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  • Nobody's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:26 PM
    From your position in the woods, and mine on the porch, 2 wrongs don't make a right. And I for one, will say that neither of us known any truths on...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:53 PM
    From my point of view, we have saying out here in the woods. "Don't poke a sleeping bear". Last Oct. 7th, Hamas didn't just poke the sleeping bear...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:06 PM
    Harris was not named border czar, as that is a title that the right gave to here, not the administration. But sure, if Ted Cruz and the GOP go take...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:52 PM
    You prov3d me wrong on one topic, that's all. But here you go, multipl3 sources: ...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:23 PM
    In the meantime...What else is going on? Kamala Harris coming to the Southern Border on Friday? For basically a photo-op to show how good a border...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Beemer's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:26 PM
    ^^^Ya pull out some of your premium Bait will ya.LOL
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:07 PM
    Why bother with dispute? It won't do any good. I pointed out his amphigory but the man is a paragon of his own self virtue. His arrogance makes...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Beemer's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:10 PM
    I have proved him wrong multiple times. He makes us laugh. He is just TROLLING.
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
  • Loguzzzzzz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:55 PM
    I can't believe you guys let him /\ /\ /\ /\ get away with these mis-statements. Present a sound bite of Trump saying he wants to abolish the...
    1069 replies | 299790 view(s)
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