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Thread: Do You Cheat?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    The field I work/play at has a general rule of semi only. In recen years with the number of modes out there, they have loosened that rule for private parties, and they can use whatever firing mode they would like as a private group.

    I have had guns for years that I could easily switch to ramping or full auto, but I have never found the need. In a lot of cases, we have players show up with barrowed equipment and they have no idea how to control firing modes. I have been on the receiving end of so many excessive strings of paint from Ions and E-Tippmanns it's rediculous. Generally full auto and ramping lead to total lack of fire control in new players I have noticed.

    I had a guy put a dozen rounds into my ribs last year from about 20' away with an Angel he had no idea how to use. Prior to that playing an event that did allow full auto - I got to receive about 15 rounds to my right shoulder from a E-Tippmann from about 12' away.

    Sometimes It's Good to be EVIL

  2. #32
    I dont know if anyone here has played in Utah or has heard of "Pegleg Paintball" from back in the day? Used to be a large operation here, 3 locations, one of which was on a huge land space that is now homes. Anywho, this is a cheaters get dealt with type scenario... no matter who you are.... dun dun dun....

    We had a rinky dink team back in the day, when Angels, Bushmasters and Bob Long Intimidators were the latest and greatest. Just 7-8 friends, and a few randoms that just wanted to play. We'd hit local tourneys and did ok, usually ended up top 5 out of 20-30 teams depending on the event.

    Well one afternoon we get invited to go practice with "The Turtles", Peglegs semi pro team that went nowhere... and of course their fearless leader, Dale. The owner. We get to playing and we just dominated all day. It was the ON day for us, nothing could go wrong. About half way through the practice the trash talking started from the other team, the owner is furious... throwing masks and gear, yelling at his guys for not going here or there (he was a back player/captain because he had a peg leg, literally) It was fun to say the least.

    A couple games later we start seeing the wipes... we shoot more, they wipe more. This continues into a few more games that we lose, now we are upset.

    "Final game of the day" (could have played longer, but what transpired dictated it being the last game)
    We get an early lead, take out a few guys in lanes etc. My buddy Mike bunkered two people @ the 50, I join him. Last guy left is the owner in the back stand up. his fat butt was just sticking out for the taking, I shoot 3, land 2. I yell, "your out!" Then the wipe came. He continues dumping pod after pod trying to hit us as we make our way back to him from two angles. Hit him again, yell "out"... he stays in.... Finally my buddy and I just charge him, each of us dumped about 10-15 on him from two sides. Game over? No. He then refilled his hopper screaming god knows what, lights up my buddy from head to toe, throws his gun across the field and gets his "team" to escort us out of the field we were playing at. Oh, and we were banned from any of his locations...

    Needless to say, if you cheat, your gonna get it. Whether your a pro or the field owner... I aint scared

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Northeast Ohio
    I hate ramping! I don't really care if others use it, so long as they don't overshoot. But I personally cannot stand it. I feel like I'm not in control of the gun. I hate those extra few balls that leave the barrel when i stop pulling the trigger.

    I almost always play mech. If I use an electro, it's semi-only. When i did tournaments, i would use PSP 3 Shot. I have more control over that. But it still wasn't my favorite.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by sjrtk View Post
    Do i cheat?

    Simple answer no.

    More complex answer, yes.

    When i am at the local field i play semi only capped at 10. Until some ones comes on the field with Mom and Dad's money and what ever electro they are using. Their guns ramp so they feel they must use it and shoot all the kids that aren't as good as them (gear wise that is). So i hear who they are from the refs and find them on the field, just them, and return the favor of dramatic over shooting when i change the Emag to hyper mode uncapped. Once the lesson is learned or they leave i stop and continue on semi only. Not always kids sometimes is is just people who can't play with everyone else and enjoy it, troublemakers.
    I feel the same way. Its kinda hard to get new people into the sport if they have a the bad taste of paint in their mouth from being massively bonusballed. I always suggest a game of "IRON MAN" to kids who like to shoot strings when im on an all noob recball field. The rules are simple: hits dont count. You walk out if you are too bruised to continue. I dont know why they never suggest a 2nd round.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Don't know, I am lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    considering with "legal" semi auto, its pretty easy to shoot faster then with a 12 bps capped ramping, it actually lowers gun speeds.
    For who? You? You got any data to back that up?

    On a Legal Semi no bounce, one shot one pull I would bet it aint easy for MOST to pull over 12BPS.
    No data, just my opinion.

  6. #36
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    Central Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by Cokrkilr View Post
    I dont know if anyone here has played in Utah or has heard of "Pegleg Paintball" from back in the day? Used to be a large operation here, 3 locations, one of which was on a huge land space that is now homes. Anywho, this is a cheaters get dealt with type scenario... no matter who you are.... dun dun dun....

