View Full Version : Gap between body and valve

09-02-2003, 09:07 PM
I have a gap between body and valve its not that big about two quarters thick but very noticeable, is this normal and if not how can I fix this problem?

09-02-2003, 09:31 PM
Does the gun still work right?

09-03-2003, 03:23 AM
my guess would be that the end of you mag body is probly just a little short then it should be..... if this is the case it will have no adverse affect on your mag.....

most have a space of somesort.... do this.... look through the hole in your powerfeed.... if the bolt looks like it is just behind the area teh balls fall into... your ok.....

at worst you may need (if running a non-level 10 setup) a power tube spacer kit... but that is if your have a leak down the barrel....

the body rail is what lines every thing up in it proper place... so a length variation in the body wont make a difference....

09-03-2003, 08:05 AM
It shot great, but the other day I took the valve out(took the air off first) when I pulled it out there must have still been some air in the on/off becase it shot out of the valve assembly. Do you think my star will cover this if I send it in, or will I have to pay. I found the bottom part of the on/off with the pin but the double disc looking thing that goes in fist is missing......all my gun does now is shoot full auto.