View Full Version : Classic Question

08-31-2003, 09:59 PM
I purchased a used automag classic the guy said it was level 6, I looked online at the manual and it said that AGD will update it to level 7 for free.... Any truth to the free upgrade, is it worth it, I am thinking about level 10 upgrade.... Do I just call the Tech support line since the email is messed up for the upgrade to level 7 or who do I contact.
Also anyone who would like to recommend a barrel or maybe expansion chamber or any other upgrades everything is appreciated!!!

Any help is good help!!

The Goomba!!

08-31-2003, 10:06 PM
screw the lvl 7 and just spend $85 and get the lvl 10 installed. Since installed I've never chopped one ball and I've shot about 8000 of the crappiest balls ever ($36 for 2000 balls).

09-01-2003, 12:37 AM
If your Valve is level 6 the powertube will be held on with a spring clip. The level 7 and up valves the powertube is not removable, other than that Im not shure of iny other changes. I personaly would have the valve upgraded, but Im not shure if its free, just call AGD and they will help you out.

As for upgrades for your Mag, Rule #1 if AGD doesent make it you dont want it;) .
First if you can get Nitro/HPA for your gun, the cost for a preset tank will be about the same as a good expansion chamber and anti-siphon Co2 tank, and your gun will run better with the HPA.
Second a level 10 kit
Third a AGD trigger frame(I-frame or Y-Frame) RogueFactor here on AO sells a custom all black I-frame that looks real nice.

As for a barrel, just find one that fits the type of paint you shoot most. I like my Lapco BigShot barrel, I picked it up new on E-bay for $25 and see them sell for $20-45 new all the time on E-bay.
Enjoy your new mag:)

09-01-2003, 09:01 AM
all great ideas thanks for everything

09-01-2003, 10:57 PM
even though i dont have any experience with it yet, id say skip the lvl 7 bolt and go with the LX. Also, hpa is a good idea. If you like the single trigger, stick with it cause it works, otherwise go with a y/i frame.