- Living Legends 7 - The Great A0 ARMY-Crusade!
- Forum Set Up
- Jerseys - patches - artwork general discussion thread thread
- "Event Committee" - if you want on, please post here
- Attendance list!
- Confirmed Dates: May 16-18 2014
- Hotels and lodging
- We NEED to do this.
- My photographer...
- CPX is sponsoring us.
- AO Army LL7 Job Opening
- I need a ROUGH estimate of numbers
- Some quick motivation to spread around
- Rukh013 has to come to legends
- Joining the dark side.
- Facebook Group
- The AO picnic table deficiency
- Radios
- Vendors?
- Got us a vending spot
- How to register for Living Legends 7 REGISTRATION IS LIVE
- grenade launcher
- Paint Order Thread
- Advice for Living Legends
- Free flight and hotel contest
- Camping At CPX
- Who is going?
- Map of LL7
- Anyone got space in a room...
- how does this compair
- The Paintball Museum Sponsered by the AO Army
- first time at LL
- The AO Army Living Legends Museum
- So about the museum
- Props to BTAutomag
- Design HELP!
- ty BTautomag
- staging area
- Paintball Museum Registration
- grenades
- So....
- Running a Warp for LL7 - good idea or not??
- Ll7 rules, read them
- Official LL7 rules.
- who is teching mags ll7?
- Who needs parts for LL7?
- when playing
- Do I need more paint?
- Friendly IMPORTANT reminder
- Procrastinators beware: tonight is deadline for pre-registration.
- MAP of the NON playing area
- Can't go to LL7, need to unload registrations and air (x2)
- friday play need marker!!
- LL7 Waiver...Help i'm An Idiot
- Saturday Schedule
- Everyone should meet up Friday at...
- LL7: Vendor Map | Game Map | Camping Map | Skirmish Map *PICS*
- Staging Area
- Need 2 Cases - Anyone have to back out?
- Need to buy registration
- Online Waiver
- Friday schedule
- Sunday Schedule
- Electrical outlets???
- Fellow mag enthusiast in need -
- 1 pre-reg Pass & air possibly for sale
- LL7 pic thread
- the legendary
- my opinion of LL7
- And the winner is.......
- LL7 After action report and commentary.
- Living Legends VII Videos
- living legends 8
- PRE ORDER paint for LL8
- Living Legends 8 bans First Strike Rounds
- Living Legends 10 - Old School squad
- LLXI - Now at Hell Survivors, MI - May 18-20, 2018