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Thread: First strike capable automag

  1. #1

    First strike capable automag

    "Accuracy by aiming."

    Definitely not on the A-Team.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Central Ohio
    Just when I think im "custom" or "cool" or "special" you show me up and put me in my place.

    That is a beautiful build!
    Last edited by Freedy500; 09-16-2013 at 09:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Houston, TX
    so nice

  5. #5
    Very cool. Love the concept. Have you test fired it yet?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    PHX, AZ

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Dear Goatboy,

    How much? Can you make me one? Do you own the 3D printer? Can you make one that's got a powerfeed but can switch to the rotary magazine? Also congratulations that is awesome/beautiful and a great contribution to the platform and community.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    bah, just a six shooter. if i am with a hopper, i can get 200. how bout dem apples?

    but its still neato and groovy.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Shut up and take my money!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    New Hampshire
    What is even more impressive is that given the state of your entertainment center, you developed this back in the mid to late 90s

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    se, missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by El Zilcho View Post
    What is even more impressive is that given the state of your entertainment center, you developed this back in the mid to late 90s

    Goatboy, very nice job goatboy, I want one.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    OP delivers! Very cool.

    El Zilcho: lol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Medina, Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by El Zilcho View Post
    What is even more impressive is that given the state of your entertainment center, you developed this back in the mid to late 90s

  14. #14
    You are doing it wrong.
    That's very slick. Nice work.
    I also like that you are consistant in your admiration for the old school. SS autmag body, CRT tv, and is that a PSONE?

  15. #15
    How did I know you guys would notice my 90's era backdrop? FYI when I was a kid, I didn't even have a Playstation -- that's a Super Nintendo.

    Haven't formally test fired it yet; will try to do it this weekend. Inspection and manual cycling with chopstick seems to indicate it will work just fine though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frizzle Fry View Post
    How much? Can you make me one? Do you own the 3D printer? Can you make one that's got a powerfeed but can switch to the rotary magazine?
    Uh, well, I wasn't planning on letting this out of the bag but yes, you could just merge the rotary loader housing with the BT Picatinny adapter and have a DAM-like dual feed system. It would require additional work on the mag2cocker adapter and possibly the body to allow the breech to freely rotate and semi-lock, but I think it would work. Not sure if it's something I feel like undertaking at this time.

    Speaking of -- this is pretty much just a prototype, and as such it was kind of expensive. My prototypes just have the bad habit of actually working. The rotary FS loader alone, with it's 3d printed parts and a few metal bits, cost about $100 in parts (I'm sure that can be easily brought down but again, this was a prototype). It doesn't work alone though -- needs a warp notched rail to lock into that still supports the classic pim style (hence why I went ahead and 3d printed one of those), barrel or adapter cut for FS rounds, and a classic body also cut for FS rounds.

    So... I'm not much interested in selling these. I don't own a 3d printer (or any relevant machinery or even a decent shop) -- all these parts were drawn up in OpenSCAD and produced by Shapeways. Mechanicals aren't even my area anyways, much less actual manufacturing... I'm sure there are much more capable people in these forums for both of those tasks.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    McHenry, IL
    This is awesome. Excellent job. I bet, you could probably design a q-loader-like-pod to do this as long as the "track" is the right shape.

  17. #17
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    Nov 2012

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Central Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by bbotts77 View Post
    This is awesome. Excellent job. I bet, you could probably design a q-loader-like-pod to do this as long as the "track" is the right shape.
    If this was done I'm the guy you want to contact. I could see if HQ likes em, if so the might make a quick run, if the do well with little to no problems and a good deal of interest then we modify it a bit, then we might have them produced to a certain extent, maybe a little something for goat boy and I would be given as a reward

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    McHenry, IL
    Well, the way I see it, it definitely would not be compatible with the q-loader system. I just mean a similar spiral loader concept.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    southern IL
    Add a slide setup to that and you could have it and a hopper. Just slide forward or back for what you plan to fire. Now that is sweet.

    And goat. My living room TV looks lime that. Your not alone.

  21. #21
    cool idea!!! need to make one with a huge a tommy gun.....hmm I might make myself one

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Central Ohio
    I have a really, really good idea brewing. Goat boy, could you give me the dimensions of these? I have a pretty good idea that has a very, very slim chance of working but I could talk to you and the company about it.

  23. #23
    My first attempt was actually to re-use the end drive section of a q-pod out of laziness. It was close, but there were just too many little things wrong with the geometry for any of those parts to work reliably. It did convince me it was a viable mechanism; just wound up being easier to redraw everything and integrate the housing + body cowl in one step anyways. That and the paddle is a bit delicate for my tastes.

    Also, I figured out how to make the FS/normal paint selector. Minor changes to parts, but involves some metalwork.

    Freedy500: Uh, what? 6 chambers, 0.700" bore diameter... It's actually extremely similar to the q-pod's drive section, but with thicker paddles (0.08" wall thickness). The rest of the parameters are mostly calculated from these numbers.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    How was working with shapeways?

  25. #25
    Shapeways is the only place I've used so far so I can't offer a comparison against the competitors.

    Dealing with them is generally positive; the people answering their emails seem to be pretty responsive. The best part of this process is actually the fact that I *don't* have to talk to anyone. Upload design, pay with credit card, get parts.

    The parts can be hit or miss (another reason I don't want to get into the selling of these). I got some parts back after Shapeways had been hit by Sandy and had to move production, and those were all quite bad (still getting their machines recalibrated I assume). If something is not printed properly they offer a refund or something, but I've so far been able to buff most parts into shape.

    Subsequent parts came back much, much better. Turnaround time is a little better than it used to be as well; 'bout a week.

    The three main parts for this loader all had minor out-of-spec'ness in some areas, but I managed to buff or work around all of them. There are certain geometries that are still difficult for their tech.

    Last I checked, their online system doesn't have any sort of revision control built in, so that exercise is completely up to you currently.

    So overall I've been pleased.

  26. #26
    Test fired today:

    Hah, max embedded videos per post is 1?

    I need to find a better dump pouch as the current one is not good for rummaging around in.

    So the thing is mostly complete.

    I want a new back cover because the one from Shapeways came out somewhat deformed; a clear acrylic piece should be fine, and more importantly, actually be flat.

    Need a new front cover because with enough pre-winds the spring will want to shoot out the front. I can have about 12 feet of prewinds because... the spring is actually harvested from a tape measure. So I should be able to pre-wind it like at the beginning of the day practically and not worry about winding in the field. Just load paint as I go.

    And maybe I'll cobble something up to make the mount a little more secure.

    But so far everything works as designed.

    Oh, and the number of shots is technically a full six, however if I take that 6th shot without reloading then the 7th round goes slack, and is in danger of going in sideways (although the L10 bolt is excellent at catching it). So it's 5 shots with a 6th safety shot in the chamber.

    Most of the time I'm single or double shotting people with regular paint, so I think this will suit my play style fine and defeat anyone trying to count shots against me.
    Last edited by GoatBoy; 09-21-2013 at 05:36 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Plymouth, WI

    keep us posted

  28. #28
    Drew_72 Guest
    This is great. I know you mentioned above you're not too interested in selling them yourself, but I'd love to see you run with the idea and somehow bring it to market. I'd buy one. Please do keep us posted

  29. #29
    have you seen any possibility of a bigger drum? more like a tommy gun size?

    ill see if I can get our printer up and up again.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Neat concept but as is seems pretty impractical. Reloading time seems to be really high. Have you considered more of a "mag" concept?

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