View Full Version : Makin' cheap electros go 20 bps

09-01-2003, 02:06 AM
Heres an idea that probaly already been done before...

Iwas wondering if ya can take a cheap stacktubed electro, rip out the circut board, make a simple circuit comprised of the switch, solenoid, an on/of switch, some resistors for impedance(so as not to fy the noid) and battery.

Shootdown and the physical ability to pull that fast aside, would ya have a gun that is theoreticaly 20 bps capable.

09-01-2003, 05:38 AM
A simple timer circuit (IC555 or suchlike), battery, solenoid and maybe a relay, and yes it's certainly feasible. Things get a lot more complicated when you start to include features like shot counters, anti chop eyes etc, because you are then in the arena of software, digital control and EPROMS, but certainly a basic timed solenoid would be well within the realms of DIY. I was thinking of such a project myself but ended up getting an X-Mag...

09-01-2003, 05:44 AM
*grins* Been there, done that. Blowbacks make a lot of "noise" And there are a lot of things to contend with if you with to make a gun like a spyder a legal gun cappable of 30bps+. There are several boards about to hit the market that would do just what you'd like to see.

My Friend 314159/Terminal Err is working his magic on a board that'll give timmys a reason to be scared :-) (this is the board you will find in my spyder.)

Lurker27 on PBN is in the preliminary phases of an all analog board. Which in itself is a pretty nifty idea.

And there are a few others working on their own.

Next summer should be the year of the crazy blowbacks ;-)
(though your thought experiemnt circut would not work, precice timing of the sear is necessary)

09-01-2003, 08:56 AM
actually yes I have seen it... LOL sleeper spyders... My friend made one... Its really strange to see a spyder goin off at 24bps... And next year should be the blowback's year to catch up to technology... Something like a level 10 bolt is supposed to come out for them and an ACE system too... AHHH the spyders will infestate the smaller tourny's...

09-01-2003, 09:17 AM
or you can buy the newer m3 guns with the 20bps cap :P

and there is already a couple anti-chop bolts out for spyders.
Kingman is supposedly putting out a gun or two that has ace.
on the kingmanusa.com forums there are a couple guys workin on aftermarket ACE for e-spyders.

if anyone got the newest APG...there's supposed to be 2 new spyders in there. the kid that told me doesnt have a scanner or digicam so i smashed him.

09-01-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by nerobro
*grins* Been there, done that. Blowbacks make a lot of "noise" And there are a lot of things to contend with if you with to make a gun like a spyder a legal gun cappable of 30bps+. There are several boards about to hit the market that would do just what you'd like to see.

Nero at IAO: Hey prairie look at this... "tink..tink..tink" "TINKTINKTINKTINKTINKTINKTINK"

Prairie: What..the heck did you do to that poor spyder...

Had heads turning all weekend..ph33r the spyder bounce.

Spartan X
09-01-2003, 10:41 AM
mmm this would work well for the Omen :)

09-01-2003, 10:50 AM
psh, thats been done before aswell

09-01-2003, 11:04 AM
Low end electros are not ment to have such high rates of fire because there internals are not designed to go thorugh this much abuse and they would wear out very quickly, so it is not recomened to do this.

09-01-2003, 01:05 PM
i reccomend 20bps.

i dont see why a hardened steel striker will have that much wear.

especially when there are guns like timmys and bushies runnin around shootin that fast with basicaly the same idea for internals.

09-01-2003, 01:16 PM
you should just make a simpler one without a limit... so it's one pull one shot... make then.. and send one my way.. i def past my 13 bps a while ago....

09-01-2003, 02:03 PM
i did sumthin kind of like this, it wasnt a spyder, but i was a cheap (single tubed) gun i got off ebay for $70 after some testing, i found that the noid actually ran straight of the 9 volt (any less and it wouldnt owrk...wich is insaine...ist a huge noid) anyway, i wired my own custom trigger setup, the noid, and the battery all togerther, so its un-capped ROF :eek: :D . its preety sick, ive got a vid here- http://www.celestialwonders.com/beast/beast.wma -sorry, mike didnt pick up well, cheap camera, but i had it clocked at worr.com at 16bps, wich isnt my fastest buy a long shot, but its decent for a $70 gun lol
side-note- im ordering sum custom plexiglass stuff from a local shop, im gonna make a plexiglass body, its gonna be sick.
edit-wow, just watched thw video, thats terrrible, the mike was like turning on and off, ill try to get a better one up, but watever, and another sidenote, it runs at 100-125 PSI :D

09-02-2003, 02:06 AM
Voltage is unrelated to the size of the soilinoid. :-) they are built to run at a certian voltage.

The circut you describe has a serious problem. it allows the gun to be shortsroked.

Spyders are still faster ;-)

As for spyders not being able to handle 20bps. Rate of fire has NO effect on rate of wear on a spyder. The gun does the exact same for one shot, as it does for two shots. or 20 shots in a seccond. Despite seeing thousands of cycles my spyder still shows no serious signs of wear. So.. Tsal.. I think it's time for you to spend some time in an engineering course ;-) or maybe just the school of hard knocks *grins*

09-02-2003, 07:01 AM
hmmm spyder bolts must put some good wear on the body... because why else would there be O-rings and delrin-impregnated [whoa big word] bolts in guns?

[for efficiency and less wear, duh!:p ]

09-02-2003, 07:50 AM
Now, if fully auto is allowed, a black dragun sniper can shoot 20bps with the stock board, with paint, with air. Its truely funny to see a cheap electric such as that to just rip paint.

09-02-2003, 05:17 PM
The answer is yes.

You can get a morlock board from kennesaw mountain markers (http://www.exarin.com/) and put that into an older bushmaster or impulse and shoot 20bps.

It takes a little soldering or you can buy the board he sells for each gun.
