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09-02-2003, 11:14 AM
Hey, I just took a drive to wally world and found some new paint BLUE STEEL, Heck it was 20 for 1000. So i checked it over and found the makers BEI . HMMMM who could this be. Brass Eagle. But wait didnt they used to have those huge logos with and eagle and Brass Eagle writin all over it. LOL. I guess they figured that hiding the logo would make a impact on there sells. So i decided to skip BLUE STEEL and look around. The prices of paint at wallmart is unbelievable. They were selling paintballs for way to much. 27 a thousand. for stuff I havnt heard of. Well so i go back and have my freinds mom buy me paint since she gets 10 percent of at walmart. She comes home with after burner. I break a ball and found the most chunkyist fill every. Shure hellfire is the thickest but afterburner is chunky. Never saw chunky paint. Well this stuff shot well in my gun and I couldnt believe that it was made by brasseagle. Go Check it out. Has anybody tryed bluesteel

09-02-2003, 12:09 PM
I have shot worse paint than brass eagle. If you get a good batch of BE it actually shoots ok.

09-02-2003, 12:27 PM
couple things:

1) BE knows that 95% of people who buy their paint at wally have no idea that the whole internet pb community hates BE and thus couldnt care less whether they know its BE paint or not

2) BE paint, when brand new, is identical to Zap (at the moment) and so its not bad paint. Its just that when ANY paint sits on a wally world shelf for over a year and a half, it will turn crappy

3) $27 for 1000 balls is DAMN GOOD. I dont know a field around here that sells seconds for less than $40 for 1000 balls

09-02-2003, 12:39 PM
I guess I should be happy that I'm paying 50 for 2000.

09-02-2003, 01:43 PM
I brought some of the blue paint.

The Draxus and sever paint at Spplat had the worst shells ever. I think they were made of paper.

The fill on the Draxus paint was good but the shells...

Even those who had a level ten were breaking paint. Total crap.

09-02-2003, 02:26 PM
I bought Brass Eagle one day at Walmart, when i owned a mag, and it shot great. I'm dead serious. I broke one ball out of 2000. I most have gotten a fresh batch or somethin

09-02-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
3) $27 for 1000 balls is DAMN GOOD. I dont know a field around here that sells seconds for less than $40 for 1000 balls

Really? ;)

I pay $35 per case for Midnight at NPS. At Paintball Invasion(field), I pay $50 per case for Severe.

09-02-2003, 02:49 PM
35$ for a case of midnights??? thats AMAZING. the lowest i have seen them for is 43$/case at 888pb.

wowzas!:cool: i wish infernos were cheaper ;o

09-02-2003, 02:52 PM
Paying 100 dollars for a case of inferno at IAO will really make you appreciate 60 dollar cases of paint.

09-02-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster

$27 for 1000 balls is DAMN GOOD. I dont know a field around here that sells seconds for less than $40 for 1000 balls

the field i play at is 45 bucks for a case..its not bad either...Pointblank, First Choice and big ball..which isn't that bad...

09-02-2003, 04:21 PM
ok...so all my fields suck....most charge $25/500 for a bag of reasonable stuff.

and IAO will certainly make you appreciate low priced paint

09-02-2003, 04:34 PM
if you hafta pay like 80/100 per case why dont u buy it online?

I could prolly have some fresh stuff dropshipped to you from PMI for like 50 if u wanted.

09-02-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Star_Base_CGI

The Draxus and sever paint at Spplat had the worst shells ever. I think they were made of paper.

Well, I for one have nothing but positive things to say about that Severe paint, it shot very well. I had no chops, and it flew straight and went exactly where I wanted it.

09-02-2003, 05:00 PM
I had no complaints with the Draxus either. My Mag, cocker and pump shot it fine all weekend with only one barrel break during the last shoot out.

09-02-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by eric
if you hafta pay like 80/100 per case why dont u buy it online?

Most fields have "field paint only" rules. So they can jack the price up and actually make a profit.

Some fields jack it up a little much. There's one around here that costs ~$100 for a case... Most fields I play at charge $80, or if I'm part of the field team a whopping $5 discount to $75!!! WOW!

I'm not a fan of fields jacking the prices.

09-02-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by dinger
35$ for a case of midnights??? thats AMAZING. the lowest i have seen them for is 43$/case at 888pb.

wowzas!:cool: i wish infernos were cheaper ;o
Thats what i pay at my local, well kind of local store. and infernos i think are 40 something

09-02-2003, 05:31 PM
I pay $50 a case for marbalizer at my local field - which is what I normally shoot.

I played a fill in spot on a visiting team at a tournament the other day and had a chance to shoot Severe Tempest - I was quite pleased with it really - considering I was paying $40 a case for it. Really I have not shot any paint lately I have been unhappy with - Kick'N, Nitro Duck (just saw this week), and some other stuff. Of course my local field is excellent about paint storage so it does show.

