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  • Nobody's Avatar
    Today, 08:54 PM
    Actually, you prove me wrong. Come on try it. I don't have to accredit my claims, cause you know I am correct, but disprove them. Show the forum how...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Loguzzzzzz's Avatar
    Today, 06:32 PM
    Civil court, not criminal court...BIG difference. Just ask OJ, oh wait, you can't, he is dead now...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Loguzzzzzz's Avatar
    Today, 06:30 PM
    You are so full of garbage and useless opinions that nothing you say has a shred of credibility. FYI - We are all LAUGHING at you!
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    Today, 03:06 PM
    It's not me, it is the judge. And since I have no law degree, nor passed the bar, I am just citing the law. ...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Beemer's Avatar
    Today, 02:50 AM
    Quit LYING. He was never convicted of Rape. YOU drank the Koo-Aid and are swimming in it. What flavor is it? Shouldn't you be over on PBN.
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:08 PM
    See, you would think that, but I wouldl disagree with them. I would have held them accountable for what they done or would do, but you see, and here...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • going_home's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:32 PM
    Well at least you got to know the flavor and smell of Harris and Biden's while you were up theirs.....
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:50 PM
    Wow, so much you got factually wrong. , Well, we are all getting old. Some age better than others I was hoping you would look past the...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:05 PM
    More recently, anyone else sit through Trump's joint Congressional Address? A big divide there in the room. Both positive and negative. The...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:08 PM
    I'm getting old. I wrote this like two days ago but never posted it. Still a relevant response to Nobodys last post.. Number one) Of course Thomas...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Loguzzzzzz's Avatar
    03-04-2025, 12:22 PM
    I disagree with you too. I happen to like the change but that is just me. In the grand scheme of things this is a non-issue to me. If they did get...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • going_home's Avatar
    03-04-2025, 07:21 AM
    The president should do an executive order to get rid of daylight savings time. Its just stupid, I've never talked to anyone that likes it. Of...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    03-02-2025, 11:21 PM
    Lol, this made me laugh. No serious, it is truly a mad, nutter of a post that has no sense of realism. It is absurdist. I will make 2 points, cause...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    03-02-2025, 09:00 PM
    You infer that there actually was a time people trusted the Government. Since before Lincoln was assassinated people have been questioning how much...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • SupaF1y's Avatar
    03-02-2025, 08:29 PM
    Been looking for myself for one for the past year, I have never even seen one in the wild, much less one for sale.
    6 replies | 251027 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    03-01-2025, 01:09 PM
    How can you have audits when you fire all the Inspector Generals? How can anyone believe anything the government says when there are no 3rd party...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • cseyms's Avatar
    03-01-2025, 12:18 AM
    $350 new xmt pump milled ULE body $350 non ULE emag lowers with Rail $sold 700 Blue xmt minimag with X-valve, itelliframe with matching blue...
    0 replies | 379 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    02-28-2025, 09:28 PM
    Been a couple days. What are we seeing outside of our little Peyton Place? Pam Bondi and those dirty Epstein documents. Released or not? I've...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • flampaint's Avatar
    02-28-2025, 10:46 AM
    flampaint started a thread Sydarm in Markers
    This one's looking for a new home. Never really used it (only ever shot some reballs with a ttl of two CO2 cartridges) Looking for 500,- obo +...
    0 replies | 614 view(s)
  • Xmagterror's Avatar
    02-28-2025, 10:28 AM
    We didnt make the preorder PCS by the march 1st cutoff date. If you interested in a body PM me and ill put you on the list. When the list fills up...
    26 replies | 7876 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    02-27-2025, 06:23 PM
    Lol, triggered much? For someone who doesn't care, I seem to have touched a nerve... So by how you are acting, it kinda means that I was exactly...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Loguzzzzzz's Avatar
    02-27-2025, 01:14 PM
    Your OPINION of me could not be more OFF BASE!. You are very full of yourself, and there is a lot of you to be full. Too bad it crap. ...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    02-27-2025, 01:04 PM
    Really?!?!? It sounds an awful lot like you are crying about how wrong you were on that article, how wrong you were believing those claims, and how...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • going_home's Avatar
    02-27-2025, 07:04 AM
    You are mistaken, no one is crying, just speaking truth to power. If Douglas didnt post the link, its spurious and not reliable, and thus not true.
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • BigEvil's Avatar
    02-27-2025, 06:32 AM
    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    02-26-2025, 06:43 PM
    I'm sorry. I happen to know a lot, read another, and question a lot. I am sorry that you have come across me and I just won't take what dung you are...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    02-26-2025, 06:33 PM
    What door? What decision are YOU trying to make? You are fine being a mushroom, only seeing a limited amount of sunlight. You are fine being fed...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    02-26-2025, 05:16 PM
    Fake name? Names like Nobody or Pyrate? Does anyone on the internet use anything other than some "Nom De Plume"? You don't, I don't. I don't think...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Loguzzzzzz's Avatar
    02-26-2025, 02:59 PM
    News Flash... No one cares what you question. You are so full of yourself that you think that you are an foremost authority on everything. You hold...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    02-26-2025, 02:30 PM
    No. I am not so full of myself to be the guardian of good links. They do not need my approval. If you put up a spurious link and it gets questioned,...
    1557 replies | 902906 view(s)
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