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Thread: Specific air compressors for filling tanks?

  1. #1

    Specific air compressors for filling tanks?

    Hi. I wasn’t sure where else to put this.

    So I decided I’m going to buy bank tanks and fill stations and a compressor to fill them. I play with friends on private property (not at a field) and the pro shop to get fills is an hour away each way. It’s also just too pricey.

    Now I know there’s a lot of info on this topic in general but my question is can anyone recommend a specific air compressor that can fill 4500 psi (or more as long as it has auto stop). And has the ability to fill a tank as small as say 80-98 ci (so about 1-1.5 liters) but also the ability to fill a tank as large as 15-20 liters. At least able to fill 9-12 liter bank tanks. All the air compressors I keep finding, whether $200 or $2,000, seem to only be capable of filling up to 1 liter or so, give or take. Even the “high pressure” or “high capacity” ones.

    Below is the link to one particular one I found on Amazon that looked good to me and has a good price but again it seems like it only fills up to 1 liter or so max. Unless I’m seeing it wrong. Can someone with more knowledge let me know if that one would work by chance?

    Thank you in advance

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Fredericksburg, VA
    There aren't a whole lot of options for large capacity. Most of these small compressors are designed to fill PCP rifles, which have small air tanks, even smaller than paintball guns.

    I don't own one, but I've heard good things about the GX line of compressors. The CS4 might be good enough for what you want. It can only fill about 7 liters at a time, but maybe you could fill a larger tank if you split up the run over a couple of days. If you can afford it, though, the 5K2 should do what you want.

  3. #3
    Awesome! Thank you.

    So it is possible than to fill a tank partially for as long as a compressor will run and then detach it until it cools down and then reattach it and finish filling it up with a second full session from the compressor?

    If that’s possible then that makes it much easier (although time consuming). I always thought you had to fill a tank however much you were going to fill it from empty all in one go.

    Thanks again.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by Jambi1369 View Post
    Awesome! Thank you.

    So it is possible than to fill a tank partially for as long as a compressor will run and then detach it until it cools down and then reattach it and finish filling it up with a second full session from the compressor?

    If that’s possible then that makes it much easier (although time consuming). I always thought you had to fill a tank however much you were going to fill it from empty all in one go.

    Thanks again.

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    If the tank has like 1000 psi left in it the fill time will be much less. Always fill them before gettiing completely empty
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  5. #5
    Awesome! Thank you very much I appreciate your help a lot.

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