    We had a rinky dink team back in the day, when Angels, Bushmasters and Bob Long Intimidators were the latest and greatest. Just 7-8 friends, and a few randoms that just wanted to play. We'd hit local tourneys and did ok, usually ended up top 5 out of 20-30 teams depending on the event.

    Well one afternoon we get invited to go practice with "The Turtles", Peglegs semi pro team that went nowhere... and of course their fearless leader, Dale. The owner. We get to playing and we just dominated all day. It was the ON day for us, nothing could go wrong. About half way through the practice the trash talking started from the other team, the owner is furious... throwing masks and gear, yelling at his guys for not going here or there (he was a back player/captain because he had a peg leg, literally) It was fun to say the least.

    A couple games later we start seeing the wipes... we shoot more, they wipe more. This continues into a few more games that we lose, now we are upset.

    "Final game of the day" (could have played longer, but what transpired dictated it being the last game)
    We get an early lead, take out a few guys in lanes etc. My buddy Mike bunkered two people @ the 50, I join him. Last guy left is the owner in the back stand up. his fat butt was just sticking out for the taking, I shoot 3, land 2. I yell, "your out!" Then the wipe came. He continues dumping pod after pod trying to hit us as we make our way back to him from two angles. Hit him again, yell "out"... he stays in.... Finally my buddy and I just charge him, each of us dumped about 10-15 on him from two sides. Game over? No. He then refilled his hopper screaming god knows what, lights up my buddy from head to toe, throws his gun across the field and gets his "team" to escort us out of the field we were playing at. Oh, and we were banned from any of his locations...

    Needless to say, if you cheat, your gonna get it. Whether your a pro or the field owner... I aint scared
    Wow, I had the exact same thing happen to me. Only change was the owner did not have a peg for a leg and used an impulse. But when this happened I had my output cranked upwards to around an extra 100psi than normal so I had 1300 psi in the valve. So after a match like this that did not get us kicked off I caught the owner wipe a shot about 7-8 times in a row and I was using a friends go pro and had proof of it. So once he continued after I brought up the issue and video I told my friends we were about to get off the field and they were okay with it, so I sneak up behind the guy and I had a 100% view of him with no cover. I saw him wipe once and I was around 10ft away and I unloaded my whole entire Qpod on him in a matter of seconds (around 4-5) I got just about all 100 shots spot on him. Yup we got kicked off.

    This was also after he started talking trash about old classics like autococker, automags etc.. He said that everything AGD,WDP, and WGP ever made were expensive pieces of junk that never worked. Was happy to shut up his SP crap with my favorite mag'.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer View Post
    For who? You? You got any data to back that up?

    On a Legal Semi no bounce, one shot one pull I would bet it aint easy for MOST to pull over 12BPS.
    No data, just my opinion.
    And I can back this up, I have an Invert mini in case of future mag conversion projects or if I ever want to remember what a stereotypical electro is like. I have no bounce and a perfect trigger adjustment on semi and I can go well over 12 BPS. Not saying I can sustain it for long though

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer View Post
    For who? You? You got any data to back that up?

    On a Legal Semi no bounce, one shot one pull I would bet it aint easy for MOST to pull over 12BPS.
    No data, just my opinion.
    So are RTs not legal for competition?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I used to be a die hard anti anything that wasn't just skill to boost your game. Now that I'm 30, fat, arthritic, and slightly lazy I use ramping. I figure In my prime I was pulling 14bps, Its acceptable for me to set the gun to 12 and just enjoy my day. With that being said I never wipe, or bs any other courtesy rule, and I only play on fields that allow you to use electronics with bonus ball rules. (IE- Shoot full auto if you want, 3+ breaks on a person means you're sitting out)

  10. #40
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    Halifax, N.S., Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by blackdeath1k View Post
    So are RTs not legal for competition?
    Not if they shoot more than 1 ball per pull. If the ref can slowly pull the trigger and have more than one shot come out due to bounce, then the gun is considered illegal for competition in a semi only competition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drix View Post
    Shoot full auto if you want, 3+ breaks on a person means you're sitting out
    I like this rule.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drix View Post
    Shoot full auto if you want, 3+ breaks on a person means you're sitting out)
    Our field did it that way. But it was more based on doing it repeatedly. Hit and miss was considered an accident. But if you are known for it then you better be careful.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Lancaster, PA
    I do find it hilarious that the same Automag gang that is so anti-ramping because it "limits your control", have ZERO problem with the talentless hacks dumping 1100 psi into their RTs and watching the trigger bounce off their finger. At least the guys that are ramping must continue to pull their trigger and the rate of fire actually IS controllable. If you are doing gun "homework" on Youtube, a video showcasing a marker shooting in modes other than Semi Auto proves nothing about the gun or the man behind the trigger.

