Quote Originally Posted by rukh013 View Post
Don't want to rain on the parade here but, I'm having a hard time forking over the cash...

If i saw you were sending to people who were paid in full, i would throw cash at you.

for now it looks like a MUCH BETTER planned sinking pre-order thread (just my opinion to this point. no disrespect)... MM2k9, g-force... to many to name

I know you have more cash tied in this then me as an individual, but look at it from the customer point of view

Also I guaranty the "extras" that were not claimed by those that owed by say 30 day's from date "X" and went to first come first served, they would be gone in a week
Yeah its cool guy,... I understand completly where your view comes from.... no harm in speaking your mind.

For the status of money vesting into the project: we should be up to date with the list of people that have paid. If it is NOT,.. PM me IMMEDIATELY!
As for news,.. not too much.

I decided to dedicate my tax return this year to getting this project closed out. It wont cover the balance,.. but it will get us closer to the goal.
(I had to pay in some taxes from last year due to an error on my ex wifes part,... but thats not your problem! :-)

I couldn't e-file the return for this year,.. the IRS said 6-8 weeks for a return. Ive never paper returned so I am not sure thats the "norm".

Once I get my return in hand,.. Im going to post some copies of the deposit sent to the board house so you all can see what the remaining balance is for real on their end.

Not that it gets you your board in hand,... but it should give you a sense of where we are at to date.

As for the interest in the project: Im still here,... I get all my email notifications pushed to my smart phone within a few minutes now when you post here. So please dont feel your comments and traffic falls on silent ears..... Im trolling my own thread!

Anything you guys have to question/ask/comment on,... post it up!