09-02-2003, 05:44 PM
Being a dealer, unless your field has some hot deal and shots TONS and TONS of paint (60+ cases per weekend) you are paying more than $40 for 2000rnds of Inferno

09-02-2003, 06:28 PM
yea, thats why i love my field, they sell draxxus for 45 a case, and diablo seconds for 40. thats why i swiched, the prices.

09-02-2003, 06:38 PM
As long as the paint doesnt break in the gun, im hard pressed to tell any difference in ANY brand of paint.

09-02-2003, 07:29 PM
I shot three cases of the Severe paint on Sunday and I had only a handfull of breaks.

And some of those were because I buried my barrel in the dirt running (sort of) from a tank.

09-02-2003, 08:49 PM
$40 a CASE... FIELD PAINT??!?!?!??!!? Where do you people play??!?!

09-02-2003, 08:53 PM
My field sales white box/Zap for 40 a case, they also sale paint up to 65 a case. A friend of mine has his own field and his dad makes runs to PBC and buys Power ball in bulk. He sales it for 45 a case. In my opinion, this is the worst paint in paintball history period, I would shoot Brass Eagle paint that has set on the shelf before I ever shoot Power ball agian.:mad:

09-03-2003, 06:05 AM
As has been stated by folks, when buying paint, I too tend to look at the price first. I have found that most of the “cheap” paint that I have purchased has been just as good for my purposes as the more expensive paint I have gotten. Sure, you can get some screwy shots now and again, but for recreational play it just adds to the “Holy cow! Did you see that shot?!?” factor. :D

As long as the paint does not break in my markers, and at least half of it breaks on “things” ;) I am happy. And when I put on a paintball party, I want to spend my money on food not paint… :D The quality of the paint is second to the quality of the game and how much fun we all have.

…. Then again, unlike some folks, I don’t think every game is the World Finals of Paintball…. :D

09-03-2003, 06:23 AM
Living next to a Big Draxus distrib,

Anything better=$45

No way Inferno @$40 unless it's old stock.


09-03-2003, 07:32 AM
Frankly, as far as hiding the name goes, its really not a bad idea for a different reason. If half their paint carries their name and the other half doesn't, people think there's 2 different brands instead of just one. Then if I have a bad experience with one I switch to the other and BE still gets the sale.

09-03-2003, 11:44 AM
rant on

Some of you guys are prejudice morons. Have any of you actually tried any BE products? This kind of lunacy is what we mag owners hear from other forums. these threads suck and it starts like this everytime:

1. Someone starts to talk that Hot poo about BE
2. Kev gets on here and "pwns" everyone

Same thing happens with the spyder bashing

1. someone starts anti-spyder crap
2. Nero blows all you guys up.

So please lets stop the company bashing. Dont even get me started on the Sp-> Nazi thing, that has got to be the worst **** I have ever seen.

rant off

09-03-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi
rant on

Some of you guys are prejudice morons. Have any of you actually tried any BE products? This kind of lunacy is what we mag owners hear from other forums. these threads suck and it starts like this everytime:

1. Someone starts to talk that Hot poo about BE
2. Kev gets on here and "pwns" everyone

Same thing happens with the spyder bashing

1. someone starts anti-spyder crap
2. Nero blows all you guys up.

So please lets stop the company bashing. Dont even get me started on the Sp-> Nazi thing, that has got to be the worst **** I have ever seen.

rant off

My reputation (aswell as my head) grows bigger....

09-03-2003, 01:40 PM
Brass eagle has done great things to make paintball available to everyone through low prices and availability. Unfortunatly for them. Their items are so cheap, in cost AND product that they've been given a bad name. BE product have also given a bad name to the sport through it's availabity. Kids will go into k-mart, or Target or ShopKo and buy a cheap little marker then go around shooting people and property. It's this disregard for the sport that I cannot stand. And it's too bad for BE that their name is in the middle of it.

09-03-2003, 03:49 PM
I pay $50 a case for paint. The fields would have to be pretty good for me to pay 100 a case.

09-03-2003, 04:55 PM
Hey now.....I love the talon. BEST GUN EVAR! Heh, we've made some funky stuff with talons. On the paint topic, I've also noticed that with all of their new products they try to hide who it's made by. Hilarious, it's almost like they are addmitting that they suck.

09-03-2003, 05:32 PM
Woa Woa Woa. Brass eagle derseves the bashing. I cannot stress that too much. First when they buy out veiwloader they change all of the necks so they dont fit in any elebos. Then they offer cheap guns. Ok there cheap so waht. THEY WAST ARE MONEY they break down in no time at all. Ok and have you seen the complaints about the veiw loader shells. THey break just about every other time you paintball. Now I do thank them for doing somthing about there paint. THere first stuff must have been the most hardest shell ive ever got hit by. OK lets move on, brass eagle buys out spyder. UGHHHHHH. Theye change all there screws so that its difficult.

09-03-2003, 08:53 PM
30 dollar cases of draxxus and its fine

09-03-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by swat150
OK lets move on, brass eagle buys out spyder. UGHHHHHH. Theye change all there screws so that its difficult.

Uhmm, no?

Kingman owns Spyder. BE owns JT, Viewloader, etc...