    The Mag is a fantastic gun and it is still competitive in today's paintball world. A ULT'd X-valve with 750-850 psi has a walkable trigger, that IS controllable. Use it instead of shooting an uncontrolled burst of RT at the ramping guys you so loath.
    Steve Shuey , Team Crimson Reign

  13. #43
    I try my level best not to. It can be very tempting when you are witness to other people getting away with it but I don't like making a hypocrite out of myself so I just grin and bear it. I'll go ahead and confess my transgressions:

    -Dive wiping. For a VERY short period I played for a field sponsored team. The owner/captain insisted that if we front men were hit on the break we slide to let the ground wipe the hit. He was a real piece of work. I towed the line for one tournament. Afterwords a member of another team laid into me for doing that. I had nothing to say for myself. I quit the team and that was my first and last experience playing "pro" speedball. Still embarrassed about it now.

    -Mobile Bunker. I slid into a fort and accidentally dislodged the door. It had a little slit in the front to peek/shoot through so I picked it up and used it like a riot shield. It was hilarious. Afterwords the refs determined that it shouldn't have been allowed but it had never happened before.

    -Shooting from the deadbox. Wait, this is not as bad as it sounds. I was shot out very early in woods game. There was no netting between the deadbox and the field, just a tape line. My friend and I watched two kids take turns advancing by calling themselves hit, moving up, then "double checking" and getting back in the game. There were only two refs and they couldn't possibly watch the whole area. So I told one. He talked to the kids, but didn't pull them. They proceeded to do it again, right in front of me. I got into a shouting match with one of them who kept telling me "dead men don't talk". So I gogged him and said "shut up then". We both got sat for the next game.


  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by AGDRetro View Post
    I do find it hilarious that the same Automag gang that is so anti-ramping because it "limits your control", have ZERO problem with the talentless hacks dumping 1100 psi into their RTs and watching the trigger bounce off their finger. At least the guys that are ramping must continue to pull their trigger and the rate of fire actually IS controllable. If you are doing gun "homework" on Youtube, a video showcasing a marker shooting in modes other than Semi Auto proves nothing about the gun or the man behind the trigger.

    The Mag is a fantastic gun and it is still competitive in today's paintball world. A ULT'd X-valve with 750-850 psi has a walkable trigger, that IS controllable. Use it instead of shooting an uncontrolled burst of RT at the ramping guys you so loath.
    I have my classic rt set with just under 1000 input. Same as always. I've also used a view loader revolution for the last decade and a half. Well a vl shreader before that. But the point I am making is. My gun even with the bounce turns to a blender if you try to shoot more than 3 balls at a time because they can't feed that fast. So you have to have a good trigger finger to not blend paint. I generally do single fast shooting shots. But if I use the rt effect its 3 round burst at max. But I do totally get what you are saying. I still go back to wanting controll of how much paint I shoot. And to me. Even with the rt effect. It is the person making it bounce. It doesn't totally shoot on its own.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by AGDRetro View Post
    I do find it hilarious that the same Automag gang that is so anti-ramping because it "limits your control", have ZERO problem with the talentless hacks dumping 1100 psi into their RTs and watching the trigger bounce off their finger. At least the guys that are ramping must continue to pull their trigger and the rate of fire actually IS controllable. If you are doing gun "homework" on Youtube, a video showcasing a marker shooting in modes other than Semi Auto proves nothing about the gun or the man behind the trigger.

    The Mag is a fantastic gun and it is still competitive in today's paintball world. A ULT'd X-valve with 750-850 psi has a walkable trigger, that IS controllable. Use it instead of shooting an uncontrolled burst of RT at the ramping guys you so loath.
    I am not sure whether this is just me or what but I have over 1100 psi and I have perfect control over the bounce. Keep in mind that it is harder to maintain a long string with bounce while people who use ramp can have a string of the same high BPS go on for days with no problem.

  16. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by emcl29 View Post
    That is genuinely surprising to me, I would think that would be off-putting to renters.
    Exactly, hence the struggling state of paintball.

  17. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by MAGgot View Post
    Exactly, hence the struggling state of paintball.
    Absolutely I lost a buddy because someone put a string in his back game 1. Sat in the car the rest of the day and never played again.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer View Post
    For who? You? You got any data to back that up?

    On a Legal Semi no bounce, one shot one pull I would bet it aint easy for MOST to pull over 12BPS.
    No data, just my opinion.
    I've seen a few kids walk the trigger with three fingers. It was DEFINITELY faster than 15/sec. So i can see how in some instances a capped ramping mode could regulate down the ROF. But in most cases, especially rec, nobody really shoots that fast.

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