, its not roots for one team or the other. there is such a case where both sides can be dead wrong. or both sides are wrong, but one a little less so then the other etc etc etc.
    Last edited by cockerpunk; 02-14-2013 at 02:52 PM.

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