Quote Originally Posted by GoatBoy View Post
Well, aside from the overwhelming and foul stench of PTP, what you got for the money doesn't seem like much.

You get very little by way of functionality. Cocker threads, which are available elsewhere now. Feedneck options which are available elsewhere now. And the PTP detent which is nice but it's not like the other detent styles are horrible.

I don't think you really get any decent weight reduction. With the rail built into the body, that means you can't upgrade the rail to the latest swooshy aesthetic best-looking-gun-in-the-deadbox whatever. That also extends to the foregrip, where your options become more limited.

You buy one if you want to have something "special".

If you like exactly what PTP gives you, you're probably good to go. There are some really "nice looking" ones out there. But if you want to change anything -- even if it's swapping out the wobbly trigger frame, I fail to see the point. IMO they're best left whole.

I owned one very briefly from a craigslist acquisition. It was amusing, but... just wasn't worth the money that was tied up in it.
Do they have feedneck options?