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Thread: Submitted by FatMans wife...for you yankee's coming to SC AO meet! Southern Horiscope

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)

    Submitted by FatMans wife...for you yankee's coming to SC AO meet! Southern Horiscope

    So you will know how to get along here. Fatmans wife Becky sent this too me and I thought it might be usefull.

    What's Your "Southern Sign"? Some of us (especially Southerners) are pretty skeptical of horoscopes, and it has become obvious that what we need are "Southern" symbols:

    OKRA (Dec 22 - Jan 20)

    Although you appear crude, you are actually very slick on the inside. Okras have tremendous influence. An older Okra can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere. Stay away from Moon Pies.

    CHITLIN (Jan 21 - Feb. 19)

    Chitlins come from humble backgrounds. A chitlin, however, can make something of himself if he's motivated and has lots of seasoning. In dealing with Chitlins, be careful. They can erupt like Vesuvius. Chitlins are best with Catfish and Okra.

    BOLL WEEVIL (Feb. 20 - Mar 20)

    You have an overwhelming curiosity. You're unsatisfied with the surface of things, and you feel the need to bore deep into the interior of everything. Needless to say, you are very intense! and driven as if you had some inner hunger. Nobody in their right mind is going to marry you, so don't worry about it.

    MOON PIE (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

    You're the type that spends a lot of time on the front porch. It's a cinch to recognize the physical appearance of Moon Pies. Big and round are the key words here. You should marry anybody who you can get remotely interested in the idea. It's not going to be easy. This might be the year to think about aerobics. Or---maybe not.

    POSSUM (Apr 21 - May 21)

    When confronted with life's difficulties, possums have a marked tendency to withdraw and develop a don't-bother-me-about-it attitude. Sometimes you become so withdrawn, people actually think you're dead. This strategy is
    probably not psychologically healthy but seems to work for you. One day, however, it won't work, and you may find your problems actually running you over.

    CRAWFISH (May 22 - June 21)

    Crawfish is a water sign. If you work in an office, you're always hanging around the water cooler. Crawfish prefer the beach to the mountains, the pool to the golf course, the bathtub to the living room. You tend to be not particularly attractive physically, but you have very, very good
    head .

    COLLARDS (June 22 - July 23)

    Collards have a genius for communication. They love to get in the melting pot" of life and share their essence with the essence of those round them. Collards make good social workers, psychologists and baseball managers. As far as personal life goes, if you are Collards, stay away from Moon Pies. It just won't work. Save yourself a lot of heartache.

    CATFISH (July 24 - Aug. 23)

    Catfish are traditionalists in matters of the heart, although whiskers may cause problems for loved ones. You catfish are never easy people to understand. You prefer the muddy bottoms to the clear surface of life. Above all else, Catfish should stay away from Moon Pies.

    GRITS (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23)

    Your highest aim is to be with others like yourself. You like to huddle together with a big crowd of other Grits. You love to travel though, so maybe you should think about joining a club. Where do you like to go? Anywhere there is cheese or gravy or bacon or butter or eggs. If you can
    go somewhere where they have all these things, that serves you well.

    BOILED PEANUTS (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)

    You have a passionate desire to help your fellow man. Unfortunately, those who know you best---your friends and loved ones---may find that your personality is much too salty, and their criticism will probably affect
    you deeply because you are really much softer than you appear. You should go right ahead and marry anybody you want to because in a certain way, yours is a charmed life. On the road of life, you can be sure that people will always pull over and stop for you.

    BUTTER BEAN (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

    Always invite a Butter Bean, because Butter Beans get along well with everybody. You, as a Butter Bean, should be proud. You've grown on the vine of life, and you feel at home no matter what the setting. You can sit next to anybody. However, you, too, shouldn't have anything to do with Moon Pies.

    ARMADILLO (Nov. 23 - Dec 21)

    You have a tendency to develop a tough exterior, but you are actually quite gentle. A good evening for you? Old friends, a fire, some roots, fruit, worms and insects. You're not concerned with today's fashions and
    trends. You're not concerned with anything about today. You're really almost prehistoric in your interests and behavior patterns. You probably want to marry another Armadillo, but Possum is another somewhat kinky,
    mating possibility

    AGD, where we are so good we can do it with only ONE tube!

  2. #2
    Xen Guest
    lol im a crawfish!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    its more like a paper cut that has primadonna's yelling murder... - Glickman

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    I'm a crawfish!! But there's one problem with it...

    I'M DEAD SEXY!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    North Plainfield, NJ
    I'm Okra Back you moon pies back

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Anybody else notice he called us "Yankees?"

    I sense a scenario game there. North Vs. South

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Jersey

    Talking Ha ha

    Now I can really tell everybody to kiss my Grits!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ
    What exactly IS a Chitlin anyway?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Long Beach, CA
    I'm going to say "Grits!" the next time someone asks me what my sign is...that will definitely scare them away
    Last edited by Clare; 09-20-2002 at 12:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Collegeboy Guest
    Quote Thordic
    What exactly IS a Chitlin anyway?

    You don't want to know.

