View Full Version : weird day of paintball

08-31-2003, 07:15 PM
well, my tanks are out getting hydro tested, so, i couldn't use my emag, so borrowed friends eblade evo, wow, nice gun. made me invest in one when i get the extra money as a back up to emag.

anyways, i however did get 2 of my teammates to buy emags, and one of my teammates got his, and i looked at it, and he ALWAYS has to mess with his mags some how(filing things he shouldn't, etc-i'm constantly fixing guns that he has worked on before), i dont know why but he think hes god on them or something.
but i look at his emag, retro valve, with ULE body.

my first question to him
level 10? - "no i took it out, i got two here, want one dirt cheap?"
how much?
i changed the subject at this point.

how come you didn't get the xvalve?
i didn't want it"
"i dont need it"
its the same thing as your valve now, just lighter, and looks better than that, and would go better with your gun..

later on the day, hes still working on his gun, i ask him what now?
"just tweaking it"
he has his tank up to all hell with micro line and is trying to impress me with his sweet spotting.

later on the day again, i see him jamming a rod down his valve, so i ask what the hell he was doing
"getting this pin out"
uhh theres no pin in there
"pin broke in it"
theres no pin in there.
at this point he pulls out a long pin. and i tilt my head thinking now what the, then i notice its the stem of the bolt that snapped off.

how the hell did that snap off?

at this point i have his emag in my hands and look at it, i pull the trigger and notice the return magnets arne't doing anything, so i look closely, and notice that the magnet in the top of the trigger has come off, and is still connected to the magnets in the frame.

i tell him about it and hes like yeahh i know.

i dont know if all this is caused by his stupidity in messing with his mags or what, because he JUST bought it new about a month ago, and JUST got it back from AGD for upgrades or something i dont know, and has only used it about 2-3times. didn't ask.

now he goes on and tells me how hes going to get his full auto and all that and buy a jumper for it and such. i tried to tell him that full auto isn't even programmed into the gun and that he can't, but he wouldn't listen.

now, i talked to a fellow that has a gold xmag at the field(was off getting repaired), to get my friends xmag from him(diff xmag), and he tells me how theres a jumper you can get for the emag or whatever to get it full auto, and he has done it, he grabbed his sons emag and showed me. now i'm all confused on this part, but, can someone englighten me on this part? and no, he didn't send it out anywhere, he simply got a jumper for it and put it somewhere on his gun, and voila.

anyways, it was a fun day of paintball, there was about about 6-7 emags and probably like 10-12 regular mags there, it was a nice turn out.

08-31-2003, 07:20 PM
How in the world do you break a bolt stem off?

08-31-2003, 07:33 PM
lol thats funny

08-31-2003, 08:21 PM
with his "full auto" firing, did he fire more than 10 shots in full auto? only because there IS a burst fire mode programmed into emags, i think 3 and 6 shot burst. was his "full auto" really very fast, or more just like a slower pace?

08-31-2003, 08:23 PM
you know, it might of been, maybe they dont know what they were talking about. hmm thanks

however, the emag burts are 3 and 6 and only go up to max of 9BPS in the bursts