View Full Version : 68 w/ classic valve leaking problem

09-03-2003, 07:31 PM
okay, so my friend loaned me his 68 classic to use under the condition that I fix it. so, the problem with the gun is as follows:

there is air leaking out of the rear of the gun from the velocity adjuster. I have checked and replaced both the regulator piston o-ring, and the regulator seat. the regulator seat is in the proper way (snaps into place, wide side towards the regulator), and all the other o-rings have been replaced. when I took the valve/regulator apart for the first time, the valve pin fell out of the valve (don't know if that is of importance, but to me it looks like it was attached to the valve spring in all the pictures, and the valve spring did not come out of the valve). ontop of the leaking, the velocity adjuster has to be set really low in order to minimize the leak (170-180 fps) and eventually while playing the velocity will creep (up to about 260 fps).

the valve is a classic valve, and the bolt is the lvlX.

any suggestions? any help is greatly appreciated...

edit: oh, I'm using nitro...and I just talked to dayspring in chat, and he said that the valve pin being seperated from the valve spring might be what's causing it, and it's not supposed to be that way to begin with, so tomorrow I'm goin to I&I and replacing it...thanks for the help, day...

09-03-2003, 08:52 PM
r u using co2 or nitro if u r using co2 ur gonnna have a problem my gun leak to with co2 but its fine with nitro

09-04-2003, 12:23 PM
If you replaced the high pressure piston and the velocity slowly creeps up, I'd look at replacing the spring pack as well. HTH.

09-04-2003, 10:12 PM
the spring pack/regulator piston were brand spanking new...the problem did end up being the regulator pin/spring, as the spring was bent and the pin would not seat all the way down in the spring...

thanks for all the help/suggestions :-)