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Thread: ULE body problem

  1. #1

    ULE body problem

    I was putting my ULE body onto my rail and trigger frame and as I was tightening up the screw the little nub just broke off. The little cylinder on the bottom of the body that the screw goes into that holds the trigger frame, rail, and ULE body together in the front. I did not over tighten it and it looks like it broke cleanly off almost smooth. Is there a way to fix this (JB weld) ? Any suggestions of what might have been the problem? The body was room temp, I never crank down the screws because im to afraid I might strip one out, and I take care of my stuff.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    you might be able to JB weld it, but i would rather have it TiG'd welded, just to be sure that it stays attached. will probably cost you a little extra over the JB Weld, but actual welding will be stronger than any chemical bonding agent. if you choose to have it Tig'd back on, but can't find anyone who can tig, LMK. my good friend is a welder and in about 5 minutes it will be done. would need the body, bung and rail(just to make sure that the welding clears the relief of the rail), just to let you know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Sunny, England
    laser weld would be the way to go its a lot smaller and doesn't spread the heat

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    St Paul
    enough meat for a helicoil?
    "because every vengeful cop with a lesbian daughter, is having a bad day, and looking for someone to blame"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Unless you can find someone who is an expert at welding aluminum you are S.O.L.

  6. #6
    Would agd take it back or fix it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    southern IL
    How old is the body? Or did I miss that one. The op leads me to believe its pretty new

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Halifax, N.S., Canada
    Check for obvious defects. If you were the original owner and purchaser, and never overtightened it, you may be eligible to have it replaced by AGD. Obvious stress areas will void that possibility.

    If you need to fix it yourself, then many of the chemical welds can be just as strong as the original metal.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  9. #9
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    Inception Designs HQ
    Quote Originally Posted by renie View Post
    laser weld would be the way to go its a lot smaller and doesn't spread the heat
    its aluminium. heat will spread, but you don't need to lay into it if you know what you are doing. 2 quick stitches or a quick bead around the bung then a little sanding to take down the extra weld so it fits back into the rail. will be stronger than new.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigEvil View Post
    Unless you can find someone who is an expert at welding aluminum you are S.O.L.
    i actually know an expert welder, Glenn, who has been certified Navy, underwater, Coast Guard, almost everything except Nuclear Reactors.

    teichild: if anything, get pictures of it to stop any guessing here of what happened. get one of it together, apart and showing both fractured pieces. even if you didn't over tighten it and did everything correctly, aluminium can fracture. there is a grain to aluminium and it can break along those grains. whether its through pressurization(aircraft failures), or vibration(weak point in the casting of the slug/billet- aluminium all starts as a molten metal) or what ever.

  10. #10
    I will get some pics up tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions. And to answer some of the questions.. I am the original owner but it is a few years old. It was for a project I had but never ended up buying the rest of the parts so it sat in a box for years.

  11. #11
    ok not sure if this will work for pics. im not good at adding pics to things but here goes.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Dang, never seen that before with a ULE... the pim broke right off.

    Contact Zupes, I'm 99% sure you'll get a replacement, gratis.

  13. #13
    Who is Zupes?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Dave Zupan... AGD. Email AGD and send them those pictures.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Inception Designs HQ
    yup, its just a fracture line. time, little moisture(expanding the metal out) and you doing absolutely nothing wrong, caused this. it sucks but it happens, but it can be fixed as good as new.

    1) contact Zupes. i doubt that it would be warrantied, but i don't know.
    2) if that fails, contact local welding shops about some Tig welding(you must ask/tell them that they are will be working on aluminium. its not a shared skill with other welding. its a totally different process than steel). see what they say or what they can do.
    3) if they can not help you, then contact me and i'll have my friend weld it. he might not be any cheaper(it won't because of the added shipping), but i do have one thing over your local welder, i know paintball. i know this body and know how it should end up like.
    4) if you do send it to me, send the broken bung, body(those 2 should be obvious) and your rail. i would need you rail, just because i would need to know how much of the weld needs to be ground down, so the body fits into the rail properly. don't worry, grinding down the weld is a normal process and if done correctly, it won't hurt the strength.

  16. #16
    thanks for the info. ill let u guys know what happens.

  17. #17
    well so far no luck... tried calling AGD because Im more of a talk to someone kinda guy than leave a msg and wait for a call back. But now I will try an email.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    keep calling them,.... same thing happens to all of us.

    they will take a call at some point,.. just vary your call times
    Jai "P8ntbal4me" Menard

  19. #19
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    Feb 2005
    I know the welder that Nobody is referring to. He does amazing work.

  20. #20
    tryed again today and no answer = ) ill try again tomarrow but if i dont get ahold of anyone by monday i think i will take you up on that welder.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Problem I see with welding would be aligning the threads correctly so that there would be a mismatch at the break point. Otherwise you will strip either the body or screw.
    Quote Originally Posted by dano_____ View Post
    I keep forgetting to not feed my mags after midnight so they seem to multiply regularly.

  22. #22
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    when welding, you need a ground point. that is generally with bare metal. so, with aluminium one way to do this, other than sanding off anno to get to bare metal is, if there is a screw hole, thread in an aluminium screw to ground the body. the screw not only acts as an alignment tool, but also the ground point. a quick tack to keep it in place, then run your stitch. this is were those that know how to weld are separated from those that are masters.

  23. #23
    Dave called me back the same day just be patient he always returns calls
    Also this maybe a good alternative?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Sebring, Florida
    Oh No! that stuff is very hard to work with. You need almost a laboratory clean environment and lots of luck . Go with a damn good welder and look away. I 've been there done that, trust the man with the stick and clean it up afterwards. Nobody knows a guy so send it to him. Or just look for a new body, sometimes fixing cost more then replacing. Lord knows I've spent way more to fix something then I could have just replaced it. But that's how rescue projects start.
    I took the road least where the hell am I ?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Make sure that your frame screw is not bottoming out in the body hole. You can exert enough force with the screw in the threads to rip the pim off. Use a washer if your screw is bottoming out. Dave would probably warrantee that, as I have never seen that in all my years.
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Sebring, Florida
    Did you ever get this fixed? And did you fix or just replace?

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