View Full Version : How long does it take to ge the carrier oring broken-in ?

08-31-2003, 09:01 AM
How long does it takes ?
My marker works with the softest spring but i want to get the medium one works.
It works just fine with soft however, i haven't test the "chop-test" !
Today I got the new reg piston assy and finnally get the medium spring to fire cinsistently, dunno the crono yet tho. however it won't really sweetspot and autofire like the medium spring.
so i need to know if my oring has broken in or not. I played with the softest spring setup, number 2 carrier, 2 shims with like 1500 paints.

another one is what's the purpose of the shims in there ?
should i have as little or as many shims i could put in there ?

thanks alot !

08-31-2003, 10:01 AM
oring should take a couple of cases to break in
then you might have to drop down half a carrier size

and most lvl X setups i have seen use the middle(cut) spring and then the short. not very many ppl use the long.

09-01-2003, 09:50 PM
The shims control where in the forward stroke the air chamber starts venting. I copied that from http://www.automags.org/resource/level10/index.shtml Still some what confusing but I've always used 2 and haven't worried about it. It doesn't chop or leak so it's super cool w/ me:D

09-02-2003, 07:17 AM
Ok thanks.
One mroe thing, what control the sweet spot ?
I was having carrier size 2, 2 shims, gold spring(i think it is original), and 800-850 psi input. I got a sweetspot the other day using that setup.
Now I used the same setup but with medium spring (with cut) and the sweet spot is gone, and when i revert back to my earlier setup, I also can't find it anymore.

thanks in advance.