    Funny thing is, it says I am a boll weevil, and I am from the city next to the city that has the only monument to a bug in the world, Enterprise, AL. And guess what the monument is of, the Boll Weevil, coincidence, I think not.

    Also my Junior College's mascot was the Boll Weevil.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ

    I showed my friend from Virginia this, and then showed her a picture of FatMan. Her comment?

    "He sure looks like a MoonPie"

    I almost spit gatorade all over my desk

    Walt, I just have to post this picture of you I found

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Hehe good dig up Thord!

    Chitlins are the intestines of Pigs. When deep fried they are tasty crunchy things often incorporated into Corn Bread and called Cracklins! When boiled they are slimey and called Chitlins. Often conisdered "Soul Food" either way.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West Caldwell, NJ
    You silly southerners. Pig intestines are supposed to be filled with meat

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    The Scots need to show you the real way to do innards-

    HAGGUS! (SP?)

    (I wouldn't eat either of them. YUCK! **Speaking of Scots- I've got a good drinking song for the SC AO day to teach everybody )

  15. #15
    what's a Boll weevil?

    Cause it says I'm very intense which I think all the ladies will agree
    "I want to thank the Canadian people who came out to wave, with all five fingers, for their hospitality,” -President Bush (Tuesday November 30/04)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)
    Well its an insect that attacks the "Boll" of a cotton plant. the "Boll" is the seed pod in which the seed is surrounded by "cotton". This weevil (larval stage of the insect) literaly destroyed the cotton industry for a long time in the South. And its attempted erradication with DDT and other Dioxin bearing pesticides almost destroyed many Bird Species including our National Symbol the Bald Eagle as well.

    Not so good to be one is it?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Clemson, SC
    LOL Thordic! Moon Pie does sound like me, but I'm a Crawfish (which is only right as I come from Louisiana). But I think there's a typo - I don't have good head...

    Dayspring, I had some Haggis in Edinburg back in July. It was quite good. Of course I'd had 4 drams of whisky by then - so almost anything would have been good. I actually asked for and ate seconds!

    And, for those proper people out there, it is actually spelled "chiterlings" but usually pronounced chitlins. And in the grocery stores around here you can buy them in big buckets! Yum, yum!

    Last edited by cphilip; 09-20-2002 at 08:23 PM.

    Dirty old men need love too!

  18. #18
    personman Guest
    I'm a possum and I totally match the description..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    So Ill
    i'm a crawfish. the description is amazingly accurate. i'm happy.
    Image too large- Tato

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    im a crawfish!! yippi!! chitlins are nasty...... all i gotta say bout them......but one prob im not ugly!!!!!! (like i wanna be )
    Good Traders- obsolete898,jah871,ß.C.
    AO member 4 life
    Member # 268
    [email protected]
    "Not everyone makes up useless crap about penguins and pastries all the time" - Thordic

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    easthampton, MA 01027
    Originally posted by personman
    I'm a possum and I totally match the description..
    you are right.... i fall into that group also.... and it is scary as to how acurate it is.....

    now i kinda wish i could make it to this....

    maybe starting next year... i'll just travel to a couple of the ones outside of the NE area..... =)
    Virus, King of the Basement Trollz has spoken

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Madeira Beach,FL wo0t wo0t
    im also a crawfish....

  23. #23
    Originally posted by Dayspring
    Anybody else notice he called us "Yankees?"

    I sense a scenario game there. North Vs. South
    Hey, just because you people won the War of Northern Aggression doesn't mean you can expect preferential treatment. Oh, and North vs. South? Please. You'll be on OUR turf, northern lilly-boy.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Don't worry. I'll bring enough firepower for "y'all."

    On a serious note, I'm VERY excited to be coming to this! $5.00 airfare rocks!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    $5.00 airfare?

    Drink Wine

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Frequent flyer miles baby!

    Originally posted by ntn4502
    $5.00 airfare?

  27. #27
    Originally posted by Heat
    what's a Boll weevil?

    Cause it says I'm very intense which I think all the ladies will agree
    here is a Boll Weevil. it says I am one too and i did some investigation.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Quis custodiat ipsos custodes?
    Originally posted by Conqueror
    You'll be on OUR turf, northern lilly-boy.
    Hey isn't that how the North won the first time?

    Shaun Nelson --- old, fat, slow.... did I mention lazy? I ate all the pies
    I disable .signatures Apparently you do not.

  29. #29
    Wc Keep Guest
    BUTTER BEAN (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

    Always invite a Butter Bean, because Butter Beans get along well with everybody. You, as a
    Butter Bean, should be proud. You've grown on the vine of life, and you feel at home no
    matter what the setting. You can sit next to anybody. However, you, too, shouldn't have
    anything to do with Moon Pies.

    this is so me. it describes me down the the little hairs on my head.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Washington... AKA 'Cocker Country... Come get Some!
    Yay. I'm a Gritz.

    Cheese + gravy + bacon + butter = Good

    Eggs = Bad.

    I dun like 'em eggs.

    My Trading Feedback

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
    -Edmond Burke

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