09-04-2003, 08:27 AM
um no, Honest mistake, Brass eagle bought spyder out. If you dont believe me go call them. I got my info from action pursuit.

09-04-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by swat150
um no, Honest mistake, Brass eagle bought spyder out. If you dont believe me go call them. I got my info from action pursuit.

Uhmm no you're wrong.

Why don't you click here and tell me who owns Spyder? (http://www.kingmanusa.com)


09-04-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by swat150
Woa Woa Woa. Brass eagle derseves the bashing. I cannot stress that too much. First when they buy out veiwloader they change all of the necks so they dont fit in any elebos. Then they offer cheap guns. Ok there cheap so waht. THEY WAST ARE MONEY they break down in no time at all. Ok and have you seen the complaints about the veiw loader shells. THey break just about every other time you paintball. Now I do thank them for doing somthing about there paint. THere first stuff must have been the most hardest shell ive ever got hit by. OK lets move on, brass eagle buys out spyder. UGHHHHHH. Theye change all there screws so that its difficult.

where do I even begin....

Im gunna let this one go by. Oh, and BTW, I just got off the phone with a high up at Brass Eagle. Just to make sure BE didnt buy them todaty: BE DOENST OWN KINGMAN NOR SPYDER!!

Call their info line: 1-877-877-GAME

you'll see that they do NOT own Kingman USA

09-04-2003, 02:25 PM
and on subject...(I came back and decided to start)...

1) BE bought VL and changed the necks. Yep. Wanna know why? THE molds on the old Pre-BE necks were deformed. They had deteriorated over the years and VL had never replaced them. BE replaced them and took them back to spec. Now they're back at the 1" they always were before they slipped out of correctness under the old VL's watch.

2) They break. Yes and no. I've had a couple BE guns for years. My field rented stingrays....some of which had 1 MILLION shots on them and were still going strong. Not bad, IMHO. And why do they break? Because NEWBS own them. Not dissing on newbs, but 99% of newbs dont know jack about (and dont care to know) cleaning a marker and maintaining it. Very few of us would expect our current marker (OK..we own mags....some of us would) to work out of the box for 5-10-15 thousand shots without ANY oil!

3) Complaints about the VL shells. That problem has been fixed. Old history. Besides, look what BE has done for VL: the eggo. the x-board (coming soon for the eggo). the new vl pods. INNOVATION!

4) I dont know what the hell you mean by "they break just about every other time you paintball" so im gunna leave it.

5) their paint has the hardest shells to get hit by. Maybe your guy was shooting hot? maybe he was close to you? Because, back in the day, all paint was 5x harder than it is today. People were tough back then i guess

and be does NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT own spyders. Spyders are made by a Japanese company, and thus started using metric threads, they continue to use them today for that reason

09-04-2003, 03:25 PM
You guys are not real bright are you? I told you kev was going to own your ***.


Originally posted by gtrsi
rant on

Some of you guys are prejudice morons. Have any of you actually tried any BE products? This kind of lunacy is what we mag owners hear from other forums. these threads suck and it starts like this everytime:

1. Someone starts to talk that Hot poo about BE
2. Kev gets on here and "pwns" everyone

Same thing happens with the spyder bashing

1. someone starts anti-spyder crap
2. Nero blows all you guys up.

rant off

09-04-2003, 06:18 PM
LOl Kevmaster you proved me wrong. THanks for setting me strait. I got very confused on the brass eagle and spyder thing. And your right, Brass eagle did do alot of good things.But I still have one more thing. I dont think they change there shells yet

09-04-2003, 08:29 PM
Kingman does not "own" Spyder. Spyder is a line of their guns, not a separate company. Just like Airgun does not own RT. Its just a line of guns.

But yes, BE does deserve a bashing. WHile they have done things good for the sport, they do make junk. When I started playing, I got a Stingray 2. It worked most of the time alright, but was never really all that reliable. And when I tried to use BE paint in it, it jammed, and broke ever other ball. Revvy feed necks snapping all over the world, the Talon, and Blade are just a few of their mistakes. But with those mistakes, you get new players. BE keeps paintball alive. They sell to the kids who go to Wal-Mart. If there were no other companies to sell out of Wal-Mart, there would be very few new players. Many people I know got their start from BE junk. Think of them as a lowly stepping stone, that many of us had to stand on at one time.

09-04-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Kingman does not "own" Spyder. Spyder is a line of their guns, not a separate company. Just like Airgun does not own RT. Its just a line of guns.

Guess what? You are wrong. Spyder is a brand name. Kingman owns and manufactures the brand. Just like Ford owns Lincoln/Mercury. The R/T is a marker, Spyder is the brand. Big difference. You know what, Kingman also owns Raven and a few other BRANDS. So you are wrong, Kingman does OWN Spyder!

09-04-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by automagfreek

Well, I for one have nothing but positive things to say about that Severe paint, it shot very well. I had no chops, and it flew straight and went exactly where I wanted it.

well sure it didnt chop but did it actually break. my buddy pinched a ball of severe in his tippmann