View Full Version : VIDEO: walking the trigger on a X-Mag

09-02-2003, 09:01 PM
Hi guys,

This is for Jack and Coke, apparently, you wanted to see someone walking the trigger of an X-mag, well there it is. I just got the mag so I didn't have time to mess up with the trigger neither practicing. Anyways, it seems that the Evlution have trouble keeping feeding. I'm speaking french on the vid, so don't try to understand! This is a real crappy version, I can make a super high res if needed. Just ask.

P.S. I have also a guy shooting a nice E-Bladed freeflow who sweared because he was having trouble...ahaheheahaehe.:D

click me!! (http://pages.infinit.net/hell/xmag1.wmv)

09-02-2003, 09:04 PM
consider you asked. get a little practice and rip on that.

09-02-2003, 09:10 PM
at first it seems not that fast but towards the middle he gets really fast. i can walk a timmy pretty fast. those are cool, you hit the side of the trigger and it fires.

09-02-2003, 09:59 PM
nice...but where are your mask?:)


09-02-2003, 10:14 PM
OMG OMG OMG NOOB TIME!! i have never seen someone walk the trigger like ! :amazed: :eek: 'tats soo cool'

its nice seeing my future loader in action on probably the best gun around :D :D

ill be watching that vid oh about 100 times tonite

and i would find it thuroughly amusing to see someone rip on a single-trigger gun :D but i dont mean something dope like a mag, im talkin' 'bout rippin on the single trigger Piranha VTL's and such :D

edit: i swear after watching that so many times im stoned @_@

09-02-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Twon
I can make a super high res if needed. Just ask.


USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
09-02-2003, 11:01 PM
Nice...definately a lot faster then I was when I first got my X LOL

09-02-2003, 11:04 PM
ALWAYS make a super high res :)

Jack & Coke
09-02-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Twon
Hi guys,

This is for Jack and Coke, apparently, you wanted to see someone walking the trigger of an X-mag, well there it is. I just got the mag so I didn't have time to mess up with the trigger neither practicing. Anyways, it seems that the Evlution have trouble keeping feeding. I'm speaking french on the vid, so don't try to understand! This is a real crappy version, I can make a super high res if needed. Just ask.

P.S. I have also a guy shooting a nice E-Bladed freeflow who sweared because he was having trouble...ahaheheahaehe.:D

click me!! (http://pages.infinit.net/hell/xmag1.wmv)

Thanks Twon...

Actually, the original request came from here:

From: http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=2007363#post2007363

terrorizer666 wrote:

...I have never seen a video, in which someone walked his e / xmag trigger real fast, and that always prefented me from buying an E or X Mag.

I know I <- (!) can walk the trigger with a Racegun Cocker, an Angel, an Intimidator, but I canīt with a Mag...

...If you happen to have a video of that, it may be an argument for the Mag. But these fullauto videos (TK and Butter's vids) donīt mean very much to me...

...Jack and Coke, I actually shot an X Mag C&C on my local field I own with a friend of mine. And I gotta say, either that dude was a complete techniquefish or X Mags feel like normal Automags.

The trigger he had was just crappy, very hard triggerpull, far away from walkable.

And with saying "I havenīt tried E or X Mags tho, cuz they arent allowed in Germany " I wanted to say, that I havenīt bought and owned an X or E Mag yet. I shot one, but that wasnīt such a good experience.

Well come on, dig em trigger-walking vidz up buddy!

Since it came from PBN, I posted a request here in hopes that someone could "show" us someone "walking" the emag trigger.


09-03-2003, 11:52 AM
I could make another hi res movie if someone can host it. Let me know.


09-04-2003, 02:21 PM
Awesome video Twon, your X-Mag, and your French-Speaking bad self. I dotn get why people cannot walk an X-Mag or Emag trigger...the first time I picked one up I could walk it perfectly. And I dont even have a marker that is walkable, I use an RTPX. I can walk my bros Impulse with the Eclipse trigger like no tomorrow, the Adrenaline Impulse with I-Frame very nicely, and a Timmy WAS and some good debounce, forget it! I think some people just gotta learn the trade..of walking..the trigger. NOICE

09-04-2003, 02:33 PM
i can host it, just find a way to send it to me

heres my email: [email protected]

09-04-2003, 04:56 PM
please post move of guy with the eblade :D

09-04-2003, 04:59 PM
As soon as I'll get premiere 6.5, like later today, I'll post the vid of the angry cocker owner and a guy ripping with his Matrix.


paintball snipy
09-04-2003, 05:30 PM
lets try english this time;)

09-04-2003, 09:44 PM
Nice. How is the trigger set up? How many magnets? Any spacers?

09-04-2003, 09:49 PM
I have a 2mm trigger pull with only one magnet, no spacer. I just came back from the proshop with some small o-ring. Ill try with 1 and 2 o-ring, see what happends


09-04-2003, 09:53 PM
you sure you don't want me to walk that trigger for you next time?...nah...I'll just make a new vid once I get my X_mag...oh well..

09-05-2003, 08:57 PM
I'll hav eto drag my buddy out and get a vid clip of my fUgLey Emag and Halo set up :) It fun watching my gun skip balls :)

I have detuned the gun a little so that I dont have refs up my but at events for "bounce" on mine. Ill dial it back in ( technically tournamnet legal ) and try to get some digial on it.
