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  1. Need input: Trouble shooting prototype pb marker
  2. Autotrigger Mag Pump
  3. To those that said it can't be done.
  4. first thread (with picture of my project mag)
  5. Projekt: Ghetto ULE
  6. Sweet forum, my current project *pics*
  7. AR-15 mag conversion
  8. I like the description of this forum =D
  9. MicroMag Anodizing
  10. Where are the cool aftermarket mag accessories?
  11. Dyno?
  12. emag boards
  13. e-mag charger
  14. Emag Board
  15. Bottom Feeding Super Warp
  16. My warp mods.
  17. What is the ULTIMATE Tinkerer's gun?
  18. RT reg removal?
  19. milled euro mag
  20. Warp to Halo
  21. Impulse LPR SetUp
  22. Regs For Cocker
  23. need help with impulse parts
  24. Reactivity?
  25. Machining help
  26. milling
  27. couple of tech resources
  28. how i fit a benchmark rt frame to a standarg mag body rail
  29. OLD cocker body build up.
  30. Wtf?!?!?
  31. Vert adapter and Powder coating ?'s
  32. YES!!!!! Homemade Autoresponse frame works!!!!!!!!!!!!
  33. Revvie LED Question
  34. Project Spyder
  35. Project BE
  36. shocker with angel grips
  37. stupid spyder
  38. building your own automag
  39. tinker question on freak.
  40. Pump Marker Project
  41. almost a whole mag in here!
  42. spyder pump
  43. stripping ano or painting over it
  44. warp feed tubing
  45. custom e-mag using basic stamp
  46. warped without a warp
  47. Halo Tinkering - ?????
  48. Looking for somebody to do CNC milling on battery pack
  49. Project Rainmaker
  50. Making an intelliframe "fatter"
  51. 3-way possibility
  52. warping an e99
  53. p.d.s
  54. my viking eye cover design.
  55. Micro-cocker help.
  56. warp feed back pack
  57. where do you get your eletronic bits?
  58. intelliframe, sear assy?
  59. Project: The Ebay Ghetto Cocker
  60. Lathes and other machining machines (yes I'm tired)
  61. New life for "backup mag"
  62. project spyder board
  63. Can this be done
  64. How To Polish Aluminum
  65. A marker made made with wood!
  66. Crazy hopper idea
  67. old gt2000
  68. Macro Lines
  69. flatline mag???
  70. Building Mag
  71. Rebocker
  72. Logo for upcoming gun.
  73. What grit paper?
  74. how to be an airsmith?
  75. "combat" pump handle
  76. anno + powdercoating
  77. an idea
  78. Home Made marker
  79. Triggerless Pump
  80. Building a Tank
  81. how *not* to install the intelli-feed ~pictures~
  82. tube feed mag
  83. building 1st automag
  84. intellifeeding an evolution
  85. Electronics Question Real Quick
  86. Questions about Morlock (emagnum) Board???
  87. stopblock idea
  88. need Intellaframe pictures/diagrams
  89. Help, trigger pull!!!
  90. Pump mag project needs a little help
  91. How to make a Non-Blowback Valve?
  92. RT Classic to classic mag
  93. PGP conversion
  94. completely unique
  95. gun metal grey special edit. timmy
  96. I just spent a while messing around with a gun design. It's unique not oringonal
  97. New drop forward milling design
  98. i want to build a cocker what parts to i need?
  99. guncon??
  100. ACE on a Micro body??
  101. Cocker/Mag Hybrid
  102. need help wiht my mag
  103. Polished Mag Rail.
  104. need tons of help in very short notice
  105. Pressurized rotating coupling? Not paintball related.
  106. Project Ecstatic SFL Bushmaster
  107. Custom Marker Website
  108. Anodizing
  109. building a new marker
  110. original valve
  111. Just a taste
  112. Need to know what i need to build a mag
  113. airline
  114. I need sum work done
  115. RT with hyper frame?
  116. COCKER: Need rhino reg 10/32 barb fitting (on lpr regs)
  117. roller bearing trigger mod
  118. Can you do this?
  119. my new project
  120. X-Mag/E-Mag Triggers
  121. Kila's latest creation....
  122. How to strip.........
  123. Vision in shocker
  124. I need help on becoming an Angel Tech
  125. Minimag auto upgrade?
  126. My pimped ULE CUSTOM project
  127. help with my mag super light!!
  128. Pistolized Mag
  129. Powerfeed neck
  130. trigger stop?
