View Full Version : Living Legends

  1. Living Legends 7 - The Great A0 ARMY-Crusade!
  2. Forum Set Up
  3. Jerseys - patches - artwork general discussion thread thread
  4. "Event Committee" - if you want on, please post here
  5. Attendance list!
  6. Confirmed Dates: May 16-18 2014
  7. Hotels and lodging
  8. We NEED to do this.
  9. My photographer...
  10. CPX is sponsoring us.
  11. AO Army LL7 Job Opening
  12. I need a ROUGH estimate of numbers
  13. Some quick motivation to spread around
  14. Rukh013 has to come to legends
  15. Joining the dark side.
  16. Facebook Group
  17. The AO picnic table deficiency
  18. Radios
  19. Vendors?
  20. Got us a vending spot
  21. How to register for Living Legends 7 REGISTRATION IS LIVE
  22. grenade launcher
  23. Paint Order Thread
  24. Advice for Living Legends
  25. Free flight and hotel contest
  26. Camping At CPX
  27. Who is going?
  28. Map of LL7
  29. Anyone got space in a room...
  30. how does this compair
  31. The Paintball Museum Sponsered by the AO Army
  32. first time at LL
  33. The AO Army Living Legends Museum
  34. So about the museum
  35. Props to BTAutomag
  36. Design HELP!
  37. ty BTautomag
  38. staging area
  39. Paintball Museum Registration
  40. grenades
  41. So....
  42. Running a Warp for LL7 - good idea or not??
  43. Ll7 rules, read them
  44. Official LL7 rules.
  45. who is teching mags ll7?
  46. Who needs parts for LL7?
  47. when playing
  48. Do I need more paint?
  49. Friendly IMPORTANT reminder
  50. Procrastinators beware: tonight is deadline for pre-registration.
  51. MAP of the NON playing area
  52. Can't go to LL7, need to unload registrations and air (x2)
  53. friday play need marker!!
  54. LL7 Waiver...Help i'm An Idiot
  55. Saturday Schedule
  56. Everyone should meet up Friday at...
  57. LL7: Vendor Map | Game Map | Camping Map | Skirmish Map *PICS*
  58. Staging Area
  59. Need 2 Cases - Anyone have to back out?
  60. Need to buy registration
  61. Online Waiver
  62. Friday schedule
  63. Sunday Schedule
  64. Electrical outlets???
  65. Fellow mag enthusiast in need -
  66. 1 pre-reg Pass & air possibly for sale
  67. LL7 pic thread
  68. the legendary
  69. my opinion of LL7
  70. And the winner is.......
  71. LL7 After action report and commentary.
  72. Living Legends VII Videos
  73. living legends 8
  74. PRE ORDER paint for LL8
  75. Living Legends 8 bans First Strike Rounds
  76. Living Legends 10 - Old School squad
  77. LLXI - Now at Hell Survivors, MI - May 18-20, 2018