  131. Custom Rail- Who?
  132. Mini Tank
  133. mag ace on the bolt
  134. Operation: Moving Bomb
  135. spyder trigger pull
  136. Spraypainting / Powdercoating at home??
  137. Help with Egg 2
  138. Can Somebody Cut My Standard Feed??
  139. Aced Emag
  140. emag body one a minimag rail?
  141. Crazy idea...just might work?
  142. Eblade a V2?
  143. My docish pgp
  144. 5/8" square aluminum bar
  145. ASA Thread problem....
  146. intellifeed
  147. SEAR MOD: CHUFF less with your ULT, still SAFE for your BOLT
  148. magnetic trigger, for the old style mag
  149. home made "SPEEDY POD FILLER"
  150. machinist looking for small jobs...
  151. Z-Frame/Intelliframe Halfbreed
  152. Lexan Bodies?
  153. Looking to purchase a blade trigger for my emag, but don't know who makes them????
  154. Need some Ideas for a Tiger Shark
  155. z-body galactic
  156. Mating a palmer reg to mag valve? (For Pistol-mag)
  157. Small agitated hopper for pumps
  158. Building my VERY custom X-Mag for CHEAP!
  159. Milling questions
  160. Check out this hopper mod
  161. Warp painting
  162. Most expensive 68 mag EVER...
  163. CAD drawing
  164. MicroRT/Inteliframe question
  165. NVE-Mag Tech Pictures
  166. Valve Designs
  167. spyder amg
  168. pump conversion
  169. new grip idea ?
  170. Revvy Mod
  171. tippmann-cocker(almost done)
  172. latest project needs a little help. need a shell
  173. Delrin Trigger Ideas
  174. Mag-Efficiency
  175. Writing Software
  176. Warp Mod: Get rid of 9v connectors simple
  177. autococker thread data
  178. tippmann/cocker works!!!!
  179. need some info
  180. Help me do this
  181. questions on hyperframe.
  182. galacticZimp
  183. drilling a mag rail..I just gotsta' know.
  184. ***How to COMPLETELY customize your mags trigger*** warning:picture intensive
  185. cocker frame on mag
  186. Check it out, my first milling project.
  187. Timmy board- 2 - bko :)
  188. Custom Auto-Response Frame Intellifeed
  189. First try
  190. Team T Shirts
  191. Pump Spyder
  192. bolt spring washer
  193. I Need Help With My Sandridge Please
  194. Warp on/off 12v mod
  195. Ace'd Emag is Done
  196. Complete Mag Part List
  197. ULT Milling
  198. Possible Projects for Cocker Pnuematics??
  199. custom drop
  200. new mag design
  201. Is there anything else i need?
  202. New to Paintball
  203. LAW Rocket help
  204. Any Mods for the battery pack E-MAG
  205. Home Annoing
  206. Workshop Projects Show n Tell
  207. polaris paintballs
  208. Help with home "milling"
  209. Does anyone know how to install an on/off switch to a warp at home?
  210. stacked bolt blow forward
  211. electro magnetic gun
  212. building an Autococker
  213. Impulse Trigger
  214. O-Ring Design
  215. Powervert feed idea?
  216. Your Help Is Needed!!! Greatest Mag Conversion Ever? Hrmmm...
  217. Rubber Compounds.
  218. Building a Warp ULE Automag...
  219. teflon
  220. The Ghettonator
  221. autoresponse internals
  222. What do I need ?
  223. MicroMag with dual Angel ball detents and removable vert feed?
  224. help with air fillings
  225. making a warp feed cocker body
  226. Dremels
  227. QEV website finally going....
  228. paintball gatlin gun .....NEED HELP!
  229. Timmy and Warp Feed question
  230. minimag elecrto frame
  231. Stock Class ULE Adapter?
  232. Help Wiht Dye Invision Sight Ppleease
  233. Carved a rail today
  234. Im building A ule MAG
  235. turbo trigger on emag???
  236. Bumper material
  237. RC Paintball Super tank
  238. Automag 68
  239. solenoid
  240. autococker spring combo
  241. RC Paintball shooter
  242. Ule Mech Mag
  243. new feed design
  244. filling station
  245. Spyder E-Frame on a MAG?!?
  246. Possible E-Mag Bounce Solution (Hybrid mode)
  247. Machinist Question Cocker threading
  248. my homemade rt trigger
  249. Project No Batteries: RT Pro + Q-loader + advanced trigger
  250. converting a RT PRO to an E-MAG